At colleges, the inmates are running the asylum

King of Hearts was a wonderful French film in 1966.  Set at the end of World War I, a Scottish soldier mistakenly identified as an explosives expert is sent to a small French town to defuse a bomb left by the retreating Germans.  But the town's inhabitants have all fled, leaving open the gates to the local insane asylum.  The inmates have fled the asylum and taken over the roles of the townspeople.  Coming from the fields of war, the soldier has no reason to suspect that these interlopers are not who they pretend to be. 

This scenario, to a point, is a perfect analogy for what has become of  our college campuses: the student inmates have taken over the asylum and are making a mockery of American university education.  The inmates – the pampered, brainwashed students who from childhood have been told they are both "special" and victims of one oppressive group or another, or that they are guilty of having "privilege" if born white,  apparently think they can disrupt with childish demands the campuses of the universities they are so fortunate to attend and where they supposedly study.

What they study and learn is how to make the most of their alleged victimhood or guilt.  This is what their parents and American taxpayers are paying for.  Many, if not most, of the students making the loudest noise are those getting their college indoctrination for free.  Not only have they been taught to feel entitled to their university educations for free, butthey feel ("feel" being the operative word) that they are entitled to dictate to their professors and administrators exactly how their colleges should be run.  No whites for a day?  No homework?  No conservative speakers allowed?  Segregated housing for African-Americans?  No free speech, no micro-aggressions, no literature without trigger warnings, which pretty much means no literature at all.  No offending words or opinions may be expressed, and the inmates must be provided with safe spaces stocked with stuffed animals, coloring books, and Silly Putty.

This is almost exactly how institutions for the mentally ill operate in order to keep their patients calm, compliant, and malleable.  Our student inmates are not calm, but they do not realize how compliant and malleable they are.

Our college residents of today are so blighted by our culture of political correctness that they make outrageous demands and on most campuses get their way.  The administrations of these schools capitulate, over and over again – U.C. BerkeleyU.C. Santa Cruz, Middlebury, YaleEvergreen, Missouri, etc.  The powers that be bend over and give these student thugs everything they claim to deserve.  There are exceptions, but only a few.

There is no courage among most college administrators these days.  They are scared to death of losing their jobs if they do not bow to every nonsensical student demand.  Today, self-appointed victim groups demand and get their own graduations – African-American, LGBT, Hispanic, etc.  The more one can be defined by race, class, or questionable gender, the better – the more credibility he, she, or whatever has on campus.

We have come full circle, and not in a good way.  Martin Luther King is turning over in his grave.  The content of one's character no longer matters.  Only one's status as a member of an aggrieved group has weight and meaning. 

As for character, it was once the principal trait parents sought to inculcate in their children.  Like gratitude, it seems to be, for the most part, a trait lost on the millennial generation.  Whose fault is this?  Parents, to be sure, but in the main, it is the fault of the left and its nearly 50-year assault on what Americans used to define as traditional values: love of family, love of country, knowledge of and respect for the Constitution, an essential religious faith, an accurate sense of the difference between right and wrong.  These things are unknown to these inmates who disrupt and perpetrate violence on their campuses.  They have been taught to dismiss such old-fashioned tenets of civilized life.  As a result, civilization is spinning out of control.  How do they respond to a terrorist attack?  They blame America, Christians, and white people in general and defend the barbarity of the terrorists.  In their warped worldview, they, the terrorists, are oppressed!

Elect a president these snowflakes have been taught to loathe?  There is no limit to their vicious rejection of him.  Their professors incite their wrath, as they too were taught that only ideas in alignment with their own are legitimate.

Kathy Griffin may not be a Millennial, but she is illustrative of their mindset.  Her fans, like Stephen Colbert's, Bill Maher's, etc., are college students.  Comics are no longer humorous; they are angry and intolerant, and so are their audiences.

The inmates of the film are not particularly angry; they enjoy their freedom and role-play, unlike our coddled student inmates of today, who are as mentally disordered as the inmates of the asylum in King of Hearts but operate out of sheer hatred and anger.  That is what they are being taught; it is the only thing they are learning.

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