American Thinker Blog
March 31, 2017
Tucker Carlson’s evisceration of a lefty prof is more than entertainingMarch 31, 2017
Obama official Evelyn Farkas could become the John Dean of Trump surveillance scandalMarch 31, 2017
EU Commission president: I'll break up the US unless Trump is more supportive of EUMarch 31, 2017
President Jerry Brown?March 31, 2017
The Freedom Caucus: Our last line of defenseMarch 31, 2017
A Trumpian microcosmMarch 31, 2017
The left's dimensional shiftMarch 31, 2017
Trump declares war on conservatives, cements one-term presidencyMarch 31, 2017
A rant about recent media bias, including a flattering article about Maxine WatersMarch 31, 2017
Noam Chomsky, the tireless boreMarch 31, 2017
RIP: Nat Hentoff, the last honest liberalMarch 31, 2017
Upstate New York students debate exterminating JewsMarch 31, 2017
Russians cheat better than DemocratsMarch 31, 2017
What are they thinking at Marquette?March 31, 2017
Will the Ninth Circuit nullify every Trump executive order?March 30, 2017
So Obama shut Comey up about the Russians...March 30, 2017
Is Frank Bruni going bonkers?March 30, 2017
Dems offer to help White House on Obamacare reformMarch 30, 2017
Mexico 'not sending their finest'March 30, 2017
Donna Brazile takes chutzpah to a new levelMarch 30, 2017
NC lawmakers reach compromise to repeal 'bathroom bill'March 30, 2017
They are all Maxine Waters now...March 30, 2017
The outrage industry launches a new product lineMarch 30, 2017
Liberal logic: The difference between choices and choicesMarch 30, 2017
Bernie Sanders's and Dems' morally repugnant $19.8-trillion national debtMarch 30, 2017
Trump admin provides welcome good news on nuclear wasteMarch 30, 2017
How do you like the sound of 'Vice President Merrick Garland'?March 30, 2017
Geomorphism: An erosion-weighing considerationMarch 30, 2017
Michael Moore needs helpMarch 30, 2017
Do beliefs shape reality?March 29, 2017
So how did the California drought end?March 29, 2017
Stopping Trump’s ‘travel ban’ a case study of the Deep State in actionMarch 29, 2017
Batteries: Another green scamMarch 29, 2017
New Dem chair Perez seeks massive restructuring of the partyMarch 29, 2017
Follow the money in this concealed carry permit struggleMarch 29, 2017
California prosecutors charge pro-life activists with 15 feloniesMarch 29, 2017
Trump EPA revisions force enviros to confront mental illnessMarch 29, 2017
Sessions Could Charge Democratic Politician With A Crime For Tipping Off Criminal Illegals About ICE RaidMarch 29, 2017
Time for the GOP to uniteMarch 29, 2017
Where the Declaration of Independence went wrongMarch 29, 2017
McCain, Graham join the Opposition Party to attack NunesMarch 29, 2017
Democrats: Show Russian collusion, or shut upMarch 29, 2017
Gorsuched!March 29, 2017
AG Sessions and sanctuary citiesMarch 28, 2017
What life is like in the Caliphate of BirminghamMarch 28, 2017
The Democrats' raw hypocrisy on Nunes, Trump, and the RussiansMarch 28, 2017
Terrorist's wife expects privacyMarch 28, 2017
Hijab-wearing bank robber sought in ChicagoMarch 28, 2017
White House to ask Congress for $1 billion to begin construction on border wallMarch 28, 2017
University event offers ‘masculinity confession booth’March 28, 2017
ICE arrests father of illegal alien who raped schoolgirlMarch 28, 2017
Are there really dozens of girls 'missing' in Washington, D.C.?March 28, 2017
Repeal and replace Paul RyanMarch 28, 2017
Israeli Air Force holding joint exercises with United Arab Emirates, Italy, Greece, and USMarch 28, 2017
The vote that never wasMarch 28, 2017
Trump's ICE practices 'catch and release' with drunk driving 'DREAMer'March 28, 2017
We can 'slowly decommission' Obamacare and rebuild one step at a timeMarch 28, 2017
Nine questions about the GOP health care setbackMarch 28, 2017
Another thought about canceling that vote on FridayMarch 27, 2017
Bringing the classroom to orderMarch 27, 2017
