Matt Lauer, Democratic frontman

On The Today Show Thursday, Matt Lauer asked Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin if he would raise his right hand and swear that Trump's tax cut proposal would not increase the deficit.

Neither Lauer nor any other newsperson asked Obama, any of his Cabinet, or any Democrat to raise his right hand and swear that all the spending on Obamacare would not increase the deficit, that everyone could keep their plans and doctors if they liked them, and premiums would go down.  Those all proved to be bald-faced lies.

When it was determined that deficits would actually be increased by over $1 trillion because of Obamacare, not once did Matt Lauer ask Democrats how those massive shortfalls would be paid for.

Basically, the only time Matt Lauer or another mainstream reporter cares about the deficit is if a Republican advocates allowing people and businesses to keep more of the money they earned (not the government) to spend as they like.

Maybe Matt Lauer should voluntarily increase his taxes on his over $20 million salary and pay taxes on the massive perks he gets.  Maybe he should publicly disclose the value of his perks.

It would be easier and more truthful if Lauer would invite Chuck Schumer on to question Republicans instead of pretending that he writes the questions himself.  The Democrat National Committee should pay the major networks for all their free advertising.

CBS radio stated that there is already a poll out on Trump's tax plan.  The poll results showed that a majority of people making under $100,000 believe that their taxes will go up under Trump's plan.  That means those people are obviously getting misinformation (fake news) from somewhere.  This fake news certainly did not come from Trump or his administration, did not come from conservative talk radio, and did not come from conservative internet sites.  It is pretty easy to guess where it comes from.

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