American Thinker Blog
December 31, 2016
Incredible: Obama administration adds 97,000 pages of regulations in 2016December 31, 2016
Did a Red Bear just poop in the Oval Office?December 31, 2016
Lessons in civility from RFK, Jr.December 31, 2016
Even a Rolling Stone writer sees the con game underway on ‘Russia hacking election’December 31, 2016
‘Celebrate our successes and look forward to the revolution rolling into 2017,’ with Nigel FarageDecember 31, 2016
MSNBC’s worst year everDecember 31, 2016
Minimum wage hikes create 45,000 new robot jobs at AmazonDecember 31, 2016
Illegal alien who raped 13-year-old girl was deported 10 timesDecember 31, 2016
Senator McConnell, the Security Council resolution, and the default of the guardiansDecember 31, 2016
Whom do you believe: Barack Obama or Vladimir Putin?December 31, 2016
How is outgoing Obama planning to defend Obamacare?December 31, 2016
Shocking victories and paradigm shifts: Trump and college footballDecember 31, 2016
The Democrats need to confessDecember 30, 2016
Putin declines to retaliate on Obama’s sanctionsDecember 30, 2016
Drexel University defends white genocide-wishing professorDecember 30, 2016
Justice Department declines to prosecute VA employees who defrauded $400K, and who still have jobsDecember 30, 2016
Kremlin response to Obama's expulsions? LaughterDecember 30, 2016
Chicago 2016 in one pictureDecember 30, 2016
Democrats plan ways to delay Trump cabinet nominationsDecember 30, 2016
A little 'gas anger' in MexicoDecember 30, 2016
Obama is the real 'Rogue One'December 30, 2016
Luther and anti-Semitism, 500 years laterDecember 30, 2016
Crazy Charlie's unhinged, againDecember 29, 2016
Drexel University’s white genocide nightmare in 2017December 29, 2016
A warrior's tale to make you feel goodDecember 29, 2016
Debbie Reynolds’ death reminds us of the importance of the will to liveDecember 29, 2016
Slate’s hilarious justification for white genocide-wishing communist professorDecember 29, 2016
Democrats’ sound and fury over confirming Trump’s cabinet signifies nothingDecember 29, 2016
Obama and Kerry: Poster boys for moral relativismDecember 29, 2016
Trump’s new Israel paradigm: What is best for AmericaDecember 29, 2016
Obama decides what's best for IsraelDecember 29, 2016
Jews aren't 'settling' in the West Bank – they are going homeDecember 29, 2016
Israel should leave the UNDecember 29, 2016
Abe and Obama at Pearl HarborDecember 29, 2016
2017: 'Muy malo' for CubaDecember 28, 2016
Behind the scenes of the American betrayal of IsraelDecember 28, 2016
SEIU announces 30% budget cut anticipating ‘reduced resources’ in Trump eraDecember 28, 2016
A schadenfreude double-headerDecember 28, 2016
DC Court of Appeals re-opens search for deleted Hillary emails – this time with grand juries and subpoenas, if necessaryDecember 28, 2016
Progressivism as a mental illnessDecember 28, 2016
Time for a new treaty with IsraelDecember 28, 2016
The 2016 word of the year: And the winner is...December 28, 2016
Will 2016 be a real turning point?December 28, 2016
When the US Embassy moves to Jerusalem…December 28, 2016
Adult or juvenile court for 17-year-old offenders?December 28, 2016
China and Russia run the boardDecember 28, 2016
Why the world needs more ScroogesDecember 28, 2016
Exploiting our servicemenDecember 28, 2016
1,030 reasons why President Obama failed his partyDecember 27, 2016
Glenn Beck heading to the left?December 27, 2016
Twilight of the pop culture godsDecember 27, 2016
Trump tweet about UN breaks another precedentDecember 27, 2016
Obama's 'great' economyDecember 27, 2016
Obama’s ego and the future of the DemsDecember 27, 2016
Chicago's bloodletting continues; 11 dead, 50 wounded over Christmas weekendDecember 27, 2016
Economist, pundit Thomas Sowell retiringDecember 27, 2016
Maxine Waters refuses to meet with Trump to find common groundDecember 27, 2016
Jihadists already acting to counter coming Trump presidencyDecember 27, 2016
