American Thinker Blog
May 31, 2017
So what does Weiner have on Huma and Hillary?May 31, 2017
SCOTUS to hear Ohio voter purge caseMay 31, 2017
Kathy Griffin apologies for a joke that didn't workMay 31, 2017
The coming shortage of doctors can be blamed on ObamacareMay 31, 2017
Lefties now demanding statue of Sam Houston be removed from Houston ParkMay 31, 2017
Ancient Egyptians looked more like Eddie Fisher than Eddie MurphyMay 31, 2017
Who made Adam Schiff chairman of the House Intelligence Committee?May 31, 2017
The real reason Lebanon's satraps banned the 'Wonder Woman' movieMay 31, 2017
A parliament of whores and thievesMay 31, 2017
Missile defense damns Obama 'flexibility'May 31, 2017
Kathy Griffin's bloody head of TrumpMay 31, 2017
Daring Dog urinates on Fearless GirlMay 31, 2017
Crunching the numbers of Iran's presidential electionMay 31, 2017
How much more chaos can Brazil take?May 31, 2017
Frau Merkel and European defenseMay 30, 2017
It's not easy being Bernie Sanders...May 30, 2017
South Korea president 'surprised' at additional THAAD missile deploymentMay 30, 2017
Influential lefty journo admits 'internal sickness' of DemsMay 30, 2017
How did Obama's programs help minorities?May 30, 2017
Canada's Trudeau invites pope to an apology tourMay 30, 2017
Merkel not used to American truth-tellingMay 30, 2017
Will Iran's Rouhani change course?May 30, 2017
Venezuela figures out how to not run out of other people's moneyMay 30, 2017
More bad news for warmists: NASA finds no retreat of polar iceMay 30, 2017
Trump planning to trim 'get whitey' bureaucracyMay 30, 2017
Should celebrities (and politicians) smile more in their mugshots?May 30, 2017
Oakland literally to have the inmates running the asylumMay 30, 2017
Free college and indoctrinationMay 30, 2017
President Trump and NATOMay 30, 2017
'Public health leaders' must condemn terrorMay 29, 2017
Mad Max Waters: ‘American public is getting weary’ that Trump not impeached yetMay 29, 2017
France's Macron makes a big play for Russia's affectionMay 29, 2017
Has anything changed with Rouhani's re-election in Iran?May 29, 2017
General Mattis leads from the frontMay 29, 2017
Deep State: Its long list of leaksMay 29, 2017
Obama's ratlines to RussiaMay 29, 2017
The radical past of Diablo Valley professor Eric Clanton's left-wing lawyerMay 29, 2017
The US and tolerance of dictatorsMay 29, 2017
A thought about Memorial Day 2017May 29, 2017
Hacksaw Ridge: No snowflakes hereMay 29, 2017
Memorial Day reflectionsMay 28, 2017
The stupidest thing Nancy Pelosi has ever said?May 28, 2017
A Tale of Two First Couples’ AffectionsMay 28, 2017
The Nitpick Press shoots its credibility wadMay 28, 2017
President Trump ready to put the Paris Climate Accord out of its misery?May 28, 2017
Least surprising academic study of 2017: physically weak men tend to be socialistsMay 28, 2017
Reality check: Backdoor presidential communications used to be O.K.May 28, 2017
Bad news for Warmists: North Pole ice cap the same thickness as 1940May 28, 2017
MSNBC terrorism analyst: ‘Maybe Kushner planned to send nuclear codes to Russia’May 28, 2017
Why are you making these people rich?May 28, 2017
Leaving Montana: Georgia, here we come!May 28, 2017
The dishonest rhetoric of gun control advocatesMay 28, 2017
Star Wars: An OK movie, but a heck of a good investment!May 27, 2017
After Wellesley, yes, Hillary's still runningMay 27, 2017
Spengler lays out the deeper forces at play in Trump's visit to the Western WallMay 27, 2017
Swamp-draining: More on Waters of the United States ruleMay 27, 2017