Are the Trump haters creating 1968 all over again?聽聽March 27, 2017
Apparently, Obama and his ghostwriter are in French Polynesia earning that huge advance for his memoirMarch 27, 2017
Baltimore mayor vetoes $15-an-hour minimum wageMarch 27, 2017
IL Dem running as 'fresh face' has close ties to corrupt machineMarch 27, 2017
White House readies executive order to roll back Obama energy regsMarch 27, 2017
#leggingsgate social media outrage the latest fake feminist fiascoMarch 27, 2017
Jared Kushner takes on the intractable federal bureaucracyMarch 27, 2017
Should we dissolve the Indian reservations?March 27, 2017
Trump, the doerMarch 27, 2017
Heather Wilson, swamp creatureMarch 27, 2017
Was Watergate a black op, too?March 27, 2017
A brief look at WaPo's latest book reviewsMarch 27, 2017
Apocalyptic liberalismMarch 27, 2017
Hugo's revolution is now a first-rate humanitarian crisisMarch 26, 2017
Stunning Evidence that the Left Has Won its War on White MalesMarch 26, 2017
Plucky couple Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner reportedly giving marriage another shotMarch 26, 2017
Bill Maher puts Islamist apologists in their placeMarch 26, 2017
French establishment coalescing to torpedo Le Pen's candidacyMarch 26, 2017
Montana on the verge of a law that can pass constitutional muster prohibiting courts from applying shariaMarch 26, 2017
Trump ralliers violently attackedMarch 26, 2017
No riots, no demonstrations, no Justice Department inquiry over this cop killing an unarmed boy of a different raceMarch 26, 2017
Mexican government helping illegal alien, welfare cheat, mom of 12 kids fight deportationMarch 26, 2017
'Scores of civilians' may have been killed in coalition strike on MosulMarch 26, 2017
Good move by Governor ChristieMarch 26, 2017
Does your local library smell as bad as mine?March 26, 2017
The Anti-Defamation League owes President Trump an apologyMarch 26, 2017
Understanding the 'wiretapping' scandalMarch 26, 2017
Hey, lefties: Less virtue-signaling, more virtueMarch 26, 2017
Repair Obamacare? Call on Dems to present their planMarch 25, 2017
The logic of the media/Dem obsession with Trump and RussiaMarch 25, 2017
Kamala Harris leaves no doubt that she has the stupidest reason for voting against Gorsuch nominationMarch 25, 2017
Campus 'Diversity Council' posts fake racist flyers as part of 'invisible theater'March 25, 2017
Phase One of Obamacare repeal and replace is overMarch 25, 2017
GOP dilemma: What to do about Paul Ryan?March 25, 2017
Reality TV contestants left in wilderness ‘social experiment’ months after the series was cancelledMarch 25, 2017
De Blasio blames 'dynamic of hatred' created by Trump for racist murderMarch 25, 2017
The Clintonistas' last throwMarch 25, 2017
Trump's plan B: Work with Dems to 'improve' ObamacareMarch 25, 2017
Illinois lawmaker proposes holiday honoring Barack Obama’s birthdayMarch 25, 2017
Venezuela justifies its troops invading ColombiaMarch 25, 2017
Freedom Caucus sinks Trump-Ryan planMarch 25, 2017
Time to replace Paul Ryan as House speakerMarch 25, 2017
Open enrollment is the best school choice solutionMarch 25, 2017
Nuke the Senate Democrats and move onMarch 24, 2017
Tucker Carlson demolishes hotshot lawyer hired to represent accused Rockville rapistMarch 24, 2017
Rape of Maryland schoolgirl has illegal alien advocates in desperation modeMarch 24, 2017
Nebraska Dems welcome refugees with voter registration formsMarch 24, 2017
Surreal: LA Times op-ed claims Chelsea ‘never gets a break’March 24, 2017
Prominent critic of Putin murdered in KievMarch 24, 2017
Time for Trump to go nuclear on fake news mediaMarch 24, 2017
Schumer’s Machiavellian filibuster gambitMarch 24, 2017
Trump exposes the modern nature of the 'wire tap'March 24, 2017
The left beavers away to preserve Obamacare status quoMarch 24, 2017
Trump threatens to 'move on' if House fails to vote on Obamacare repeal todayMarch 24, 2017
