Democrats investigate Russian release of emails, bury voting by illegal aliens

The Democrats and their cheerleaders, the MSM, are attacking Donald Trump's proposal to investigate voter fraud, specifically voting by illegal aliens.  They contend that voting by illegal aliens is minimal, if it exists at all.

The New York Times, on January 25, 2017, quoted approvingly the opinions of California's Senator Dianne Feinstein, California secretary of State Alex Padilla, and the California Voter Foundation.

 California Voter Foundation:

It's more important that we investigate the known instances of election fraud, rather than imagined ones. We have had an election that was compromised by foreign interests. That's the real danger that has come out of this election.

Senator Feinstein:

There has been a sustained effort across the country, rooted in similar conspiracies about voter fraud, to make it harder for Americans to vote.  We can't allow this attack on voting rights to continue, and it's shameful to see such debunked conspiracy theories emanating from the White House.


Stoking fear and concern is undermining people's faith in our elections.

California gave Hillary Clinton 8,753,788 votes to Trump's 4,269,978, a plurality of 4,269,978. 

California gave Hillary the votes for her supporters (MSM) to continually say she won the popular vote by about 2.8 million.

It is more accurate to say that Trump won the national popular vote but that California is an outlier state that gave Hillary a plurality of over 4 million.  The California vote distorts the popular vote of the remaining 49 states.  The  Democrats, the MSM, and California officials like Feinstein and Padilla do not want an investigation that would question the 4-million-vote plurality.

Of course, a Republican was needed to criticize Trump's proposal, so the compliant Lindsey Graham obliged:

I would urge the President to knock this off; this is the greatest democracy on Earth, we're the leader of the free world, and people are going to start doubting you as a person if you keep making accusations against our electoral system without justification.  This is going to erode his ability to govern this country if he does not stop it.

And the reliable John McCain:

Look, there's no evidence of that and I think that those who allege that have to come up with some substantiation of the claim[.] ... Listen, I won by 14 points. I'm absolutely sure that there was not a single illegal vote in that election in Arizona[.]

If the Democrats, the MSM,  California officials, and McCain and Graham are so sure that there was no voting by illegals in California, then why not agree to the investigation?  If it were to back up their claims, then the investigation would make Trump look bad.  What are they afraid of?

McCain and Graham, and the Dems and the MSM, want to investigate the Russians for releasing John Podesta's emails.  They know there is no evidence that the Russians affected the election.  Maybe they believe that the emails affected only the voting in the states that Trump won, but not California, where Hillary won by over 4 million.

The Democrats have a spotty record on election honesty.  In 1960, Richard Nixon lost the election because of voter fraud in Chicago by Mayor Daley and in Texas by Lyndon Johnson.  Nixon could and should have challenged the election but refused because it would tear up the country.  (See Being Nixon by Evan Thomas, Random House, 2015.)

The Dems and the MSM believe that an investigation of illegal aliens voting would tear up the nation, but lawsuits by Jill Stein in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania; demonstrations against Trump the day after the inauguration; and an investigation of the alleged Russian release of Podesta's emails do not tear up the nation.

According to Hilary Clinton:

On Friday, I went to Washington to honor democracy and its enduring values.  On Saturday we watched women and men across this country and the globe stand up, speak out, and peacefully march for those values with one voice. It was awe-inspiring. We have to keep up the momentum.

What values?  What momentum?  Trump won the election, so the only "value" was attacking the legitimacy of the election results.  After behaving during the inauguration, the real Hillary surfaced one day later on Saturday to praise the demonstrations by angry old white women.

The Russians did try to influence the 1968 presidential election by pressuring the North Vietnamese to accept peace talks before the election to help Hubert Humphrey.  The Russians preferred Humphrey to Nixon because of Nixon's record as a Cold War warrior.  Lyndon Johnson tried an October surprise to help Humphrey by offering to halt the bombing if North Vietnam would agree to the peace talks before the election.  (See Evan Thomas, supra.)  If LBJ honestly believed that a bombing halt would start real peace talks, then why wait until October 1968 to propose one?  LBJ put the winning the election above the welfare of our country and the lives of our military.

The record of the Democrats on voter fraud and election manipulation is that they will do whatever it takes to win.

The Democrats/MSM are all about politics.  They not about the best interest of our country.

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