Some lives obviously don't matter

There was an extremely important hearing in Congress a day before the James Comey hearing last week that almost no one heard about, because the majority of newspapers and networks didn't cover it.  It was not about fictional Russian collusion or non-obstruction (the investigation went on unimpeded).

It concerned the death in 2010 of a border guard, Brian Terry, at the hands of a criminal whose gun was sold to him by the Obama administration.  The ATF, Justice Department and White House colluded for years to block (obstruct) the public and the family of Terry from learning the truth.  Then-attorney general Eric Holder even committed perjury.  There was a whistleblower at the hearing.  The media and the Democrats showed throughout that hearing that they never cared about the man's death, and their lack of interest in this hearing shows that their apathy continues. 

From the following article:

The House Oversight Committee let loose with a scathing assessment of Eric Holder in a recent report, accusing the Barack Obama-era attorney general of outright misleading Congress on its investigation of the "Fast and Furious" gun-running scandal.

And get this. Among the report's 300 pages is the committee's finding that  Holder regarded the family of murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry as a "nuisance."

Terry, of course, was killed in December 2010 by a firearm believed to be part of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' Operation Fast and Furious program.

But key details of his death are fuzzy – like the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

"More than five years after Brian's murder, the Terry family still wonders about key details of Operation Fast and Furious," the report reads, Fox News reported "The Justice Department's obstruction of Congress's investigation contributed to the Terry family's inability to find answers."

Terry's death was supposedly the incident that led to revelation of Fast and Furious – the program that saw the feds turn blind eyes to 2,000 or so firearms illegally purchased by drug smugglers, in hopes of tracing them to cartel big-wigs. Sadly, the feds then lost track of 1,400 or so of these weapons – two of which turned up at Terry's crime scene.

Holder told investigators he didn't know of this program before Terry's murder.

But report authors say that's just not true.

Obama did everything he could for four years to keep the public and the family of Brian Terry from seeing documents from Operation Fast and Furious.

From the following article:

"Four years after asserting executive privilege to block Congress from obtaining documents relating to a controversial federal gun trafficking investigation, President Barack Obama relented Friday, turning over to lawmakers thousands of pages of records that led to unusual House votes holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt in 2012," Politico's Josh Gerstein wrote on Friday.

Fast and Furious remains the only scandal over which this president has used executive privilege power to hide documents from congressional investigators. Obama did not use the highly controversial power in any other scandal, including the following: Benghazi, IRS, Department of Justice phone-tapping, Pigford, General Services Administration (GSA), Solyndra, LightSquared, or EPA administrator email aliases.

In the Operation Fast and Furious scandal, the Obama administration let guns "walk"–or be trafficked without surveillance or any plan to regain control of them – into the hands of Mexican drug cartel criminals. As many as 2,000 high-powered rifles walked into Mexico as part of the scheme, and they were used to kill many Mexican citizens and even U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. 

Now, after House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) investigators have been litigating for years after Obama's now former Attorney General Eric Holder was held in both criminal and civil contempt of Congress, the president has dropped his executive privilege claim over the documents. The civil contempt of Congress resolution sparked this lawsuit against the administration while the criminal contempt resolution would have led to charges against Holder, but the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia declined to press forward with prosecution. Holder has since resigned at Attorney General. Several other administration officials resigned over this scandal.

There was an obvious theme through Obama's eight years that some lives didn't matter.  If your death interfered with Obama's legacy or agenda, it just wasn't important.  He had a sycophant media and Democrats who went along.

Whether you were a Border Patrol agent, or a DNC staffer shot in the back, or people killed by illegal immigrants, or people killed by terrorists, or a U.S. ambassador and his staff killed in Libya by al-Qaeda, the media and Democrats showed little interest, since these atrocities never advanced the Obama agenda.

With the border guard, the A.G. actually committed perjury, and no one asked him to resign.  With the DNC staffer, there has been little interest so far in what seem to be legitimate questions about why he was shot dead.  When people are killed by illegal immigrants, the media mostly ignore the story because sanctuary cities are safe.  When an ambassador is killed by terrorists, the president, his secretary of state, and others literally made up stories about a video.  The truth would hurt because an election was coming and Obama had said terrorists were on the run.  A couple months after the attack, then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton asked "what difference, at this point, does it make" how they died.  (It is a shame that the smartest woman in the world didn't know why it mattered.)  To this day, the media and the Democrats have not cared what Obama did on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, when he didn't lift a finger to help Americans under attack.  As for general attacks by terrorists, which were up throughout the world during Obama's eight years, we were told climate change is more dangerous than terrorism.  I am sure the people who died wouldn't agree.

Obama and the media did put some deaths to use.  When Michael Brown was shot in Ferguson, Mo., in a clearly justified killing by a white police officer, a fictitious "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" narrative began.  The Obama administration and the media were able to foment racial anger and hatred of cops even though the shooting was justified.  We had riots, damage, and police shootings because of this false narrative that the media willingly spread.  From the day of the shooting, the media sought to destroy the white police officer.  The media, Obama, and the Democrats obviously didn't care about Darren Wilson (the police officer) or his family.  They had a narrative to push.  Today they are out to destroy Donald Trump and his family every day because they have an agenda to push, once again, not because of any illegality.

Michelle Obama has said the Democrats take the high road when campaigning.  That could not be farther from the truth.  Democrats seek to destroy (they are the party of personal destruction) opponents of their agenda and stifle their speech.  A few days before Obama was elected, he said he wanted to remake America.  What is truly a danger to our freedom and democracy are the significant majority of reporters who also seek to destroy those who disagree with Democrats.  The media pick and choose what to report, the slant to put on the story, and what not to report.  The Terry murder and hearing should have been titillating to all investigative reporters (especially Watergate lovers), yet there was almost universal silence.  That shows pure ideology, not an interest in the truth.

We should all remember Brian Terry because the media and Democrats won't.  It is too bad he wasn't killed by a Tea Party member who belonged to the NRA.  Then we would have heard the story continuously. 

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