Trump says Obamacare here to stay if Obamacare Lite voted downMarch 24, 2017
All hail Chelsea AugustaMarch 24, 2017
In the fields and in the streetsMarch 24, 2017
We can start by speaking EnglishMarch 24, 2017
The blessed state of samenessMarch 23, 2017
House's Devin Nunes in Obama's 'Deep State' crosshairsMarch 23, 2017
Why is Sears dying?March 23, 2017
President Trump, Freedom Caucus reach 'agreement in principle' on Ocare repeal and replaceMarch 23, 2017
Dems may be ready to deal on GorsuchMarch 23, 2017
Chelsea Clinton, American Wonder WomanMarch 23, 2017
Preschooler suspended from daycare for bringing in spent .22 shellMarch 23, 2017
Washington Post fails to debunk another blatant lie about IsraelMarch 23, 2017
Men in Third World calling phone numbers at random in search of loveMarch 23, 2017
Why Get Out is bad for the black communityMarch 23, 2017
Land mines abound for Republicans in Obamacare replacementMarch 23, 2017
Does the CBO know what it's talking about on the GOP replacement for Obamacare?March 23, 2017
The Nunes presser unveils the Washington divideMarch 23, 2017
Partisanship with the scent of ReidMarch 23, 2017
Comey: Dunno much about the Russian I tookMarch 22, 2017
Oh-oh! Rahm’s private emails are spilling the beansMarch 22, 2017
Jesse Jackson, Jr. claims $1.8 million in debtMarch 22, 2017
John Podesta, in bed with the Russians all alongMarch 22, 2017
California looking to punish contractors who help build wallMarch 22, 2017
Report: Laptop ban result of raid on AQAP in Yemen last JanuaryMarch 22, 2017
Gorsuch hearings exposing Democrats’ lust for judges to act as dictatorsMarch 22, 2017
WH says rape of Maryland schoolgirl exposes failed immigration policiesMarch 22, 2017
Wiretapping and the Trump-Putin connectionMarch 22, 2017
James Comey, the chicken hiding in the woodsMarch 22, 2017
Let's start enrolling illegal criminals at Sidwell Friends SchoolMarch 22, 2017
Trump orders raises for overpaid federal bureaucratsMarch 22, 2017
Trump threatens Republicans who vote against Obamacare liteMarch 22, 2017
Family of Mexican drug dealer who overdosed get $1 million from US taxpayersMarch 22, 2017
Happy Sweden getting ready for war?March 22, 2017
Who should protect the little guy?March 21, 2017
Meet the New George Soros: Paul Polman, crony capitalistMarch 21, 2017
Dems may be ready to surrender and confirm Gorsuch without a filibusterMarch 21, 2017
Obama IRS granted tax-exempt status to Satanist club in near record timeMarch 21, 2017
Judge Napolitano pulled from Fox News airwavesMarch 21, 2017
‘Super’ Federal Reserve moves inflation goalpostsMarch 21, 2017
The Old Order strikes backMarch 21, 2017
More turmoil in the Glenn Beck media empire?March 21, 2017
Much ado about nothingMarch 21, 2017
Sec. Tillerson to skip NATO foreign ministers meeting next monthMarch 21, 2017
Colin Kaepernick and the consequences of liberal orthodoxyMarch 21, 2017
US bans most electronic devices on flights from Middle Eastern countriesMarch 21, 2017
Another poll about all those happy countriesMarch 21, 2017
America smaller, Africa larger on new maps, allegedly to 'fight white racism'March 21, 2017
Reining in the administrative state will require more than a scalpelMarch 21, 2017
Re-educating the school systemMarch 20, 2017
Jimmy Breslin has diedMarch 20, 2017
Iraq then and now: Bush was right, and Obama was wrongMarch 20, 2017
Conservative winners and losers in the GOP health insurance programMarch 20, 2017
‘Newspeak’ vs. Trump's illegal immigration executive orderMarch 20, 2017
What does it take to be a librarian in San Francisco?March 20, 2017
Leftists' failing campaign against TrumpMarch 20, 2017
NFL teams taking a knee on KaepernickMarch 20, 2017
Do liberals really condemn the Middlebury outrage?March 20, 2017
Trump admin promises to do nothing about the national debtMarch 20, 2017
Iran's mullahs try to spoil the annual Fire Feast – and Iranians ignore themMarch 20, 2017