After Coptic massacre, Trump gives Egypt courage to blow out terrorist hellholes in LibyaMay 27, 2017
Katy Perry SEAL smackdown: A turning point on celebrity blather?May 27, 2017
Some future commencement topics for Hillary ClintonMay 27, 2017
Trump targets food stampsMay 27, 2017
Presidential power: Levers and pulleysMay 27, 2017
Why is Trump's Defense Department celebrating Ramadan?May 27, 2017
Trump quietly doubling number of refugees entering USMay 27, 2017
Another tough night for the resistanceMay 27, 2017
Misleading headlines on ObamacareMay 27, 2017
Marijuana: Another Obama time bomb?May 27, 2017
Your opinion is hate speechMay 27, 2017
CNN: Certainly Not NewsMay 26, 2017
What the heck happened with Greg Gianforte and that 'body slam'?May 26, 2017
Berkeley Police arrest ‘professor’ as alleged antifa bike lock attackerMay 26, 2017
President Trump and the German car imbroglioMay 26, 2017
‘Intense backlash’ proves the truth of Ben Carson: poverty ‘a state of mind’May 26, 2017
Planned Parenthood exposer’s legal woes increaseMay 26, 2017
Muslim 'sentiments' defeated Trump's temporary travel banMay 26, 2017
Why did Trump say that Obama spied on him? Because he did.May 26, 2017
Zuckerberg calls for guaranteed income; write him for your first checkMay 26, 2017
Visas given to visitors from Arab countries down 30% under TrumpMay 26, 2017
Cop carnage in the wake of new limits on police use of forceMay 26, 2017
Do Democratic policies cause more deaths?May 26, 2017
Is another Brazilian president going down?May 26, 2017
Trump overseas: Making us proudMay 26, 2017
Time to cut the F & E linesMay 25, 2017
As SWAT teams circle, Obama in Berlin complains about wallsMay 25, 2017
Democrats look idiotic with over-the-top rhetoric on Trump budgetMay 25, 2017
GOP House candidate 'body slams' liberal reporterMay 25, 2017
CBO score on AHCA: The good and the badMay 25, 2017
Portland burrito food cart forced to close due to 'cultural appropriation'May 25, 2017
Middlebury College fails to discipline violent protesters at Murray speechMay 25, 2017
Farmer on trial for plowing his own landMay 25, 2017
Whistleblower reveals Obama admin knowingly admitted and settled at least 16 MS-13 gang membersMay 25, 2017
John Kerry makes a fool of himself at HarvardMay 25, 2017
It can't be Obama's faultMay 25, 2017
Manchester massacre and the immigration vexationMay 25, 2017
New first-person shooter has players hunting white AmericansMay 25, 2017
It’s not the story – it’s the headlineMay 25, 2017
Isn't Senator Kaine a bit late talking to the middle class?May 25, 2017
How will Britain react to its own 9/11?May 24, 2017
Chinese student forced to apologize for praising 'fresh air of free speech in the USMay 24, 2017
US intel officials leaked Manchester bomber's name, and Brits aren't happyMay 24, 2017
Trump triumphs over terrorists in battle of brandsMay 24, 2017
Let’s admit: Manchester is the 'new normal'May 24, 2017
Facts don't care about Islamic terrorists' feelingsMay 24, 2017
Ms. Lewinsky: Venom for Ailes, absolution for ClintonMay 24, 2017
President Trump's greatest policy failureMay 24, 2017
TheBlaze and the case against TrumpMay 24, 2017
Types of compassion for Syria refugeesMay 24, 2017
Iran's President Rouhani: A sore winnerMay 24, 2017
Saffie Rose Russos, British terror victim, and the presidentMay 24, 2017
James Bond: Share your favorite Roger Moore memoryMay 24, 2017
The Democrat Munchausen PartyMay 24, 2017
They want to kill us allMay 23, 2017
Trump makes it personal for the Manchester terroristsMay 23, 2017
MSM fall for fake Trump doc; hilarity ensuesMay 23, 2017
