The Giuliani cyber-security commission: Harbinger of hope

Last week, Mr. Trump asked Rudy Giuliani to put together an advisory group aimed at helping the administration understand and respond to "cyber-security" threats.

To most of us, this seemed like a pretty ordinary thing to do, and it should have been, but it wasn't – and the dead wrong headline at the appropriately named arstechnica site, "Giuliani announces he'll be Trump's czar for the cyber thing," accidently explains why.  Mr. Giuliani isn't a czar; he's an adviser to the president.  Unlike Obama, Mr. Trump is not outsourcing part of his responsibilities to extra-constitutional subject area czars, and, again unlike Obama, Mr. Trump is not assuming he already has all the right answers.

In making this appointment Mr. Trump demonstrates that he knows what he doesn't know, knows what to do about that, both accepts and is preparing for his responsibilities as final decision maker, and is ready and willing to take advice.

The contrast with Obama couldn't be greater.  All of those media outlets that referred to Mr. Giuliani's role as that of a czar and complained that he lacks subject area expertise are betraying the extent to which they accept the fascist left's view that right-thinking people know all the right answers and need only take control of government to implement them.

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