Here is Obama's last-ditch lame-duck effort to grind down the State of IsraelDecember 27, 2016
Israel: Obama orchestrated the UN resolution to condemn IsraelDecember 26, 2016
National Review compares Barron and Eric Trump to Uday and QusayDecember 26, 2016
Fed up with FacebookDecember 26, 2016
Higher education at the precipiceDecember 26, 2016
NATO auditor found apparently murderedDecember 26, 2016
Discovery of gravitational waves named science 'breakthrough of the year'December 26, 2016
Liberal hysterics over Trump a windfall for activist causesDecember 26, 2016
Obama’s unintended consequences: King of Bahrain openly celebrates Hanukkah with JewsDecember 26, 2016
Trump with historic opportunity to reshape federal judiciaryDecember 26, 2016
Professor who wished for ‘white genocide’ faces a firestorm after American Thinker Christmas Day scoopDecember 26, 2016
University of California imperils federal funding with illegal immigrant policiesDecember 26, 2016
Deported Muslims joining al-Qaeda and the Taliban?December 26, 2016
Religious intolerance disguised as freedomDecember 26, 2016
Snowflake sillinessDecember 26, 2016
What about Mexico intervening in the US election?December 25, 2016
Professor tweets ‘all I want for Christmas is white genocide’December 25, 2016
Cruz: No money for UN until anti-Israeli resolution reversedDecember 25, 2016
A little Irish girl's amazing Christmas song goes viralDecember 25, 2016
A feel-good treat in AT's Christmas stockingDecember 25, 2016
It’s The Most Wonderful Time In Eight YearsDecember 25, 2016
Three souls who taught me the meaning of ChristmasDecember 25, 2016
Trump channels Kennedy, Reagan on nukesDecember 25, 2016
Politico can't find a flattering photo of Donald TrumpDecember 25, 2016
A Christmas tree story from Communist RomaniaDecember 25, 2016
Why is Christmas merry?December 25, 2016
All-American holiday quizDecember 24, 2016
National Review owes an apology to the Trump familyDecember 24, 2016
Obama’s UN betrayal of Israel is only the tip of the icebergDecember 24, 2016
Endgame of the Obama administrationDecember 24, 2016
Obama's 'Midnight Regulation Express'December 24, 2016
Oh, really? North Carolina no longer classified as a 'democracy'December 24, 2016
The Jewish voter as the Democratic Party's battered spouseDecember 24, 2016
Obama makes it more difficult to fight terrorismDecember 24, 2016
Is Obama trying to convince us he's a Muslim?December 24, 2016
'Winter Wonderland' and the somber story of the man who composed itDecember 24, 2016
The UN Israel vote: Teaches much, changes nothing (and affects everything)December 24, 2016
They're not singing 'Feliz Anything' in Venezuela this ChristmasDecember 24, 2016
There is no differenceDecember 23, 2016
Kellyanne Conway, the presidential counselorDecember 23, 2016
Astonishing number of fake hate crimes since Trump electionDecember 23, 2016
Heir to British throne urges subjects to think about Mohammed at ChristmastimeDecember 23, 2016
Harsh UN resolution on Israeli settlements suddenly withdrawn by EgyptDecember 23, 2016
Ivanka and the JetBluesDecember 23, 2016
The next great sucking soundDecember 23, 2016
Star Wars action figure features hijabi protagonistDecember 23, 2016
NY Times: Scrap the Electoral College because of slaveryDecember 23, 2016
Trump is right to consider canceling the F-35December 23, 2016
Could Paul Krugman and ninja jacks save Obama's economy?December 23, 2016
Beltway robber baron Elon Musk already infiltrating Trump administrationDecember 23, 2016
Trump's SCOTUS picks: Liberals in conservative clothing?December 23, 2016
'Austerity' now comes to BrazilDecember 22, 2016
Boeing CEO is following Trump’s Air Force One scriptDecember 22, 2016
Poor Obama! Self-pity marks his final weeks in officeDecember 22, 2016
Evidence emerging that Dems’ disparagement of Trump victory is backfiringDecember 22, 2016
