Peggy Noonan labels Trump supporters 'almost nothing'
If you thought 2016 losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's "irredeemable deplorables" insult was bad, Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan has topped that.
In her latest opinion piece on President Trump, the celebrated Noonan continues her "vulgarization in American politics" contempt for the average American she leveled at Sarah Palin in 2008.
From WSJ:
Normally a new president has someone backing him up, someone publicly behind him. Mr. Obama had the mainstream media—the big broadcast networks, big newspapers, activists and intellectuals, pundits and columnists of the left—the whole shebang. He had a unified, passionate party. Mr. Trump in comparison has almost nothing...
The new president has gradations of sympathy, respect or support from exactly one cable news channel, and some websites.
He really has no one but those who voted for him.
Do they understand what a lift daily governance is going to be, and how long the odds are, with so much arrayed against him, and them?
Beside the fact that ‘we the people’ have President Trump's back and he has ours, the new President has assembled and nominated a stellar team of brilliant and tough individuals to lead his agencies. If that is "no one," Ms. Noonan, then President Trump will soon demonstrate the irrelevance of the “whole shebang” against him, on the left and the right,
And, yes, Peggy, you can rest easy that we, with our challenged, vulgarized minds, know the odds.
After all, while you were appearing on ABC and CBS talk shows, spouting all of your nicety-nice, high-brow, pedantic, snobby, politically correct analyses, we endured being called "racist, Islamophobic zenophobes for 18 months” without backing down.
And contrary to your condescending final question, we "almost nothing" voters, who, according to you, can’t intellectually "understand what a lift daily governance" entails, know from experience how the practitioners of daily governance these last 8 years have governed. While you and your media sycophants were tiptoeing and pearl clutching around the atrocities heaped on working and middle class Americans by the Obama regime, and attending embassy parties, we were channeling our cold anger at the voting booth. We understand better than you the fight has just begun.