American Thinker Blog
June 30, 2017
President Trump is changing the norms that empower his media antagonistsJune 30, 2017
Who cares what Trump tweets to some media pinhead?June 30, 2017
Feds report 1,000 active investigations in US into ISIS-related threatsJune 30, 2017
Softened up by the lapdog press, John Podesta was in for a surpriseJune 30, 2017
Federal judge issues temporary stay for California's high-capacity magazine banJune 30, 2017
Maine restaurant workers successfully lobby to reduce their minimum wageJune 30, 2017
John McEnroe is right: Serena Williams couldn't beat eggs on men's tourJune 30, 2017
Philly's first black DA shocks judge, suddenly pleads guilty during trial, led out of court in handcuffs and off to jailJune 30, 2017
So who is 'presidential'?June 30, 2017
The Trump Effect: Nashville won't become a sanctuary city after allJune 30, 2017
Iran's Paris Grand Convention for Democracy beginsJune 30, 2017
ISIS runs out of other people's moneyJune 30, 2017
A strangled chihuahua, a possessed rabbit, and the mediaJune 30, 2017
More flight cancelations to CubaJune 30, 2017
'Actual malice' and The New York TimesJune 29, 2017
Former top State Department official provides an excuse for Hillary's loss that is laugh-out-loud ridiculousJune 29, 2017
Maxine Waters, looking puny next to a giantJune 29, 2017
Mocking CNN at its low pointJune 29, 2017
Hannity takes on CNN and targets corruption in the investigations of President TrumpJune 29, 2017
Trump looks beyond health care to immigration agendaJune 29, 2017
New York Times account of Palin's lawsuit keeps digging their holeJune 29, 2017
I am a Muslim, and I support Trump's travel restrictionsJune 29, 2017
FBI agent indicted for making false statements in LeVoy Finicum shootingJune 29, 2017
Australian senior Vatican official charged with sexual assaultJune 29, 2017
California Dems kill plan to forensically audit Janet Napolitano's $175-million scandal at the University of CaliforniaJune 29, 2017
Who knew journalists were just snowflakes?June 29, 2017
Some unsolicited advice for left-wing elitistsJune 29, 2017
Enough already: Move the embassy to JerusalemJune 29, 2017
Modeling assassination is more dangerous than verbal endorsement of violenceJune 29, 2017
The media have themselves to blameJune 28, 2017
Clinton campaign chief testifies before House intel committee behind closed doorsJune 28, 2017
Illinois Dems submit another fantasy budget amid talk of federal bailoutJune 28, 2017
Justice Ginsburg has to choose her historic legacy nowJune 28, 2017
Even Democrats are disgusted with Obama's in-your-face luxury vacationsJune 28, 2017
3 cops indicted for lying in shooting of Chicago's Laquan McDonaldJune 28, 2017
Venezuela: 'Rogue' police helicopter drops grenades on government buildingsJune 28, 2017
Trump EPA to rescind Obama 'Waters of America' power grabJune 28, 2017
Bernie Sanders blows up, refuses to answer Erin Burnett's question on FBI investigation of wifeJune 28, 2017
Sarah Palin sues New York Times for libel over editorial claiming she incited Jared Loughner's mass shootingJune 28, 2017
President Trump gets a bear hug from IndiaJune 28, 2017
Warren Buffett, socialistJune 28, 2017
The damage when minimum wage is too highJune 28, 2017
The Beguiled and The Big SickJune 28, 2017
Do the mainstream media profit from their hatred of Trump?June 28, 2017
The cartels' new 'tango route'June 27, 2017
Gorsuch proves himself strong defender of religious freedomJune 27, 2017
The world is turning to crap for the DemocratsJune 27, 2017
Jason Riley’s False Black Power published todayJune 27, 2017
Some accountability at CNN at last?June 27, 2017
Megyn Kelly's NBC show continues to tankJune 27, 2017
Student who registered dead people for Democrats headed to prisonJune 27, 2017