Reaction to Chelsea Clinton's latest gigMarch 20, 2017
Oops! CNN accidentally confirms story that Brit intel passed along Trump communications to Obama adminMarch 20, 2017
Secret Service agent who refused to 'take a bullet' for Trump removed, but still not bootedMarch 20, 2017
What are the 'happiest' countries in the world?March 20, 2017
Dutch immigrant party: The future of Europe?March 19, 2017
What effect will the French airport terror attack have on their elections?March 19, 2017
New York Times correction reveals hit job on conservative guruMarch 19, 2017
Anti-protectionism language dropped from G-20 documentMarch 19, 2017
Technological breakthrough in the development of tank-borne laser weaponsMarch 19, 2017
30 countries refusing to take back illegal alien criminalsMarch 19, 2017
Campaign of Jew-hatred underway in ChicagoMarch 19, 2017
Tim Allen on talking about Trump in Hollywood: 'This is like 30's Germany'March 19, 2017
Bernie Sanders hilariously rails against Americans 'worshiping wealth'March 19, 2017
Joni Ernst ran against Obamacare, but now loves it more than her motorcycleMarch 19, 2017
Chelsea gets one-percenter income for a few board meetings a yearMarch 19, 2017
Reviving the un-revivable?March 19, 2017
Free Trade, Fair Trade, and RealityMarch 19, 2017
Apple’s Shanghai ShakedownMarch 19, 2017
Ask a Democrat: Are we back in 1861?March 18, 2017
Donna Brazile admits stealing debate questions for Hillary, but blames the RussiansMarch 18, 2017
Mexico Asserts A 'Human Right' To Be An IllegalMarch 18, 2017
Immigration judges to be transferred to 12 cities to implement new policyMarch 18, 2017
Secret Service laptop stolen in New YorkMarch 18, 2017
Trump And The Sittaford MysteryMarch 18, 2017
Bernie Sanders compares Democratic Party to the TitanicMarch 18, 2017
Obamacare enrollment for 2016 half of CBO projection in 2013March 18, 2017
Good Samaritan Chicago cop faces Internal Affairs investigation over saving kids from squalorMarch 18, 2017
UN Commission head forced out over Israeli ‘apartheid’ chargeMarch 18, 2017
Turkey's Made-to-Order Migrant Plan to Retake EuropeMarch 18, 2017
Healthcare and Individual ResponsibilityMarch 18, 2017
Should the federal government be providing heating subsidies for dead people?March 18, 2017
Real health care reform means cutting out the middle menMarch 18, 2017
Do NPR, PBS, and the NEA really need government funding?March 18, 2017
‘Ending Jewish Privilege’ flyers distributed at University of Illinois, ChicagoMarch 17, 2017
Was Chelsea Clinton's new book, She Persisted, inspired by Paula Jones?March 17, 2017
So isn't federal court security just a sneaky way to oppress Muslims?March 17, 2017
Obama’s outgoing US attorney blames Chicago violence on…March 17, 2017
Maxine Waters goes completely unhingedMarch 17, 2017
A rich wastrel's life for the family man of KaloramaMarch 17, 2017
Tillerson: 'Strategic patience' policy with North Korea is overMarch 17, 2017
Kim Jong-ChelseaMarch 17, 2017
Even some judges believe the court went too far in denying Trump's travel ordersMarch 17, 2017
Nazi Card: The Left's Latest Dirty Shot At Gorka FailsMarch 17, 2017
Bernie Sanders' curious claim that 'thousands will die' if GOP Obamacare repeal is passedMarch 17, 2017
Trump's budget is bold, brave, and ultimately pointlessMarch 17, 2017
The 60-vote rule is already deadMarch 17, 2017
Hard on the eyesMarch 17, 2017
How 'socialismo' killed Cuban baseballMarch 17, 2017
Obamacare: Repeal immediately or let it crashMarch 16, 2017
Female Marines outraged that others watched their sex videosMarch 16, 2017
Michael Savage violently assaulted outside restaurant in Marin CountyMarch 16, 2017
McCain accuses Rand Paul of 'working for Putin'March 16, 2017
Another myth from the 2016 election explodesMarch 16, 2017
U.S. airlines flee Castro's island hellholeMarch 16, 2017
Pentagon mulls sending 1,000 more troops to SyriaMarch 16, 2017
