What would realistic 'stars and stripes hijabi' illustrations look like?
By now you've probably seen the illustration that leftists hold up at rallies showing a Muslim woman wearing a red, white, and blue hijab, to show that she is both Muslim and American. The illustration is both ridiculous and offensive – ridiculous because not a single hijabi wears a "stars and stripes" hijab, and offensive because the hijab is a symbol of sharia law, which features intolerance for women and non-Muslims.
So I started wondering what some realistic "stars and stripes" hijabi illustrations might look like, to truly show what the hijab stands for. Here are some more realistic suggestions I created:
In many countries where Islamic law is followed, it is legal to beat your wife.
Of course, 100% of suicide bombers are followers of sharia law.
When women get raped, they are often the one to get whipped, also under sharia law.
And it's not just the hijab, of course: many interpretations of sharia require the burka. Look how happy the red, white, and blue burka lady above looks! I think she's about to burst out in a rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner!
But the Islamophiles holding up their hijabi "Made in the USA" signs will never admit the logical extension of their argument. They are either blind to it or purposefully devious.
Ed Straker is the senior writer at NewsMachete.com.