It’s Babylon for the Democrats

The fury and ferocity we have seen from the liberal left is only beginning.  Their jeers have turned to tears, but those will soon boil away into a frenzy of frantic attacks on the new president-elect, Donald J. Trump.

Many of us have been focused on the repeal of Obamacare, and the reversal of Obama’s numerous and illegal executive orders, as the main issues of the election.

On the other side, however, it is the fear of the appointment of a strongly conservative majority on the Supreme Court, which now drives the rage of the Democrats and well it might.  Unable to persuade ordinary Americans to enact their radical agenda, the left has long ago become accustomed to turning to the courts, instead of to the elected legislature.  Their last and final redoubt (the judiciary) is soon to be overrun by us, whom they regard as barbarians.

For Democrats, then, the nightmare has begun. 

Before the election, liberals had been gleefully salivating at the prospect of a Clinton high court.  They had eagerly anticipated rulings that would have vastly expanded abortion laws, eradicated the traditional concept of family, and in effect abolished all rights under the Second Amendment.  For them, those would have been only the beginning of a long and victorious march toward totalitarian rule. 

We ruined that.

We have been spared the dread prospect of a new and sinister Dark Ages that had loomed overhead.  Late on election night, we finally breathed a sigh of relief, and bowed our heads in thanks to a merciful God.

The fight, however, is far from over.  The Democrats are like the fanatical Japanese Army lieutenant Hiroo Onoda, who continued to wage World War II against the Allies until 1974, nearly thirty years after his side surrendered.  He finally gave in, but only after receiving orders from his former superior officer.

Like Onoda, the imperial Democrat army will never admit defeat.  Never.  For them, the stakes are not only high; they amount to ideological life or death.  Without a sympathetic court on their side, they know that their socialist dreams will eventually wither on the vine and die.  This, for the radical left (in other words, the mainstream Democrats), is like being consigned to an earthly Hell, like passing under that fabled arch that reads, "Abandon All Hope."  They will not go quietly.

Hyperbole?  We will see on inauguration day.  Expect massive throngs of furious and desperate goons to attempt to trample the podium, as they do even now on college campuses, whenever any conservative speaker attempts to exercise his First Amendment rights.  Inauguration day will see the mother of all protests spell that "riots" as Trump's hand reaches forth toward the Bible to affirm the oath of office.

In the first hundred days after that, expect the Democrat minority in Congress to skillfully execute every conceivable maneuver to thwart the will of the electors, to scheme and plot without pause, to poison every act of the legislature, and to frustrate every action of the president.  They will claw, scratch, kick, bite, and scream like rabid beasts, knowing that their time is short.  

They will have no choice.

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