Politico obtains hacked emails from Clinton campaign post-electionDecember 22, 2016
No brain required to import terroristsDecember 22, 2016
It’s Babylon for the DemocratsDecember 22, 2016
The most dangerous verse in the QuranDecember 22, 2016
Why the social justice warriors are so attracted to IslamDecember 22, 2016
‘Rapey’ Christmas songs and decapitated roofersDecember 22, 2016
Rahm Emanuel’s private emails to be released after court caseDecember 22, 2016
Bias attacks (fake ones) against Muslims at an all-time highDecember 22, 2016
Registry needed of news outlets reporting on Trump's 'Muslim registry'December 22, 2016
The social 'cost' of carbon is a better lifeDecember 22, 2016
No due process in CubaDecember 21, 2016
Trump and ChurchillDecember 21, 2016
FBI search warrant: Hillary Clinton put US at 'exceptionally grave' riskDecember 21, 2016
The KKK is just too smallDecember 21, 2016
Why do Arab soldiers only fight well when they are religious fanatics?December 21, 2016
Even if the Russians did hack the emails, so what?December 21, 2016
California Democrats misinterpreting supermajority statusDecember 21, 2016
Check out the art on the new Second Avenue subway stopDecember 21, 2016
Christmas again in AmericaDecember 21, 2016
Bill Clinton’s trifectaDecember 21, 2016
ACLU helps put Maine on the horns of a pagan dilemmaDecember 21, 2016
No 'O Come, All Ye Faithful' at the Clintons' this holidayDecember 21, 2016
Hatem Bazian and the erasure of Jewish historyDecember 21, 2016
Meet Trump's 'tremendous' Christian advisersDecember 21, 2016
Washington Post's unbalanced reporting on Bill Clinton alleged sonDecember 20, 2016
Warning to Democrats: The rules have changedDecember 20, 2016
Petulant children whining about electoral college shouldn’t have the voteDecember 20, 2016
Conservatives like ‘Merry Christmas; liberals like ‘Happy Holidays’December 20, 2016
Patriotic Democratic electors follow their conscience, defect from ClintonDecember 20, 2016
Ankara Assassin’s pop culture ironyDecember 20, 2016
The college bowl explains why Hillary Clinton lostDecember 20, 2016
How much sympathy do you feel for pregnant hiker kidnapped in Afghanistan?December 20, 2016
Did Russia hack? The death of investigative journalism and the rise of fake newsDecember 20, 2016
People who voted Republican in NC rewarded with boys in girls' bathroomsDecember 20, 2016
Could Angela Merkel save lives by outlawing Christmas?December 20, 2016
Trump owes nothing to the 'Bush Barnacles'December 20, 2016
An antidote to Post-Election Stress TraumaDecember 20, 2016
Who knew the Klan was that big?December 20, 2016
It was a bad year for the expertsDecember 19, 2016
‘Students of color’ conference at University of California reportedly dissolves into a fight over who is most oppressedDecember 19, 2016
Sometimes there’s such a thing as too much schadenfreudeDecember 19, 2016
Time to downsize Washington, DCDecember 19, 2016
Why are Hollywood libs such poor losers?December 19, 2016
John Podesta and his girlfriend’s toeDecember 19, 2016
The Ghost Ship: The tragedy of the live-work commonsDecember 19, 2016
Justice Department sues to force mosques on small townsDecember 19, 2016
NYT okays nullification of gay marriage, abortion, bathroom lawsDecember 19, 2016
Just folks in the Chappaqua woodsDecember 19, 2016
The Democrats throw Hippasus into the seaDecember 19, 2016
The 'conservative' case for gender-free bathroomsDecember 19, 2016
1991: And then Yeltsin said it was overDecember 18, 2016
Hillary: Attack on Her Campaign is An Attack On Our CountryDecember 18, 2016
How Trump will 'work with' CongressDecember 18, 2016
How the global warming fraud will collapseDecember 18, 2016
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard taunts Obama: ‘After Aleppo, we will intervene in Bahrain, Yemen’December 18, 2016
Is there still time for one more Schadenfreude video collection?December 18, 2016