CNN Fake News, living up to its nameJune 27, 2017
Why is the Secret Service going so easy on agent who proclaimed she wouldn't take a bullet for Trump?June 27, 2017
Questions Democrats are never asked on health careJune 27, 2017
NYT op-ed: Trump assassination fantasies 'a social necessity'June 27, 2017
The Trinity Lutheran revolutionJune 27, 2017
The Senate's Obamacare repeal is a trapJune 27, 2017
Trump-hating circuit courts get a rude awakeningJune 27, 2017
Republicans at the crossroads on Obamacare repealJune 27, 2017
A 'minimum wage' that kills wagesJune 26, 2017
Death wish progressivesJune 26, 2017
Chuck Todd on MTP does not ask Bernie Sanders about FBI investigation of wife for $10-mil bank fraudJune 26, 2017
Why CNN can't have nice thingsJune 26, 2017
College professor who defended blacks-only Memorial Day event firedJune 26, 2017
Growing concerns about US nuclear weapons in TurkeyJune 26, 2017
President Trump will call for 'US dominance' in energy as part of 'Energy Week'June 26, 2017
Crowded GOP agenda could mean delay in raising debt limitJune 26, 2017
Obamacare dying even without congressional repealJune 26, 2017
NEA spends taxpayer money on play about lesbian illegal alienJune 26, 2017
Pride parades disrupted over who is the biggest victimJune 26, 2017
Venezuela: What a slide into civil war looks likeJune 26, 2017
Outsourcing the New York Times newsJune 26, 2017
Au revoir, Paris agreement: Biblical perspectives on climate changeJune 26, 2017
Iran's missile launches: A sign of strength or weakness?June 26, 2017
The assassination of the political system (it's not about Trump)June 26, 2017
Are the Democrats falling into a Russia trap?June 25, 2017
What does 'COVFEFE' mean? Try rising military moraleJune 25, 2017
MSNBC goes OCD: mentions ‘Russia’ 56 times in one hour programJune 25, 2017
Chicago Police unable to control thousand-strong gang party lasting hoursJune 25, 2017
Megyn Kelley first loses conservatives, now is losing liberalsJune 25, 2017
Targeting Power Line: The Left cooks up new incentives against thinkingJune 25, 2017
Politicians in Illinois continue to bicker as state careens toward fiscal disasterJune 25, 2017
Saudis foil suicide attack on Grand Mosque in MeccaJune 25, 2017
Merkel's about face on refugees key to her electoral surgeJune 25, 2017
'Snowden Worship'June 25, 2017
Single payer universal health care plan killed in CaliforniaJune 25, 2017
Persistent rumors that Justice Anthony Kennedy will retireJune 25, 2017
Schumer knew Trump wasn't under investigation when he claimed he wasJune 25, 2017
The Great Unmasking continues: Professor claims Otto Warmbier ‘got exactly what he deserved’June 25, 2017
Google discovers that Big Government has its downsideJune 25, 2017
Dissolve Illinois and federalize the CubsJune 24, 2017
'Death Party' Dems: Barack and HillaryJune 24, 2017
WaPo targets Sean Hannity (again) – and that should tell us somethingJune 24, 2017
GOP health care reform: Maybe it is better to 'fail' than 'succeed'June 24, 2017
Judiciary Committee opens formal investigation into former AG LynchJune 24, 2017
Porn-obsessed JournoLister cranks up the Rhodes slime machine against GorkaJune 24, 2017
Bernie and Jane Sanders lawyering up for FBI fraud investigationJune 24, 2017
Judge dismisses most charges against pro-life activists in Planned Parenthood stingJune 24, 2017
CNN busted trying to send false 'Russia collusion' story down the memory holeJune 24, 2017
Arab states issue ultimatum to QatarJune 24, 2017
The Obamas' never-ending vacation: Tropical Bali editionJune 24, 2017
Here we go again: Another Trump-hating Washington Post 'revelation'June 24, 2017
Is Johnny Depp a rich and famous James T. Hodgkinson?June 24, 2017
Afghanistan: Just walk awayJune 24, 2017
The man who destroyed the Democrats can't wait to campaign againJune 24, 2017