Venezuela's civil war gets closer as mobs burn Hugo Chavez's childhood homeMay 23, 2017
Report: Single-payer insurance will cost California twice its entire state budgetMay 23, 2017
Fox News death watch: Not time for an obituary yetMay 23, 2017
Democratic Party fundraising crashes and burnsMay 23, 2017
Obama's new biographer and meMay 23, 2017
Protests in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Vancouver over Iran electionsMay 23, 2017
What message did Trump write to God?May 23, 2017
Supreme Court decides only Democrats can use race in gerrymanderingMay 23, 2017
Trump seeking only $1.6 billion for border wall in 2018May 23, 2017
NAFTA back to the tableMay 23, 2017
Lying Jon Ossoff is unfit for officeMay 23, 2017
How shallow is the Deep State?May 23, 2017
The Montana KidMay 22, 2017
Guess who is warning the Democrats' base to back off on Russia!May 22, 2017
Report: Brit Special Forces sniper takes out ISIS sniper 1.5 miles awayMay 22, 2017
CNN’s Jake Tapper wonders why Trump more warmly received in Saudi Arabia when Obama's father was a MuslimMay 22, 2017
The Obamas: The Kardashians 2.0May 22, 2017
As usual, liberals dominate college commencement addressesMay 22, 2017
WHO spends lavishly on travel while pleading povertyMay 22, 2017
Lawyers to cite religious freedom in genital mutilation caseMay 22, 2017
Western coverage of Iran election shows predictable wishful thinkingMay 22, 2017
Ben Carson can start fixing HUD today. Will he?May 22, 2017
The Democrats and three upcoming electionsMay 22, 2017
CNN host cracks the whip, rebukes Bob Schieffer for ‘normalizing’ President TrumpMay 22, 2017
Hold Russia accountable for Venezuela's 5,000 surface-to-air missilesMay 22, 2017
Billy Bush's psychobabble penanceMay 22, 2017
What is missing on Trump's first foreign trip?May 22, 2017
President Trump gives masterful speechMay 21, 2017
Self-defense by Israelis condemnedMay 21, 2017
At Calif state Dem convention, chairman leads crowd in chant, ‘F#*@k Trump,’ with extended middle fingersMay 21, 2017
Report: China executed at least a dozen CIA agents from 2010-12May 21, 2017
Dem insiders now worried about dashing the scandal expectations of their baseMay 21, 2017
NAACP fires its president, will embrace Black Lives MatterMay 21, 2017
Maxine Waters just can't shut upMay 21, 2017
Bob Beckel fired by Fox News (again)May 21, 2017
Alabama lawmakers approve sweeping protections for Confederate monumentsMay 21, 2017
UCLA ‘Afrikan Student Union’ demands a building plus $40 millionMay 21, 2017
The Brits finally say 'no' to EU shakedownMay 21, 2017
Academic hoaxers convince journal to publish 'Penis causes climate change' paperMay 21, 2017
Obama dead-enders still infest Trump White House - and hide Hillary emailsMay 21, 2017
You've got to know when to bowMay 21, 2017
Hooray for New York's Hispanic police officersMay 21, 2017
Veterans' health care or veteran bureaucracy featherbedding?May 20, 2017
Judge throws out clock boy 'discrimination' lawsuitMay 20, 2017
Nicolas Maduro and Jeb Bush remind us why we voted for TrumpMay 20, 2017
Trump administration mulls ending key Obamacare subsidyMay 20, 2017
Saudi royals signal the real magnitude of the deal they made with TrumpMay 20, 2017
Coming to terms with the creeps in the mediaMay 20, 2017
The left's descent into obscenityMay 20, 2017
Third-raters clamor for the cameraMay 20, 2017
Rahm's latest plan to stave off Chicago financial collapse under fire – from DemsMay 20, 2017
Media deploying polling as anti-Trump campaign continuesMay 20, 2017