Parts of Los Angeles ethnically cleansed of white people have a new lookMarch 16, 2017
Was Roger Stone the victim of a deliberate hit-and-run?March 16, 2017
Trump administration to repeal Obama-era fracking ruleMarch 16, 2017
Donald Trump’s real tax rate was 73.5 percent of his net incomeMarch 16, 2017
Did Geert Wilders really 'lose' the Dutch election?March 16, 2017
Totalitarian snowflakes drive Australian brewery to confess to a thought crime for hosting a civil debate on a public issueMarch 16, 2017
What the Obama era's memorial to veterans looks likeMarch 16, 2017
Trump was wrong to try to appease courts on entry banMarch 16, 2017
El Chapo and 'The Jackal' back in the newsMarch 15, 2017
Shock: 'Experts' recommend high-fat diet for curing a significant diseaseMarch 15, 2017
Megyn Kelly claims not free to work for NBC under contract with Fox, but Fox News disagreesMarch 15, 2017
Cleanup of Dakota Access Pipeline protest camps cost $1.1 millionMarch 15, 2017
Press tantrums on travel slots – does Tillerson need this?March 15, 2017
Schools may get a reprieve from Michelle Obama's lunch programMarch 15, 2017
Tillerson tells UN Human Rights Council: Reform or US will leaveMarch 15, 2017
Trump's taxes: Another exploding cigar for the leftMarch 15, 2017
Senate Democrat wants to spend millions to probe whether RT News is...RussianMarch 15, 2017
President Trump dropping in the polls since unveiling of GOP health insurance planMarch 15, 2017
Would the CIA frame Russia in DNC attack, yet wiretap Trump Tower?March 15, 2017
Was this supposed to be funny?March 15, 2017
Trigger warnings for conservativesMarch 15, 2017
Ryancare: Death panels are still in the billMarch 15, 2017
Think Obama's sycophants remember all his 'transparency' promises?March 15, 2017
Remember when we blamed blizzards on winter?March 15, 2017
Low-income Americans should thank Trump for all the benefits they receive from his taxesMarch 14, 2017
President Trump should go with his gut on ObamacareMarch 14, 2017
Judge Napolitano says British intelligence provided Obama admin with surveillance data on Trump Tower phone conversationsMarch 14, 2017
Dems warn of government shutdown over funding for border wallMarch 14, 2017
Liberal professor beaten by leftist students blames TrumpMarch 14, 2017
Diversity regulations keeping minority kids out of good schools in HartfordMarch 14, 2017
Deaf, mute, dumb illegal alien beats murder rapMarch 14, 2017
Obamacare civil war! Conservatives vs. the Old GuardMarch 14, 2017
The Affordable Care Act must go!March 14, 2017
An ex-CIA director and Stephen Colbert: Comedy Central?March 14, 2017
Global warming: Fake news becomes no newsMarch 14, 2017
Speak Russian?March 14, 2017
What the CBO score means for Republicans' health care billMarch 14, 2017
The science behind capitalismMarch 14, 2017
Trump listens – Obama never didMarch 13, 2017
Laughable MSM bias in coverage of US attorney firingsMarch 13, 2017
Harvard going Orwell, protecting students from conservative websitesMarch 13, 2017
House intel panel calls for evidence of wiretapping Trump TowerMarch 13, 2017
What the left cannot admit: Trump is already growing and changing in officeMarch 13, 2017
White House: Don't trust CBO estimates on GOP health care billMarch 13, 2017
Underestimating Trump: Foreign diplomat editionMarch 13, 2017
Trump's 'drain the swamp' pledge will face toughest test in reducing federal workforceMarch 13, 2017
Bernie Sanders goes to coal countryMarch 13, 2017
Stupid Preet tricksMarch 13, 2017
Can America function with fewer than 33 assistant secretaries of state?March 13, 2017
Obamacare: Conservatives going for the Hail Mary will fail to scoreMarch 13, 2017
Are women with two last names modern or mean?March 13, 2017
Free speech? Not at my college!March 13, 2017
'Hope' and finally some 'change' in the jobs reportMarch 13, 2017
Paul Ryan sells out electorate on health care billMarch 12, 2017