Never-Trump enemies withinJune 23, 2017
Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciaryJune 23, 2017
Face it: Democrats are way up a creek and can't remember where they left the paddleJune 23, 2017
Trump poised to soar in the polls, IBD's market chartheads sayJune 23, 2017
Judge halts deportation of 100 IraqisJune 23, 2017
Johnny Depp: 'When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?'June 23, 2017
Senate conservatives try to gain leverage over health care overhaulJune 23, 2017
A very bad month for MexicoJune 23, 2017
Guess who pays for too much government lendingJune 23, 2017
The message of the leftJune 23, 2017
New Oakland Police Commission being created: 'Formerly incarcerated individuals encouraged to apply'June 23, 2017
Bath towel rationalityJune 23, 2017
Do we really need a Space Corps?June 23, 2017
Blinder leading the blindJune 23, 2017
The 'Gatekeeper' theoryJune 22, 2017
Why Democrats keep losingJune 22, 2017
Spot the difference: CNN vs. Breitbart editionJune 22, 2017
Kass: Dissolve Illinois!June 22, 2017
US on track to reduce CO2 emissions even without Paris accordJune 22, 2017
Refugees from socialism: The next migrant wave won't be from ISISJune 22, 2017
Government says 30% of children caught at border have ties to violent drug gangsJune 22, 2017
CNN poobah Jeff Zucker bangs his spoon on his high chairJune 22, 2017
'Planned Politicalhood' goes all inJune 22, 2017
Iran's missile program stepped up after nuclear dealJune 22, 2017
Maybe it's time to send the pollsters and Dems back to schoolJune 22, 2017
Ossoff's defeat is a win for America!June 22, 2017
Donald Trump's wealth redistribution planJune 22, 2017
Democrats: The five stages of dealing with TrumpJune 22, 2017
Is higher government spending always the solution?June 21, 2017
Damn it, GOP: Do something!June 21, 2017
Hannity for the defense: Fox News stalwart shinesJune 21, 2017
How'd that referendum on Trump work out?June 21, 2017
Some people hate Trump. More people hate liberals.June 21, 2017
At last: A usable definition of 'privilege'June 21, 2017
Why are Democrats still addicted to campaign 'war chests'?June 21, 2017
The reptilian visage of the American leftJune 21, 2017
Even small government needs inspectorsJune 21, 2017
Georgia can't be bought: A sweet, sweet victoryJune 21, 2017
What makes the new Iran sanctions significant?June 21, 2017
NASA not publicizing 8 months of cooler temperaturesJune 21, 2017
NYT columnist thinks who should be deported?June 21, 2017
A silent minority fights for its rights at San Francisco State UJune 21, 2017
Let California become our 'single-payer' test caseJune 21, 2017
The ACLU, from Paris to BroadwayJune 20, 2017
What if Robert Mueller is a straight shooter and not a swamp monster?June 20, 2017
Cupcakes from Adele for the Grenfell firefightersJune 20, 2017
How low can they go? Hillary may have trumped MSMJune 20, 2017
Moby cartoon video corrupting children into hatred and accepting violence against President TrumpJune 20, 2017
Democracies die in assassinations, sometimesJune 20, 2017
Susan Rice skates againJune 20, 2017
Will Americans wait longer for fresh fast food?June 20, 2017
MSNBC, CBS imply that Scalise kind of had it comingJune 20, 2017
Megyn's stunt was no hitJune 20, 2017
Republican health reform: First, do no harmJune 20, 2017
America is a Christian farJune 20, 2017
Mother Jones vs. Dave RubinJune 20, 2017
The other MS-13 storyJune 19, 2017
Leftists unwittingly propose the perfect government monument to ObamaJune 19, 2017
Does the health care industry love Obamacare enough to fight to save it?June 19, 2017
Report: Mueller hasn't decided to investigate Trump for obstructionJune 19, 2017
Nunes: 'Stop chasing Russian ghosts around the closet'June 19, 2017
