The Kansas special election and the media's canards

Last Tuesday, there was a special election in Kansas with no incumbents, and the Republican won only by 8%.  As a result, the media gave the standard warning that Republicans had better worry about 2018.  These warnings have occurred continuously since at least 2006, when Democrats took over the U.S. House and Senate, and will certainly kick into high gear if Republicans lose the open seat in Georgia soon.

I remember that after the 2008 election, when Obama won and Democrats held on to the House and Senate, the media and others warned Republicans that they had better move left, or they would never win again.  Instead the Republicans moved right with the formation of the Tea Party and won over 600 seats nationwide in 2010.  Not once did I hear the media say Democrats must move right in future elections.  Most of the media reports indicated that the reason Democrats lost was because they didn't get their message out.

Obama won again in 2012, but Republicans continued to pick up seats nationwide, and again Republicans were warned that they had better moderate and move left, because demographics are changing, or they would never win the presidency again.

In 2014, the Democrats got their clock cleaned nationwide, including in the U.S Senate, and again I did not hear many in the media say Democrats had better move their policies to the right.

When I was doing research for this article, I found what I consider an extremely amusing article by NPR in March 2016 giving what they believed to be the main reasons Democrats had lost over 1,000 seats nationwide since Obama took office.  The article is titled "Why the Democratic Party got crushed during the Obama Presidency."  They gave four main reasons: 1) There are two different electorates in America.  (It would certainly be much easier for Democrats and the media to win if there was only a Democratic Party.)  2) Bad luck.  (It is obviously bad luck that the public has so many more sources to get information from than it used to.)  3) Democrats don't care about state and local elections.  (This has to be the biggest joke.  The NPR reporters should come to Illinois to see how hard and dirty Speaker Madigan plays to keep independent redistricting maps and term limits off the ballot to maintain his over 30-year reign, and they should investigate how Obama was able to get in-the-tank judges to unseal records of two political opponents.  Of course, Democrats and the media pretend they are against personal destruction.)  4) Too many Democrats live in cities.  (Maybe they could redistribute Democrats to rural areas and small and midsize towns to teach those hicks who cling to their religion and guns the proper way to vote, that government dependency works so well.)

Does anyone notice what is missing?  The NPR reporters obviously can't understand why anyone would oppose Democrat policies, so that is never the reason Democrats lose.  The taxpayers should obviously stop funding NPR and PBS, because they are essentially an arm of the Democratic Party.  They should be funded by the DNC and Democrats, whom they support.

In 2016, we continually heard that Trump would lose and that the U.S. House and U.S. Senate were at risk along with governorships.  The Democrats, including the media, were wrong on all counts, so what were the reasons we have heard from Hillary, Democrats, and the media as to why the predictions were wrong?  This time, it was the collusion by the Russians and WikiLeaks.  Women didn't vote right, and maybe Donna Brazile didn't give Hillary enough answers.

Again, no one is blaming the Democrats' far-left policies of expanding the power of government while reducing individual freedoms.  The public just doesn't like the government continually taking more money and power.  The reason the media and Democrats don't see that is because they have groupthink.  They mostly hang around with and get advice from people who agree with them. 

Almost all polls taken are overpopulated with Democrats, even though that is not the way the public votes or thinks.  By skewing the polls, the media get the results they want.  It is surprising that Trump is in the upper 30s with the amount of trashing he takes each day.  Rasmussen has had Trump in the mid-40s to mid-50s since he was elected (on Monday, he was at 50%), but the AP, major networks, USA Today, the WaPo, and the NYT won't report that, because it doesn't match their agenda.

I believe that a poll should be conducted with the following question: do you think men should be allowed in a locker room or restroom with your grandmother, mother, wife, girlfriend, daughter, or granddaughter?  My guess is that over 80% of the public would say no, which is why the question will never be asked.  I believe that if the question were put to blacks, Muslims, Jews, union workers, and women (all Democrat voters), the results would be the same.  Yet the media will respect politicians who boycott North Carolina while gladly doing business with Iran, Cuba, and other countries that truly mistreat gays and women.  They will treat politicians who agree with the majority of the public about women's privacy as extremists.

Republicans should remember never to listen to the media, Hollywood, or Democrats when these groups give advice on how they should vote on policies, because no matter how much they moderate or kiss up, the media and Democrats won't vote for them.  An example is John McCain.  They respected him before 2008, when he was a "maverick" Republican, and they trashed him when he ran against Obama.  They did not care at all what he said during Obama's eight years, but now they like him again.  It is a shame that he doesn't realize that the media and Democrats are using him.

If the Republicans move left to join the Democrats, they are worthless.  They should always stay faithful to the principle that the government should work for the people, not the other way around.

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