As Trump forms his cabinet, compare and contrast Obama’s approach

Barack Obama lived in the ivory tower of academia, from which he selected much of his cabinet.  Those selections appear to be have been more grounded in perceptions of intellect than abilities or the promise of extraordinary contribution.  Degrees and theories were paramount, while real-life experiences would take a back seat.

Former secretary of defense Robert Gates discusses leadership in his book, A Passion for Leadership: Lessons on Change and Reform from Fifty Years of Public Service.  Gates revealed that at one point, Obama declared in a cabinet meeting that he, Obama, could perform the duties of each cabinet post better than those he had selected for the positions.

“You know, the president is quoted as having said at one point to his staff, ‘I can do every one of your jobs better than you can,’” Gates said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

The arrogance is stifling, but upon examination, the declaration is actually an exposure of poor leadership.  Obama's self-absorption does not permit this man to detect such a glaring admission.  For if indeed Obama could have performed each cabinet position in a more proficient manner than those he selected, it seems that the selections were placeholders, because as Obama essentially pronounced, he couldn’t be everywhere at the same time.

One might ask what the appointment thresholds were, exactly.

Leaders should, as Gates suggests, surround themselves with people who bring talents and knowledge from different segments of the spectrum.  The appointees should possess unique talents that are appropriately applicable to the tasks at hand.  Those selected should be at the ready to use special abilities, their presence being a net increase in the horsepower of the cabinet team.

Now we witness Donald Trump filling his cabinet positions.  His style and substance are in sharp contrast to the outgoing president’s.  Trump’s selections elevate each position, and each appointee delivers real-life experiences and proven talents.  I am certain that Trump would admit each pick in the selected position offers abilities beyond his own.  The “team” is designed to deliver proficiencies and elevate the collective efforts of the cabinet.

Trump’s construction experiences required that he surround himself with engineers, architects, lawyers, and financiers.  Each brought special talents and expertise.  He would not tell them he knew their jobs better than they themselves.  It is with this style, this sharp contrast to the outgoing president, that we witness the opening moves of a welcome contrast in leadership.

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