Former NFL quarterback refers to cops as 'the fugitive slave patrol'June 19, 2017
Finsbury Park: When 'terrorism' becomes a useful wordJune 19, 2017
Megyn Kelly and NBC News do hit job on Alex Jones and TrumpJune 19, 2017
US warplane shoots down Syrian government jetJune 19, 2017
More fishiness in the ramming of USS FitzgeraldJune 19, 2017
Bill O'Reilly: 'I am starting my own operation'June 19, 2017
A lemon for the teacherJune 19, 2017
Congress may override DC gun laws to allow itself full self-defenseJune 19, 2017
President Trump has every right to be furious about this investigationJune 19, 2017
The crisis of the leftJune 19, 2017
Do we have a common cause?June 18, 2017
Something is fishy about USS Fitzgerald story we are getting from the mediaJune 18, 2017
Georgia special election comes down to the wire with candidates in a virtual dead heatJune 18, 2017
Is the Castroite ratline for criminals finally ending?June 18, 2017
IL comptroller warns of 'massive fiscal crisis' by end of the monthJune 18, 2017
Deep State: All about re-living high schoolJune 18, 2017
Farm workers demand 'Milk with dignity' from left wing Ben and Jerry's Ice CreamJune 18, 2017
Illinois taxpayers fund golden parachute for university president resigning amid scandal investigationJune 18, 2017
Jihad meets Antifa as mob of 100 masked ‘migrant youth’ in Sweden attack police with sticks and batsJune 18, 2017
No jail time for black hate crime hoaxers in AlbanyJune 18, 2017
Their Silence is DeafeningJune 18, 2017
Academics Reject BDSJune 18, 2017
What's so bad about demanding the return of a cop-killer?June 18, 2017
Gun control for thee, not for meJune 18, 2017
The widening gap within American politicsJune 17, 2017
Trump assassination play interrupted by protestersJune 17, 2017
Navy destroyer in Sea of Japan: A sideways collision or more fake news?June 17, 2017
Trump supporters: Little children they are notJune 17, 2017
Bare-naked hypocrisyJune 17, 2017
Ben Rhodes looking to hold anti-Castro Cubans 'accountable'June 17, 2017
Epic fail: Seattle gun tax has opposite effect of what was promisedJune 17, 2017
The true 'climate deniers'June 17, 2017
The Democrats should spend some time with Camille Paglia this weekendJune 17, 2017
Labor Party head Jeremy Corbyn wants to seize houses of rich people to house Grenfell Tower survivorsJune 17, 2017
Canada criminalizes non-progressive thoughtJune 17, 2017
'Out of the barrel of a gun'June 17, 2017
Straight talk and Palestinian 'intent'June 17, 2017
The sacred, the profane, and the resistanceJune 17, 2017
Iran's triangle of fearJune 17, 2017
David Bonderman vs. womanhoodJune 16, 2017
Sorry, Dr. Krauthammer: The problem is on the leftJune 16, 2017
Green deathtraps: energy-saving renovation blamed for horrific Grenfell Tower fire in LondonJune 16, 2017
The F-35: Even the engine is compromisedJune 16, 2017
UN official calls on North Korea to explain what happened to US hostageJune 16, 2017
Senate overwhelmingly approves new Russia, Iran sanctionsJune 16, 2017
The shots heard 'round the USAJune 16, 2017
Iranian officials: Western states responsible for terrorist attacks in LondonJune 16, 2017
Pat Buchanan shows Trump how to win on history's battlefieldJune 16, 2017
Violent liberalism strikes againJune 16, 2017
Steve Scalise's situation remains criticalJune 16, 2017
As both fight bureaucrats, why is Macron praised and Trump trashed?June 16, 2017
Mueller needs to shoot down WaPoJune 16, 2017
Religion and secularization in the Middle EastJune 16, 2017
For Democrats, it's come down to 'Just Get Someone'June 15, 2017
A partial list of threats against GOP and Trump from Hollywood celebritiesJune 15, 2017
Fox News Channel reportedly retires its 'Fair & Balanced' mottoJune 15, 2017
Senate defeats measure to ban precision weapons from Saudi arms dealJune 15, 2017