Riddle me thisMay 20, 2017
Rosenstein's yuge favor for TrumpMay 20, 2017
Is Jared Kushner under criminal investigation for Russia ties?May 20, 2017
Boots on the ground in MontanaMay 20, 2017
Democrats and the rule of lawMay 20, 2017
Is Pelosi lowering expectations?May 19, 2017
Democrats start to worry they are out on a limb with Russia conspiracy theories, and Mueller has a sawMay 19, 2017
Harvard study: Extraordinary media bias against TrumpMay 19, 2017
SJWs design a course that teaches 'Western' math is a 'dehumanizing tool'May 19, 2017
Wanna impeach President Trump? Hold that thought, Kids...May 19, 2017
What will Mueller investigate?May 19, 2017
Sweden drops rape charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian AssangeMay 19, 2017
Major League Baseball tries to reduce ballsMay 19, 2017
Iran elections: Rouhani declares, 'I will kiss the supreme leader's hand a dozen times'May 19, 2017
Something even more bizarre than Bradley Manning's new lookMay 19, 2017
Trump to repeal the Big Refinery tax?May 19, 2017
A tale of two countriesMay 19, 2017
A conspiracy of leaks, the perversion of truthMay 19, 2017
UPDATE: Exclusive photos from Iran's low-turnout electionMay 19, 2017
Must-watch video: 'Dishonorable Disclosures'May 19, 2017
The other Mexico storyMay 18, 2017
Yale dean keeps job after superficial apology for online disparagement of ‘white trash’May 18, 2017
The special prosecutor: Democrats, be careful what you wish forMay 18, 2017
The Democrats' Big Bernie Sanders problemMay 18, 2017
Soros scores a triumph in PhiladelphiaMay 18, 2017
'Special counsel' or 'special prosecutor': What's the difference?May 18, 2017
Trump administration on verge of collapse? Check out Mark LevinMay 18, 2017
What would happen to Hillary?May 18, 2017
Turning the tables on Comey and the mediaMay 18, 2017
Meet the WaPo: Fake news ground zeroMay 18, 2017
Trump administration sanctions Iranian individuals while continuing sanctions reliefMay 18, 2017
Fox News: Federal investigator source for Seth Rich WikiLeaks claimsMay 18, 2017
New York Times: Time to 'let it go' on Trump, Russians, and hackingMay 18, 2017
Why don’t the media give Trump credit for being a family man?May 18, 2017
Mr. Trump, stop giving the other side extra outs!May 18, 2017
Indonesia gives men 85 lashes for homosexual acts...and no wedding cakeMay 17, 2017
Democrats project their own Soviet betrayals on TrumpMay 17, 2017
More countries taking back US deporteesMay 17, 2017
Comey’s conundrumMay 17, 2017
Israel's first-world problemsMay 17, 2017
South Korean president: 'High possibility' of war with NorthMay 17, 2017
Democrats and media are engineering an era of political violenceMay 17, 2017
Erdogan bodyguards beat up demonstrators in DCMay 17, 2017
Mark Levin: Trump has betrayed IsraelMay 17, 2017
Liberals forcefully criticize beautiful black womanMay 17, 2017
Has the Washington Post committed libel?May 17, 2017
First they came for the Confederates...May 17, 2017
How about Michael Flynn for FBI director?May 17, 2017
A glimpse of Tehran, in video, days ahead of the electionMay 17, 2017
Remember when the 'loser' left the stage for good?May 16, 2017
Miss USA explodes liberal heads even moreMay 16, 2017
Anti-jihad crusader Robert Spencer poisoned in IcelandMay 16, 2017
Investigator says murdered DNC staffer in touch with WikiLeaksMay 16, 2017
Sally Yates misquoted the law to Ted CruzMay 16, 2017
WaPo's latest 'Get Trump' article reveals Deep State methods to sabotage his presidencyMay 16, 2017
Powerful advances in abortion reversal will leave the left apoplecticMay 16, 2017