Fake News, the New York Times WayDecember 18, 2016
Russian ‘hacking’ is a media disinformation campaignDecember 18, 2016
Murdered Pakistani girls replaced with duplicatesDecember 18, 2016
YouTube's and Facebook's war on Steven Crowder and conservativesDecember 18, 2016
Should we trust the CIA on Russian hackers?December 18, 2016
The CIA on Russian hackers: Intelligence estimates, or desperate political spin?December 18, 2016
The great Carew in the toughest at bat of his lifeDecember 17, 2016
Obama’s passivity in the face of genocide in SyriaDecember 17, 2016
Shocker: CNN anchors rebuke sore loser DemocratsDecember 17, 2016
The perfect summation of the Obama presidency doesn’t even need wordsDecember 17, 2016
Why the success of the Trump presidency depends on civil service reformDecember 17, 2016
Michelle Obama not proud of America againDecember 17, 2016
Hillary has gone full Jake BluesDecember 17, 2016
Democrat electors: Serve your country! Cast your ballot for Donald J. Trump!December 17, 2016
Dear liberal celebrities: Are you still here?December 17, 2016
Democrats have forfeited their credibilityDecember 17, 2016
Golden Gate Bridge $142 million suicide net has big loopholeDecember 17, 2016
How to encourage Islamic reformDecember 17, 2016
So electors will decide who is fit to be president?December 17, 2016
Cut the supply lineDecember 16, 2016
Photos reveal the grim mood at Hillary’s lavish event for rich and powerful donors last nightDecember 16, 2016
Russian motives in hacking not what the Dems and media sayDecember 16, 2016
The most amazing Trump Derangement Syndrome meltdown yetDecember 16, 2016
Unions playing defense nowDecember 16, 2016
Even the Democrats’ big donors are not buying the ‘Russia did it’ excuse for Hillary’s lossDecember 16, 2016
Hillary’s costly farewellDecember 16, 2016
Biggest. Post-election. Rally. Ever.December 16, 2016
It must be something in the waterDecember 16, 2016
The 'Rio boom' that did not happenDecember 16, 2016
The Washington Post's Islam vs. Donald Trump's IslamDecember 16, 2016
The wealthy bizman conundrumDecember 16, 2016
Self-hating Jews celebrate Hanukkah by showing their hatred for Donald TrumpDecember 16, 2016
Muslims march en masse demanding sharia LondonDecember 16, 2016
Harry Reid: Release of Podesta emails same as 9-11 attackDecember 15, 2016
Leaker of Podesta emails was a US intel official, not Russia, according to former ambassadorDecember 15, 2016
Despicable attempts to dodge Obama’s responsibility for Syria ‘red line’ defaultDecember 15, 2016
Why Democrat attacks on Senator Sessions during attorney general confirmation hearings will backfireDecember 15, 2016
Reince Priebus signals big changes for White House Press CorpsDecember 15, 2016
German defense minister enrages Saudi Arabia during visitDecember 15, 2016
The left's Russia meme: Fake news of the week?December 15, 2016
The rule of lawDecember 15, 2016
Clean green batteries?December 15, 2016
Republicans had better fight for Rex TillersonDecember 15, 2016
Believe in the American miracleDecember 15, 2016
A lovely Christmas encounterDecember 15, 2016
French surprised that integrated middle-class Muslims arrested for terrorismDecember 15, 2016
Dem candidate accuses Russian hackers of stripping her nudeDecember 15, 2016
Headlines from Latin America 2016December 14, 2016
The long knives come out for HumaDecember 14, 2016
Arrogant Department of Energy bureaucrats are stonewalling Trump transition team questionsDecember 14, 2016
Thank you, Dr. Jill SteinDecember 14, 2016
Danney Williams may not need a paternity test to know if Bill Clinton is his fatherDecember 14, 2016
A new cereal killer unleashedDecember 14, 2016
Leftists to bury the America's backDecember 14, 2016
A big 'whoops' for Donald TrumpDecember 14, 2016
The final flight for the F-4 Phantom set for next weekDecember 14, 2016
Briefing the Electoral College on 'Russian hacks'December 14, 2016
