The dazzle effect

Anyone who has seen a herd of zebra running on the veldt has noticed the visual confusion common to that circumstance: the eye glazes with the effort of distinguishing one urgent megafauna from another.

This, in the field, is known as "the dazzle effect," a maneuver executed to confuse potential predators and disarm prospective prey.  It is a deliberate (if unconscious) technique, known by wildlife biologists as a cunning stratagem for survival of the species.

The Democratic Party, not uncommonly, utilizes the dazzle effect as it deploys Senators Pelosi, Franken, and especially Schumer, to toss confusion into the pot as they assay to roil the polity; deflect from their enormous, arctic obstructionism; and polarize their opposite number, the conservatives now in power in both the Congress and the White House.

Thus, the fancified footwork to deny the blatant efforts by former W.H. staffer and national security adviser, Susan Rice, who accidentally stated the truth after her more typical coloration – as evinced by her serial untruths on TV on Benghazi's "video" etiology rather than a planned attack.

Thus, her recent prevarication with regard to the surveillance of now-president Trump and his campaign staffers, where Ms. Rice baldly denied even any knowledge of the surveilling that apparently went on for more than the length of a pregnancy.  Was she alone in her razzle-dazzle requests for names of citizens whose conversations had been "caught" while supposedly being taped for foreign diplomats' and functionaries' intel?

Changing track slightly, but still trekking in the wide world of Dem acrobatics on the field of political blood sport, Senator Charles Schumer's pyrotechnic flamenco over acknowledging and voting for prospective Supreme Court seat Judge Neil Gorsuch – magnificently credentialed and uniformly agreed upon in the past as exceptional as a judge over his many years in office – he and his compadre, Senator Dianne Feinstein, another zebra performing the dazzle do-si-do to throw a wrench into the orderly election of a superlative justice to a Supreme Court post recently vacated by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.

Has the tippy-toe scorched-earth bilge of the Democrat senators dazzled their opposite number?  Has the public, under and around the complicit broadcast and print media hot to heave airtime aerosol dung rather than clarification and decent analysis of the deplorable behavior of the distaffs, been conned into looking at the bizarre (so far) nothing-burger of Putin and his involvement in the election of the undesired Trump over the lusted for and expected Hillary?

Has the daily dazzle blinded the general public into paying the slightest heed to the confounding hogwash of the buckmeisters, the Democrat do-or-die stripers trying with every ounce of their disgraceful momentum and collusional facility, and sent the confused public scurrying off into the savannah of falsified credulity?

Hey, folks: Don't look at this hand.  Look, there's a wildebeest!  Follow it, instead of your instincts for the truth.

How long do these enemies of normalcy and regularized government expect to pull off this sleight, and slight, of hand and hoof?

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