Will the US give Colombia's FARC Marxist narco-terrorists 'free' taxpayer money?May 16, 2017
Trump's biggest supporter ready to 'jump ship'May 16, 2017
The electoral folly of unbalanced liberalsMay 16, 2017
Obama pats himself on the back for showing ‘the most courage’May 16, 2017
Hillary Clinton creates group without the words 'she' and 'her'May 16, 2017
Palestinians refuse to give up on conquest of IsraelMay 16, 2017
Should people believe James Clapper?May 16, 2017
'Operation Car Wash' has Brazil's political class getting a washMay 15, 2017
North Korea claims successful launch of nuclear warhead-capable missileMay 15, 2017
Why Trump must keep his promise to move US embassy to Jerusalem during his visit to Israel next weekMay 15, 2017
Cyber-experts wary but hopeful that ransomeware attacks subsidingMay 15, 2017
Schumer: No FBI director until special prosecutor namedMay 15, 2017
Progressives openly signaling the arrival of political violence as a tactic to obtain powerMay 15, 2017
Venezuela's Chavista thugs get a 'stern warning' from the EUMay 15, 2017
California to spend $15 million defending illegal alien deportationsMay 15, 2017
CNN goes for another dip into the Fake News poolMay 15, 2017
President Trump wants better access to women's health care, paid family leaveMay 15, 2017
Commission on voter fraud to investigate voter 'suppression'May 15, 2017
Putin's unhelpful power game on North KoreaMay 15, 2017
How do you say 'more of the same' in French?May 15, 2017
Fighting anti-America, anti-Trump Resistance in MontanaMay 15, 2017
Durbin says Trump is dangerous and has lost his credibilityMay 15, 2017
AP reports on a ‘sort of boomlet’ due to Trump’s approval of pipelineMay 14, 2017
Class conflict was at the heart of the Trump victoryMay 14, 2017
On Jerusalem, Trump Could Make Two ProclamationsMay 14, 2017
Kentucky court rules Christian printer doesn't have to make gay pride T-shirtsMay 14, 2017
One issue where the elite culture’s indoctrination efforts have failedMay 14, 2017
Trump: ‘In America, we don’t worship government; we worship God’May 14, 2017
Bass Ackward at the New York Times on who can't get over Trump's victoryMay 14, 2017
Search is on for new FBI directorMay 14, 2017
Trump fu traps James Comey?May 14, 2017
Why Trump taunted Comey about tapesMay 14, 2017
Comey's magic words: 'Ain't my job!'May 14, 2017
Oregon emptying jails to terrorize citizens into paying higher taxesMay 14, 2017
Guess who is having an abortion debate this Mother's Day week!May 14, 2017
Former 'lunch czar' FLOTUS slams TrumpMay 14, 2017
Trump is acting like an innocent man, and it's hurting himMay 14, 2017
Two of American Thinker’s 'senior readers' grieve for America’s futureMay 13, 2017
Fox News Channel ratings are collapsingMay 13, 2017
NYT tries to torpedo purchase of TV stations by conservativesMay 13, 2017
The DREAMer narrative gets oldMay 13, 2017
Iran continues to develop missile technology despite UN prohibitionsMay 13, 2017
Media outrage over Comey firing flops with the publicMay 13, 2017
Concern growing over potential North Korean EMP attackMay 13, 2017
Experts calling ransomware attack yesterday one of the largest in historyMay 13, 2017
Clintons: The pay to play familyMay 13, 2017
Iran's ethnic minorities boycott presidential electionMay 13, 2017
CNN screams for ice cream!May 13, 2017
James the Great and James the Less: Clapper defends ComeyMay 13, 2017
Have Republicans learned from the election?May 13, 2017
A 'Muslim girls only prom' is a very bad ideaMay 12, 2017
