Chelsea Clinton, American Wonder Woman

Is there anything Chelsea Clinton can't do?  Graduate from school.  Straighten her hair.  Get a high-powered television interview job despite no experience or background while others couldn't.  Get married.  Have children.  (In that order.)  Tweet.  Get gossiped about as a potential member of Congress.  Write books – or at least have her name attached to them.  Get appointed vice chair of the Clinton Foundation.  A Wonder Woman, indeed, with the same accomplishments as many a female born to non-famous, non-power couple parents.

But wait...there's more!

Now, days after Chelsea was appointed to the board of travel site Expedia because of her vast experience in...uh, traveling, Variety, the show business magazine and site, has named her and five others Lifetime Impact Honorees.  (I'll let them explain, as I'm giggling too hard about this to write coherently.)

In partnership with Lifetime, the six women have been selected as Variety's Lifetime Impact Honorees for their humanitarian work. Each of the recipients will be featured on a cover of the magazine's upcoming issue, which hits stands on April 18.

The Power of Women: New York event is tied to the annual New York Women's Impact Report, which profiles women who made a significant impact in entertainment and media in the past year.

"In its fourth year, we are thrilled to be honoring these outstanding women at our annual Power of Women: New York luncheon," said Michelle Sobrino Stearns, Group Publisher/Chief Revenue Officer of Variety. "At the heart of New York City is a vibrant community of strong women in entertainment, media, and politics whose commitment to philanthropy is inspirational. We are delighted to be celebrating these women along with the women profiled in our annual New York Women's Impact List with our partners at Lifetime." ...

Clinton, vice chair of the Clinton Foundation, will be honored for her work with Alliance for a Healthier Generation, which empowers kids to develop lifelong healthy habits.

Well, okay – it is Variety, and it is show biz, and the other honorees are entertainers and/or media women who probably donate a great deal of money for good causes, which is good publicity for all concerned.  Probably the women even believe in the charities!  And, thanks to her parents, Chelsea did have a media impact this year.  After all, she is vice chair of the Clinton Family Foundation, which has been in the news quite a bit while the Foundation ostensibly does some philanthropy.  "Empower[ing] kids to develop lifelong healthy habits," whatever that means, is good.  Well, isn't it?  But isn't that the parents' job?  Oh.

Let's get real – Chelsea Clinton was chosen for this honor because of her parents and the publicity it would bring Variety – and yes, I know, I'm giving it to them.  And let's get realer – Variety endorsed Hillary for president.  As you've heard, Hillary lost, but the Hillary followers haven't accepted that, so this is their way of pretending the program ended happily. 

Chelsea Clinton is undoubtedly a very nice woman in private life who loves her parents and is a good mom.  Until recently, she seems to have emerged from a childhood under a microscope quite nicely.  And sure, she must be as disappointed as her parents and their many unhinged supporters that her mother did not crack the glass ceiling or something and thus is not president of  the USA (for which I say thank goodness!).

But at 37 years old, she should surely know when she is being exploited, and this hollow honor is one of those times.  She should just say thanks but no thanks and maybe just show up at this little ladies' lunch.  Or maybe not.

I guess I expect too much.  The event will be another self-congratulatory awards ceremony display, with recipients expressing their love for humanity while bashing President Donald J. Trump (R).  So media impact away, Wonder Woman Chelsea, and make sure your kids develop lifelong healthy habits.

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