New York Times publishes despicable lies to soften its own culpability for left-wing violenceJune 15, 2017
About those two Capitol Police officers...June 15, 2017
UN: 'Staggering loss of life' from US bombing of RaqqaJune 15, 2017
At least there's no doubt about the assassin's motivationJune 15, 2017
The left's war on patriots and traditional AmericaJune 15, 2017
Senator Sanders is feeling the burnJune 15, 2017
Antifa terrorismJune 15, 2017
Another congressman shot, and civility continues to crumbleJune 15, 2017
Terrorist's presence in New York parade an insult to victims and policeJune 15, 2017
The brilliant Terry McAuliffeJune 15, 2017
The Alexandria shooting: A silver lining?June 15, 2017
Fake news media have blood on their handsJune 14, 2017
Bernie fan narrowly thwarted in attempt to mow down GOP Congressional baseball teamJune 14, 2017
Update: GOP congressman shotJune 14, 2017
Rome mayor calls for immigration restrictionsJune 14, 2017
Cambridge University warns against 'sexist' terms like 'genius' and 'brilliance'June 14, 2017
What happens in Iran after the ISIS attacks?June 14, 2017
American hostage freed by North Korea arrives home in a comaJune 14, 2017
Chavista celebrities refuse to say they were wrong about socialismJune 14, 2017
The latest cable ratings are not good tidings for Fox NewsJune 14, 2017
Democrat forebodings: Obamacare about to be derailedJune 14, 2017
The dishonesty of Anderson Cooper and James ClapperJune 14, 2017
Liberals push fake news on internet privacyJune 14, 2017
Thank you, Bernie!June 14, 2017
Google Doodles: Don't be white or too famousJune 14, 2017
Trump should demand an expedited judgment from Bob MuellerJune 14, 2017
Israel: Confronting fake news, one camera at a timeJune 14, 2017
Can the UK Conservatives get a majority?June 13, 2017
Seven-year-old girl wants to hug a cop in all 50 statesJune 13, 2017
Mueller staffs up to pursue obstruction of justiceJune 13, 2017
The Trump-hating left's descent into pornoviolenceJune 13, 2017
Swedish womyn social (justice) workers love refugees – literallyJune 13, 2017
Last week's ratings are in: More bad news for the struggling Fox News ChannelJune 13, 2017
A close look at the left as Ahab, Trump as their whaleJune 13, 2017
Iago ComeyJune 13, 2017
Only in America: Boys gain sports stardom by beating girlsJune 13, 2017
The other thing Chancellor Merkel said in MexicoJune 13, 2017
Liberal media: Here's a way to double your chance of death!June 13, 2017
Immunizing fake newsJune 13, 2017
Terrorist attack in Tehran: Don't be fooledJune 13, 2017
Senate sanctions to reverse Obama's 'Iran first' policyJune 13, 2017
Some lives obviously don't matterJune 13, 2017
Yemen: A new Mideast flash point?June 12, 2017
Bill O’Reilly promises 'stunning' information about his firing by Fox News as litigation likelyJune 12, 2017
Democrats' long knives for Hillary starting to be unsheathedJune 12, 2017
Ten transgender truths for legislators and concerned citizensJune 12, 2017
Venezuela's bishops let the pope have itJune 12, 2017
Comey and Mueller have a history as a Deep State tag teamJune 12, 2017
Senator Feinstein wants probe of Loretta Lynch handling of email caseJune 12, 2017
British prime minister's office denies Trump delay in state visitJune 12, 2017
Puerto Rico votes overwhelmingly for statehoodJune 12, 2017
Cultural grandees called out over Trump assassination shoehorned into ShakespeareJune 12, 2017
Steeped in sophistry, Merkel in Mexico lectures the US about wallsJune 12, 2017
A perspective on multiculturalismJune 12, 2017
The real QatarJune 12, 2017
45 and counting...June 12, 2017
Progressive frog boilJune 12, 2017
The two AmericasJune 11, 2017
A vast conspiracy of silence kept the ‘Russia collusion’ story aliveJune 11, 2017