Bangladesh PM confirms that SecState Hillary pressured her to benefit Clinton Foundation donorMay 12, 2017
As press fulminate, Trump gets their goat againMay 12, 2017
What the Media Still Doesn’t Get about Plain-Talking Donald TrumpMay 12, 2017
Democrats haven't learned a darned thing from the electionMay 12, 2017
Dems pin hopes on 'singing cowboy' in MontanaMay 12, 2017
Michael Barone: Comey is a victim of the ClintonsMay 12, 2017
Three cheers for Sarah SandersMay 12, 2017
Democrats on Comey: Then and nowMay 12, 2017
Can people be happy in an 'open' marriage?May 12, 2017
How much does it cost to sink an aircraft carrier?May 12, 2017
Those 'bad hombres' down in MexicoMay 12, 2017
Has the University of California finally learned about folly of appeasement?May 12, 2017
Laptops and aviation security may no longer mixMay 12, 2017
Russian hacker claims FBI offered him citizenship and a new life if he would confess to hacking Podesta emails on behalf of Putin and TrumpMay 11, 2017
Ex-military flag officers back Mattis to fight...(wait for it)...climate changeMay 11, 2017
Another nail in the Obamacare coffinMay 11, 2017
Firing of Comey like the Saturday Night Massacre? Hardly!May 11, 2017
'Liberal studies' professor writes that squirrels are victims of 'racist' media biasMay 11, 2017
'Hate crime' hoax at St. OlafMay 11, 2017
Draining the swamp is entertaining!May 11, 2017
Time for Trump to appoint a special prosecutorMay 11, 2017
Dealing with North Korea: The Iranian lessonMay 11, 2017
Israel, according to the PostMay 11, 2017
The uncomfortable truth about that blasphemy conviction in IndonesiaMay 11, 2017
James Comey, a modern Greek tragedyMay 11, 2017
'Nixonian'? Are you kidding me?May 10, 2017
In Firing Comey, Trump Shows He's Afraid of No OneMay 10, 2017
Trump goads his critics into incoherent rage with Comey firingMay 10, 2017
Duke theology professor forced to resign after objecting to 'racism' seminarMay 10, 2017
You're not going to believe how much illegal immigration has dropped since JanuaryMay 10, 2017
Donald J. Trump: Our very own innovative armed prophet?May 10, 2017
One more fake hate crimeMay 10, 2017
Russia’s parade and the United StatesMay 10, 2017
Many on Medicaid refuse to pay $1 for health careMay 10, 2017
The stark realities of Macron's French RevolutionMay 10, 2017
Iran, fearing uprisings, holds presidential debateMay 10, 2017
'Resistance' is what we are seeing in CaracasMay 10, 2017
Obama's heroesMay 10, 2017
Cry me a polluted non-Trumped EPA riverMay 9, 2017
Sinclair’s high-stakes gamble to reshape television newsMay 9, 2017
‘Settled science’ on salt may be completely wrong, says New York TimesMay 9, 2017
Indonesian governor jailed two years for 'blasphemy'May 9, 2017
Former acting AG Yates claims she warned WH about Flynn's Russia tiesMay 9, 2017
ACLU lawyer admits Trump travel ban would be constitutional if Hillary had issued itMay 9, 2017
Hillary and the French electionMay 9, 2017
GOP giving individual Democrats veto power over judgesMay 9, 2017
Senate Democrats sliding into 'irrelevancy'May 9, 2017
War of words: Beating back 'Islamophobia'May 9, 2017
Election debates embarrass the Iran regimeMay 9, 2017
Wish fulfillment vs. realityMay 9, 2017
Congress complains that Congress cannot run CongressMay 9, 2017
Let's impeach Trump because he won?May 9, 2017
Destroying the college racketMay 8, 2017
Why Hillary can’t winMay 8, 2017
American media hiding socialism’s devastation of VenezuelaMay 8, 2017
Obama's syrupy last-ditch bid to save his legacyMay 8, 2017
Trump to name 10 candidates for federal judiciary todayMay 8, 2017