Ted Cruz may have discovered a way to totally change Obamacare without 60 Senate votesMarch 12, 2017
Trump-hating media’s stupidest trick yet?March 12, 2017
It’s official: Dems just had their ‘Oh [censored]! moment on investigating Russian connections to their sideMarch 12, 2017
Federal court rules 3 GOP congressional districts discriminate against HispanicsMarch 12, 2017
Media labels Roger Stone tweets to Guccifer 2.0 as 'contact'March 12, 2017
Diplomats warn that 'Russia hysteria' could harm US interestsMarch 12, 2017
Mainstream Media supplements fake news with fake outrage over firing of US Attorney Preet BhararaMarch 12, 2017
Liberals say King Kong represents black peopleMarch 12, 2017
Pitzer College is Failing its StudentsMarch 12, 2017
The administrative state and the deep stateMarch 12, 2017
It's thinking diversity that the newsrooms needMarch 12, 2017
No, Middle Eastern refugees can't be compared to Holocaust victimsMarch 12, 2017
Jewish Halloween: On Dressing in Drag in the Holy LandMarch 11, 2017
Megyn Kelly trying to change image and go Oprah?March 11, 2017
Melania Trump's popularity skyrocketing as haters flounderMarch 11, 2017
Trump's IRS 'finds' 7,000 new documents in targeting scandalMarch 11, 2017
Another case of mainstream media inherent biasMarch 11, 2017
College student leads 'nap-ins' to inspire 'dreams of diversity'March 11, 2017
Report: Fewer than half of Marine Corps aircraft ready to flyMarch 11, 2017
Target: GermanyMarch 11, 2017
AG Sessions asks for resignations from 46 Obama-era US attorneysMarch 11, 2017
North Korea's hidden cadre of cyber-warriorsMarch 11, 2017
Trump upsets another special interest group: Porn addictsMarch 11, 2017
Can a woman sitting in a sink be raped?March 11, 2017
You say boy or girl, Airman, we’re gonna rip off a stripe...March 11, 2017
Trust President Trump on ObamacareMarch 11, 2017
Why get it for free when you can pay?March 11, 2017
'Best guessing' TrumpMarch 10, 2017
Bill Clinton thinks you're a Nazi if you support TrumpMarch 10, 2017
A case study in media’s declining power: The Chelsea Clinton marketing campaignMarch 10, 2017
Scholarly study reveals how badly Hillary screwed up campaign advertisingMarch 10, 2017
Funniest. Headline. Ever.March 10, 2017
Trump's leverage in repeal and replaceMarch 10, 2017
Study breaks taboo, suggests illegal immigration related to productivity slowdownMarch 10, 2017
Trump does Central America a favorMarch 10, 2017
Food fight: Venezuela's Chavista thugs mix it up with the MexicansMarch 10, 2017
Malaysia should scrap its ban on visas for IsraelisMarch 10, 2017
What do they think in Mexico about Jorge Ramos?March 10, 2017
Politically connected DC wine bar owners sue Trump International HotelMarch 10, 2017
Is a Trump intervention necessary on this Chinese buyout?March 10, 2017
The greatest threat to the free press is an arrogant media establishmentMarch 9, 2017
The Trump Effect? Apprehensions of illegals at the border way down in FebruaryMarch 9, 2017
More bad news at Fox NewsMarch 9, 2017
A day without brains – I mean womenMarch 9, 2017
American College of Pediatricians doubles down on common senseMarch 9, 2017
Trump upsets another special interest group: PedophilesMarch 9, 2017
Will we find the Clinton Foundation in the Odebrecht scandal sweeping Latin America?March 9, 2017
Liberals fantasize about being slapped in the face by Donald TrumpMarch 9, 2017
The ACLU's radical rootsMarch 9, 2017
What would realistic 'stars and stripes hijabi' illustrations look like?March 9, 2017
Sail awayMarch 9, 2017
On the 'Day Without A Woman,' Ivanka Trump makes bankMarch 9, 2017
Iran's latest terrorist plotsMarch 9, 2017
Iran under increasing isolationMarch 9, 2017
Kalanick's apologyMarch 8, 2017
Khizr Khan's story that his travel privileges were 'restricted' comes apartMarch 8, 2017
Is the House Obamacare replacement bill an early April Fool’s joke?March 8, 2017