Science fights back against the global warming fraudJune 11, 2017
Tourists shun Castro's Cuba like a bad smellJune 11, 2017
The laws are there - it's time to take action on JerusalemJune 11, 2017
Prosecutor charges 12 Dem staffers in Indiana with voter fraudJune 11, 2017
Biden niece won't serve time for $100 K credit card scamJune 11, 2017
The 'Trump Effect' at the border: By the numbersJune 11, 2017
'Burden of Education' – the Next Brick in Lunacy’s WallJune 11, 2017
Bernie Sanders disagrees with JesusJune 11, 2017
Porgy and Bess and the American ProphecyJune 11, 2017
Trash-mouth Kirsten Gillibrand needs help coming up with Trump's accomplishmentsJune 11, 2017
Trump headed to MiamiJune 11, 2017
Trump outdoing Obama on 'DREAMers,' continuing catch and releaseJune 11, 2017
Why is Trump propping up Obamacare?June 11, 2017
Donald Trump in The Wizard of Oz, a Capitol Hill productionJune 10, 2017
Some simple questions for James ComeyJune 10, 2017
Ben Rhodes shills up a glowing 'narrative' for CastrocareJune 10, 2017
Bernie Sanders parades his religious intoleranceJune 10, 2017
Pelosi questions Trump's mental health, then calls him 'President Bush'June 10, 2017
Canada's bizarre celebrationJune 10, 2017
97.5% of Jon Ossoff contributions come from outside GeorgiaJune 10, 2017
Pro-Trump float denied permission to participate in gay pride paradeJune 10, 2017
Why is Trump teasing Comey (and us) about taping his conversations?June 10, 2017
What the heck just happened in the UK?June 10, 2017
Media ignore another Trump diplomatic triumph yesterdayJune 10, 2017
Michelle Obama and family go high, higher, highestJune 10, 2017
To understand the Comey swamp, look to Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's TravelsJune 10, 2017
Pollsters are going to take polls to see what is wrong with pollsJune 10, 2017
Oslo: Diplomacy's real faceJune 10, 2017
Theresa May's dilemmaJune 9, 2017
Comey: A six-foot, eight-inch Pajama BoyJune 9, 2017
Dumping Dodd-Frank: How we get our economy backJune 9, 2017
Getting to the bottom of 'known' terroristsJune 9, 2017
The Comey Comedy ShowJune 9, 2017
After surprise loss in election, British PM May refuses to resignJune 9, 2017
Canada mulls putting Iran's Revolutionary Guards on its terror listJune 9, 2017
Swampy Washington swallows another insiderJune 9, 2017
Priest-activist: Trump 'a blessing' for the ChurchJune 9, 2017
Trump fends off 'Showboat' Comey and the federal zombiesJune 9, 2017
Muslims confirm their own proclivity for terrorJune 9, 2017
Excuse me...but isn't the president, in actual fact, the chief prosecutor?June 9, 2017
Canada takes a step in the right directionJune 9, 2017
Americans bullied and deceivedJune 9, 2017
Undercutting American accountantsJune 8, 2017
Andrew McCarthy demolishes the argument that Trump obstructed justice, or even did anything wrong, in dinner talk with ComeyJune 8, 2017
Guess who got busted for ‘fake news’June 8, 2017
Comey speaks! (a live blog)June 8, 2017
Trump in full court press to get Senate Obamacare repeal doneJune 8, 2017
More than 100 girls had their genitals cut by Detroit doctor: ProsecutorJune 8, 2017
What's happening to Breitbart?June 8, 2017
Obama’s State Department covered up Iranian cyber-attack during nuke deal negotiationsJune 8, 2017
Amazon offering 50% off on Prime membership for people on food stampsJune 8, 2017
Two kosher restaurants in Manchester firebombedJune 8, 2017
UK elections: A referendum on terrorism and rogue regimesJune 8, 2017
How to use betting markets to take money from liberalsJune 8, 2017
Addressing Canada, Obama is out of ideasJune 8, 2017
From Iran, Rouhani's first two weeks in office the worst on recordJune 8, 2017
What is the Democratic platform?June 8, 2017
What is NAFTA for, anyway?June 7, 2017