Lasering in on taxes, Trump rises in the polls: IBD/TIPPMay 8, 2017
North Korea takes another American hostageMay 8, 2017
Macron victory not the end of populist waveMay 8, 2017
Palestinian terrorist on ‘hunger strike’ busted as Israel releases video of him eating cookiesMay 8, 2017
Trump sinking America deeper into Afghan quagmireMay 8, 2017
Reliable sources for the Washington PostMay 8, 2017
Why conservatives should support raising the gasoline taxMay 8, 2017
Settled science? Let’s settle the argumentMay 8, 2017
Iran's Rouhani exploits a coal mine explosion for electioneering, gets peltedMay 8, 2017
Thanks, POTUS, for breaking up the annual correspondents’ circle-jerkMay 8, 2017
And the bodies just keep piling upMay 7, 2017
Report: ICE hindered in catching visa overstays by incompetence, inefficiencyMay 7, 2017
Dems’ extreme rhetoric on Obamacare repeal already backfiring on themMay 7, 2017
Former UNICEF advisor: Female genital mutilation is 'gender egalitarian surgery'May 7, 2017
Trayvon Martin, doing better, gets astronaut degreeMay 7, 2017
Refugee admissions up 160% in April under TrumpMay 7, 2017
The Palestinians could use some Trump pressureMay 7, 2017
Who needs elections? We got judges!May 7, 2017
A transmission from a conservative mole in the NortheastMay 7, 2017
Stephen Hawking is a genius, when it comes to scamming peopleMay 7, 2017
Metropolitan Museum of Art forcing undocumented migrants to subsidize taxpayersMay 6, 2017
Jimmy Kimmel left out some important bits about ObamacareMay 6, 2017
Jesse Watters the object of a struggle between Fox News and Bill O’ReillyMay 6, 2017
President Trump slams the book down on calumny campaign against Dr. GorkaMay 6, 2017
Younger evangelicals still conservative, but trending moderate on many issuesMay 6, 2017
Frontiers of the welfare state: Free use of electric cars for public housing tenantsMay 6, 2017
Macron campaign emails leaked in 'massive hack'May 6, 2017
A call for common senseMay 6, 2017
Jerry Brown's minions puffing fresh smoke rings on vapingMay 6, 2017
FCC: Hands off Stephen ColbertMay 6, 2017
Trump signs bill outlawing border wall and expanding H-2B visasMay 6, 2017
Cinco de Mayo and nachos in Mexico? No, in Texas!May 6, 2017
An assassination in Istanbul and an election in IranMay 6, 2017
Scratch ObamacareMay 6, 2017
About that national conversation on raceMay 5, 2017
FBI report: 'De-policing' the 'new norm'May 5, 2017
Another day, another capitulation to the threat of force on a University of California campusMay 5, 2017
Assessing President Rodham Clinton's first 100 daysMay 5, 2017
Mark Levin: House bill repeals only 10 percent of ObamacareMay 5, 2017
Liberals should 'own every preventable death'May 5, 2017
Elizabeth Warren calls for matriarchy to take control of AmericaMay 5, 2017
Were the original Virginia colonists swashbuckling, irreligious, greedy Indian-killers?May 5, 2017
California plans to tax space travel by the mileMay 5, 2017
Democrats unhinged over Obamacare dismantlingMay 5, 2017
Trump's religious freedom EO: A double-victoryMay 5, 2017
Cultural appropriation: 'Genocide' or appreciation?May 5, 2017
Whence come our rights?May 5, 2017
Someone should tell Comey he is not GodMay 5, 2017
Barack Obama, international man of interference and manipulationMay 5, 2017
Well, it took him 107 daysMay 4, 2017
Clichés abound as design for Obama presidential library unveiled in ChicagoMay 4, 2017
Would all the 'scared off' Hillary voters please report to CNN?May 4, 2017
New bio claims Obama dumped girl he asked to marry him because politically awkward that she wasn’t blackMay 4, 2017