Will Someone Ask Pelosi About the Original Cost Projections of Obamacare?March 8, 2017
18 questions for Obama on Trump-Russia collusionMarch 8, 2017
Repealing Obamacare an open door to Medicare reformMarch 8, 2017
The Middlebury riot and the fall of higher educationMarch 8, 2017
Raul Castro with a bad case of Trump Derangement SyndromeMarch 8, 2017
The GOP health care planMarch 8, 2017
Trump riding herd on Congress to pass Obamacare repealMarch 8, 2017
A bone for the left: How about halting visas to nations that kill gays?March 8, 2017
The Obamacare repeal camelMarch 8, 2017
Media, Deep State lies: Conditioning America to accept the absurdMarch 8, 2017
The left's war on science intensifiesMarch 8, 2017
Perhaps we should get new RepublicansMarch 8, 2017
Wouldn't you like the answer to these questions?March 7, 2017
Are the Democrats scrambling for a fall guy on the wiretap of Trump campaign?March 7, 2017
GOP Obamacare alternative opens to mixed reviewsMarch 7, 2017
Behind the collapse of the ‘Russia hacking’ narrative, is panic spreading in the Obama camp?March 7, 2017
Stopping CNN spiesMarch 7, 2017
So much for Trump being Putin's puppet...March 7, 2017
DHS: More than 300 refugees being investigated for terror tiesMarch 7, 2017
Channeling Freud: What do Trump haters want?March 7, 2017
Are the Republicans in Congress forgetting the lessons of 1974 and 1998?March 7, 2017
Trump goes a tweet too far?March 7, 2017
Liberal New York Times columnist may face serious legal problemsMarch 7, 2017
American tax law subsidizing remittances to MexicoMarch 7, 2017
Obama's game of I SpyMarch 7, 2017
The media have a weak hand to play against TrumpMarch 7, 2017
Let’s bomb North Korea!March 7, 2017
Billions: Lawyer versus businessman, in living colorMarch 6, 2017
The evidence Trump was wiretapped laid out clearly by Mark LevinMarch 6, 2017
NSA whistleblower shows how candidate Trump could have been wiretappedMarch 6, 2017
Observations of a black guy at the Orlando rally for TrumpMarch 6, 2017
Matthew Vadum lays out the case for a 'Watergate-style conspiracy against Trump'March 6, 2017
President Trump owes Mark Levin a debt of gratitudeMarch 6, 2017
Comey asked DoJ to issue denial of FBI wiretapping TrumpMarch 6, 2017
For CNN, the embarrassments pile upMarch 6, 2017
TX environmentalists stand by leader once convicted of violent rapeMarch 6, 2017
Obama, president of 'historic firsts'...and not in a good wayMarch 6, 2017
Target’s decline continuesMarch 6, 2017
China catches Trump fever, follows Trump to slash taxesMarch 6, 2017
Illegals forced to clean prison toilets sue for $5 millionMarch 6, 2017
Winning the war for AmericaMarch 6, 2017
Socialism is killing VenezuelaMarch 6, 2017
Donald Trump channels George Foreman: Taste my powerMarch 5, 2017
Mexico opens legal aid centers all over US to defend illegalsMarch 5, 2017
To seize Raqqa, Pentagon sees significant increase in US troopsMarch 5, 2017
The ‘Big If’: What crimes could Obama potentially be charged with?March 5, 2017
Sean Spicer says no further comment on wiretapping while under investigationMarch 5, 2017
Former AG Lynch suggests we need more 'marching,' 'blood,' and 'death' in the streetsMarch 5, 2017
Trump supporters attacked in Berkeley by Black Bloc demonstratorsMarch 5, 2017
Mullahs' Nightmare: Huge Demonstration Breaks Out In TehranMarch 5, 2017
Remember when Ted Kennedy asked the Russians to 'interfere'?March 5, 2017
Wiretapping Donald TrumpMarch 5, 2017
Trump Hatred: Is It The Message or the Messenger?March 5, 2017
What kind of wife lets her husband go to cross-dressing school?March 5, 2017
Vatican archbishop commissions himself into a 'homoerotic' muralMarch 5, 2017
The GOP needs to fight back, and nowMarch 5, 2017
Take that, Barry. Turnabout is fair play.March 5, 2017
Did Obama authorize wiretapping of Trump?March 4, 2017
San Francisco pulls out of FBI joint terrorism task forceMarch 4, 2017