London mayor Sadiq Khan accidentally reveals Trump's criticisms of his statement were correctJune 7, 2017
Government bureaucrats now have the power to take children away from their parents if they oppose non-biological 'gender identity'June 7, 2017
Kathy Griffin reveals how the radical left thinksJune 7, 2017
Wikileaks offers 10K reward for information that would get Intercept reporter firedJune 7, 2017
Peer-reviewed scientific papers increasingly cast doubt on catastrophic anthropogenic global warmingJune 7, 2017
Are Trump's tweets 'statements of policy'?June 7, 2017
Why kids can't thinkJune 7, 2017
Megan Leavey: A welcome, warm-hearted movie with a woofJune 7, 2017
Loss of Anchor Insurance leaves 20 Ohio counties with no Obamacare coverageJune 7, 2017
Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist finds no more 'thoughtful' conservatives leftJune 7, 2017
The Washington Post fails to recognize what Israel's Six-Day War was really aboutJune 7, 2017
Will Iran's Hassan Rouhani negotiate on Syria?June 7, 2017
Georgia: Ossoff's extreme leftist army must be defeatedJune 7, 2017
News flash: Where you live is the House of WarJune 7, 2017
Time to end political correctness...on the rightJune 7, 2017
Comey before Congress as dramatic as the first rounds of the NBA playoffsJune 6, 2017
Broadcasting's brazen Trump-bashersJune 6, 2017
Leaker named Reality confirms NSA report that Russia attempted actual election hackJune 6, 2017
Another young lefty contracter leaks top secretsJune 6, 2017
Mayor de Blasio now says he wouldn't have marched in parade honoring a terroristJune 6, 2017
Melbourne jihadist hostage-taker acquitted in 2010 of planning suicide attackJune 6, 2017
85% drop in food stamp recipients in AL counties where work requirement restartedJune 6, 2017
London mayor demands travel ban – against Donald TrumpJune 6, 2017
The Times: Propaganda organ of the leftJune 6, 2017
Politicians' 'weak platitudes' won't stop terrorism. And the people know that.June 6, 2017
Bernie: Do you really need $1 million to live?June 6, 2017
How some Chinese students view 'fresh air'June 6, 2017
A major flaw in liberal utopianismJune 6, 2017
Should Breitbart have fired a reporter who blamed attacks on Muslims?June 6, 2017
Could the secretary of agriculture be the most crucial Cabinet position for Israel?June 6, 2017
All my rowdy friends are coming back Monday nightJune 5, 2017
Rogue Envoy: Why is Hillary Clinton's private server man running the US embassy in UK and undercutting Trump's tweets?June 5, 2017
Should a liberal gun control activist have a Navy warship named after her?June 5, 2017
Watch fake news created by CNN to confirm narrative of 'good Muslims'June 5, 2017
Please, Democrats, take this advice!June 5, 2017
Busted: NBC withdraws fake news report that Putin 'does not deny having compromising information on President Trump'June 5, 2017
Saudis, 3 other Arab states, sever ties with QatarJune 5, 2017
Understanding the left and ParisJune 5, 2017
Americans should join the anti-sharia protests across the country SaturdayJune 5, 2017
At colleges, the inmates are running the asylumJune 5, 2017
African witch doctors stealing baby parts to help politicians win electionsJune 5, 2017
Ms. Griffin, you're fired!June 5, 2017
Phony campus racist claims cost hundreds jobsJune 5, 2017
Kathy Griffin should be prosecutedJune 5, 2017
Surf's upJune 5, 2017
Is Trump changing his attitude toward Cuba?June 4, 2017
Ambassador Haley slams UN 'Human Rights' CommissionJune 4, 2017
New Leak: Trump administration has its eyes on Goldman-Venezuela bailout dealJune 4, 2017
Washington Post telegraphs the coming targets of the LeftJune 4, 2017
Dems hope Georgia becomes national template for House takeoverJune 4, 2017
Guess how liberals reacted to the Islamic attack in London?June 4, 2017