Puerto Rico files for bankruptcyMay 4, 2017
If you don't depend on the government, you're an 'elite'!May 4, 2017
Repeal Obamacare in the House and force Senate Democrats to defend itMay 4, 2017
Trump to sign executive order on religious freedom todayMay 4, 2017
Put Gorka in charge of NPR's patron, the Corporation for Public BroadcastingMay 4, 2017
Iran defense budget increases 145% thanks to cash from nuke dealMay 4, 2017
Homophobic Steve Colbert should be firedMay 4, 2017
Hillary would have won if...May 4, 2017
Comey describes more proof Hillary should have been indictedMay 4, 2017
Anthropologist defends the indefensibleMay 4, 2017
The Enemy Within – the Democrat versionMay 4, 2017
Into the heartlandMay 3, 2017
Hillary Clinton still blames everyone but herselfMay 3, 2017
During debate, professor says images of aborted fetuses are 'child pornography'May 3, 2017
Time to ban Pit Bulls in the USAMay 3, 2017
Janet Napolitano is sorry she got caught trying to rig a state auditMay 3, 2017
Two Chicago policemen targeted in assassination attemptMay 3, 2017
Chinese delegation disrupts international meeting, humiliates Australia’s foreign ministerMay 3, 2017
The left attacks the New York TimesMay 3, 2017
Trump deregulating highly toxic mercury and arsenic emissionsMay 3, 2017
Don't worry: Trump's budget touchdown is comingMay 3, 2017
Trump calls on president to fight harder for border wallMay 3, 2017
Marijuana does not cure cancer (or the common cold)May 3, 2017
Here’s your license, now get into that voting boothMay 3, 2017
The left's upside-down priorities on Trump's meetings with tyrantsMay 3, 2017
What is the solution for Iran?May 3, 2017
Iran’s presidential election: Nothing new after 38 yearsMay 2, 2017
The leftist-media parallax viewMay 2, 2017
Why bother voting for Republicans?May 2, 2017
The FBI translator who ran away to Syria and married an ISIS terroristMay 2, 2017
Trump 'very happy' with bill outlawing future border wallMay 2, 2017
Hell freezes over: Lefties attack ObamaMay 2, 2017
Increase the gas tax: A conservative proposal?May 2, 2017
The odor of tyranny: Hayek’s road in BelgiumMay 2, 2017
Would an intelligent person pay a penny more for 'organic' food?May 2, 2017
Are James and Lachlan the Jared and Ivanka of Fox News?May 2, 2017
Washington Post in anti-Semitism glass house, throwing stonesMay 2, 2017
Trump wonders about Civil War, Democrats outragedMay 2, 2017
Leftist language and logicMay 2, 2017
A cold civil warMay 2, 2017
The former dry bones of Jews are alive and thrivingMay 2, 2017
The last May 1 with a Castro?May 1, 2017
Income inequality, 1820 vs. 2017May 1, 2017
Hungary’s new border wall is working spectacularly wellMay 1, 2017
The Taliban-like attack on New Orleans's historyMay 1, 2017
New Zealand transgender weightlifter breaks women's recordsMay 1, 2017
The Duterte visit: Trump's masterstroke on the PhilippinesMay 1, 2017
Damned lies and statistics about black-on-white farm murders in South AfricaMay 1, 2017
President Schumer agrees to bill funding Obamacare, abortionists, but no wallMay 1, 2017
Ros-Lehtinen retirement a bad sign for the GOPMay 1, 2017
Protecting the climate by trashing Mother EarthMay 1, 2017
Dream Corps fantasiesMay 1, 2017
An apology to Donald TrumpMay 1, 2017
What happens to labor and the Democrats now?May 1, 2017
Trump’s appointments outshine even the Gipper’sMay 1, 2017
The USS Michigan goes to Korea
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- Democrats and their digging
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