Columbia University profs claim Trump driving people to suicideMarch 4, 2017
White House wants to cut NOAA budget by 17%March 4, 2017
Hate crimes targeting Jews and the growing Muslim populationMarch 4, 2017
A tale of two partiesMarch 4, 2017
He 'didn't inhale': Disentangling the Sessions situationMarch 4, 2017
'Beauty and the Beast' actress Emma Watson shows hypocrisy of feminismMarch 4, 2017
The Democrats' minuet on RussiaMarch 4, 2017
The Donald's 'The Signature': A handwriting analysisMarch 4, 2017
Build that wall...create minority jobs?March 4, 2017
Mexico upset that returning illegals are speaking EnglishMarch 4, 2017
Another judge living out his presidential fantasiesMarch 4, 2017
The folly of proving a negativeMarch 4, 2017
A humorous poll by RasmussenMarch 4, 2017
Fruit of the poisonous treeMarch 3, 2017
Le Pen loses immunity for posting pics of ISIS murdersMarch 3, 2017
Kaepernick says he will stand during anthem next yearMarch 3, 2017
Mexico's sewage warfareMarch 3, 2017
Jeff Sessions should not have recused himselfMarch 3, 2017
Nutty defense secretary wants Islamists, Obama leftovers in senior postsMarch 3, 2017
Why the heck should it be a firing offense to talk with the Russians?March 3, 2017
Trump's Senate saboteursMarch 3, 2017
Conservatism killed off by its sole focus on economicsMarch 3, 2017
Sessions flap shows a Trump administration under constant oppo pressureMarch 3, 2017
A child in the Little League understands the rulesMarch 3, 2017
Neutering the administrative stateMarch 3, 2017
The Jeff Sessions ‘nothingburger’March 3, 2017
Obama and his media alliesMarch 3, 2017
Guess who's coming to breakfast, lunch, and dinner!March 3, 2017
Trump: Traitor to his classMarch 2, 2017
Vogue's sly little dig at Melania TrumpMarch 2, 2017
Welcome to the real world, federal bureaucratsMarch 2, 2017
Pelosi calls on Sessions to resign for Russian contactsMarch 2, 2017
Surprise! Illegal alien detained after holding news conferenceMarch 2, 2017
EU tells member states to detain more migrants before deportationMarch 2, 2017
The Obamacare financing flimflamMarch 2, 2017
Two groups of ladies dressed in whiteMarch 2, 2017
Some interesting audience data from Trump's speech to CongressMarch 2, 2017
Mark Levin takes credit for stopping Trump 'amnesty announcement'March 2, 2017
Trump's speech soared on a theme of fatherly loveMarch 2, 2017
Can we restore America's spirit of growth?March 2, 2017
A bombshell for IranMarch 2, 2017
The chancellor elects a new peopleMarch 2, 2017
Trump's speech exposes the sickness of the Democratic PartyMarch 1, 2017
Democrats depressed, disoriented, demoralized, devastated, and discredited in the wake of Trump's triumphMarch 1, 2017
The awful truth for Democrats: Trump learns and growsMarch 1, 2017
Van Jones: Trump 'became president' when he honored SEAL widowMarch 1, 2017
Trump's speech and our infantile leftMarch 1, 2017
One place where America is getting great again fastMarch 1, 2017
It's 'gut check' time for RepublicansMarch 1, 2017
Trump's speech, viewed with anti-Trump DemocratsMarch 1, 2017
Black victimhood: The club no one can joinMarch 1, 2017
Trump's immigration stance: Different in public and in private?March 1, 2017
Obama and one last GDP under 2%March 1, 2017
Liberals losing the 'Trump is a racist' narrativeMarch 1, 2017
Shut up and sing!March 1, 2017
University money machinesMarch 1, 2017
Green enemies of the environmentMarch 1, 2017
Public education for whom?
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- Obesity epidemic: Sometimes, the most obvious answer is on the table
- Trump officials ‘inadvertently’ include a reporter in their Yemen chat
- America’s new generation of young women who don’t want marriage or babies
- Black terrorists talk ‘seizing the means of production’ in South Africa
- Eurologic: Danes, other Europeans, vow to fight back against America by ... not buying their arms