Talking the Democrats off the ledge


As the senior Utah senator, Orrin Hatch, insisted in a nomination hearing February 1, it is time for the immature scorched-earth Democrats to "stop posturing and acting like idiots," epitomized by their truancy at several of the nomination hearings, as well as at Trump's inauguration, and exemplified by the testosterone-challenged Chuck Schumer's tearful theatrics about the temporary seven-country travel ban, totally out of proportion to the minimal fallout of tightening our vetting of refugees.

Democrats need to prove whether they can live up to the motto of a proven leader and winner of 225 out of 305 NFL games, Bill Belichik: "do your job." But that would violate their entitlement-centric affirmative-action worldview.

Instead of intelligent debate, acting on principle, and honest self-examination, Democrats are wielding weapons of secular humanist "fairness" enforcement, along with demonizing, smearing, and lead pipe tactics against anyone who doesn't share their moral high ground.  Like moderate Muslims who fail to denounce Islamic terrorists, Democrats won't condemn violent anti-Trump and anti-police protests by their own.  The anti-Trump violence at the University of California at Berkeley on February 1 is yet to be condemned by Mayor Jesse Arreguin.

Progressives elevate their ideology and sacred good intentions over our founding principles, our biblical morality, and the will of the people.  Case in point: Ashley Judd's lewd and hate-filled rant.  Linda Sarsour, the feminist executive director of the Arab American Association of New York, who was co-chair of the Women's March Trump protest, a sharia-promoting self-proclaimed "racial justice and civil rights activist," excoriated two noted anti-sharia Muslim refugees, saying they should have their vaginas removed.

Irredeemable deplorables are asking utopian Democrats: could your cause be better advanced by prioritizing individual liberty over statism?

If Democrats were self-aware and responsible, they would not have left it up to Trump to repair their Obama-Democrat train wreck, especially their policies and regulations crippling our economy, the diminishing of our military, their lawless sanctuary cities, and government invasion of health care.

Democrats will continue to sabotage their representation and influence in state legislatures, governorships, the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate, the Judicial Branch, and the Executive Branch, because they're enslaved to emotion-based hyper-egalitarian social justice.  Law, order, and the Constitution be damned.

There will be an even greater tectonic shift than the Trump revolution when the media finally weary of their chosen role as sycophantic Democrat mouthpieces and begin to demand a genuinely intelligent contest of ideas.

As it is, numerous Democrats will walk the plank in the 2018 elections and resist every effort to restore government's limited role to protect liberty.  Time for them, instead, to stop boycotting their responsibility to provide meaningful counterpoint to the conservative agenda.

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