London Mayor Sadiq Khan's tweets haven't aged wellJune 4, 2017
CNN host calls President Trump a ‘piece of s**t’June 4, 2017
London terror attackers: CNN baffled on the motivesJune 4, 2017
Britain surrenders to IslamJune 4, 2017
Aussie PM defends opponent of same-sex marriageJune 4, 2017
On 75th anniversary of battle, Chicago mulls renaming Midway airport after ObamaJune 4, 2017
No word, not even the N-word, should be bannedJune 4, 2017
Trump criticized for failing to celebrate Gay Sex MonthJune 4, 2017
The legacy of the Six-Day WarJune 4, 2017
Remember when we used to hear about the Democrats' great database?June 3, 2017
Legislator introduces bill to cut state funding and privatize Evergreen State UniversityJune 3, 2017
Harvard historian beclowns self over Paris Climate AccordJune 3, 2017
Farmer, barred from market for same-sex marriage views, sues cityJune 3, 2017
Germany’s car industry association officially confirms the truth of President Trump's reasons for withdrawal from Paris Climate AccordJune 3, 2017
Single-payer health care advances in CA, but they still don't know how to pay for itJune 3, 2017
Trump vs. the plutocratsJune 3, 2017
Jamelle Bouie: Rise in hate crimes due to Trump electionJune 3, 2017
Lifestyles of Rich and Chavista: Venezuela's plutocrats finally draw scrutinyJune 3, 2017
Press groups want Congress to investigate Gianforte 'body slam'June 3, 2017
Prime Minister Corbyn? UK polls narrowing dangerously for conservativesJune 3, 2017
Kathy Griffin blames the victimJune 3, 2017
Liberals' hot air behind impending climate change disaster!June 3, 2017
Is Malibu overrated?June 3, 2017
FAA frowns on pilots having more than one gender in five yearsJune 3, 2017
We love participation trophies...don't we?June 2, 2017
An avalanche of pullouts from the Paris Climate Agreement?June 2, 2017
Kathy Griffin claims she is victim of ‘bullying’June 2, 2017
Macron proposes Paris for a global junk science oasisJune 2, 2017
Trump administration takes travel ban challenges to the Supreme CourtJune 2, 2017
Sean Hannity calls Joe Scarborough an 'arrogant, pompous jackass' who has 'begged for jobs at Fox'June 2, 2017
Ben Rhodes's Paris Twitter meltdownJune 2, 2017
How young radical Hillary helped Eric Clanton get a lawyerJune 2, 2017
The termites are scurrying to the shadowsJune 2, 2017
Trump vs. the 'sleep experts'June 2, 2017
How long before the Democrats call for a truce on the Russian probe?June 2, 2017
Chastising Simon and SchusterJune 2, 2017
Two years without a budget, Illinois government still can't get its act togetherJune 2, 2017
Trump admitting Islamist refugees at an accelerated rateJune 2, 2017
Companies that 'cause global warming' furious Trump won't penalize themJune 2, 2017
Why don't congressional Republicans stand up and defend Trump?June 1, 2017
Trump pulls out of Paris Accord on ‘America First’ groundsJune 1, 2017
Al Franken (the genius!) inadvertently speaks the truth – about Kathy Griffin's 'apology'June 1, 2017
Hillary Clinton's spiraling rage gets ShakespeareanJune 1, 2017
Hillary meets Einstein's definition of insanityJune 1, 2017
Ohio files suit against 5 drug companies over opioid addictionJune 1, 2017
Trump should not sign the Paris agreementJune 1, 2017
God has perfect forgiveness for Kathy Griffin. America shouldn't.June 1, 2017
Would the Russia investigation stop if Trump fired Kushner?June 1, 2017
The honest Comey?June 1, 2017
Civil wars all aroundJune 1, 2017
The anti-Trump brigade is out of ideasJune 1, 2017
Finally, conservatives are fighting back!June 1, 2017
Trump's defining momentJune 1, 2017
A question that deserves to be answeredJune 1, 2017
The real opposition party
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- Democrats and their digging
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