No one in the new Star Wars film looks like meDecember 14, 2016
What will be Rex Tillerson's principal mission as secretary of state?December 14, 2016
Former secretary of labor Tom Perez will try to stop Keith Ellison’s DNC chair bidDecember 14, 2016
Trump's Interior Dept. pick supports big government control of landsDecember 14, 2016
The Democrats should turn out the lightsDecember 13, 2016
La La Land is shallow (spoiler alert)December 13, 2016
Still waiting for the 19 celebrities who promised to leave America if Trump was elected to get outDecember 13, 2016
Former representative Chaka Fattah sentenced to ten years in federal prisonDecember 13, 2016
The climate con game: British taxpayers discover $350 million ‘can’t be tracked’December 13, 2016
Hacking the election: 37% of the precincts in Detroit reported more votes than votersDecember 13, 2016
Military Millennials gone wildDecember 13, 2016
Jill Stein recount charade is over. Fini. Kaput.December 13, 2016
Lt. Colonel West and General MattisDecember 13, 2016
ACLU: Sight of cross on public tree inflicts 'irreparable harm'December 13, 2016
Trump terror within Middle East studiesDecember 13, 2016
Recounts over, Trump wins...and Democrats now claim interferenceDecember 13, 2016
Designated hatersDecember 13, 2016
How about a 'Sinatra pause'?December 12, 2016
Why on earth does Trump want Rex Tillerson at the State Department?December 12, 2016
Hillary’s done it nowDecember 12, 2016
The revenge of Sarah PalinDecember 12, 2016
The epic fail of BDSDecember 12, 2016
Hi tech summit at the Trump TowerDecember 12, 2016
Texas Muslim pleads guilty to setting Christmas Day fire at own mosque last yearDecember 12, 2016
Virtue signal to men: 27 skidooDecember 12, 2016
Obama's email problemDecember 12, 2016
Trump's SecState pick decorated by Vladimir PutinDecember 12, 2016
Mexico and the cartel wars keep goingDecember 12, 2016
A threat to the Electoral CollegeDecember 12, 2016
The Liang prosecutionDecember 11, 2016
Hillary loved her some PutinDecember 11, 2016
Trump, the Generals, and the Mainstream MediaDecember 11, 2016
The Polar Vortex Comes to Kill AGW HypeDecember 11, 2016
Kennedy wins Louisiana Senate run-offDecember 11, 2016
Mother's Milk? Clinton spends twice as much as Trump in losing effortDecember 11, 2016
Obama blames intel agencies for underestimating ISISDecember 11, 2016
The great Russia-hacked-the-election conDecember 11, 2016
Hillary Clinton would have won …December 11, 2016
Did golf save the United States?December 11, 2016
Obama's CIA: Russians favored Trump in electionDecember 11, 2016
Not a 'red tape' country, but a 'red carpet' countryDecember 11, 2016
Conservatism's fiefdom problemDecember 11, 2016
Cubans going hungry so tourists can eat well?December 11, 2016
Donald Trump's common sense conservatismDecember 10, 2016
Key GOP congressman proposes significant Social Security reformsDecember 10, 2016
Academy says 'gender fluid' actor can be nominated in both male and female categoriesDecember 10, 2016
The reckoning: Who was the absolute worst pundit of the election?December 10, 2016
Hysteria breaking out among the warmists at the Department of EnergyDecember 10, 2016
Oops! Trump’s ‘sanctuary city’ penalties could cost Chicago $3.6 billionDecember 10, 2016
Doing the math on Oakland fire inspectionsDecember 10, 2016
Senate Democrats relent: vote to avoid government shutdownDecember 10, 2016
University of California awards $841,000 bonus to investment officer who lost $791 million last yearDecember 10, 2016
What about the neighbors of the Ghost Ship artists’ colony?December 10, 2016
Trump's EPA offensive will be the scientific cat fight of our timeDecember 10, 2016
The Times and immigrationDecember 10, 2016
Could the Democrats nominate someone like John Glenn today?December 10, 2016
Liberals demand felony murderers, shooters, robbers be released from jailDecember 10, 2016
GOP Congress agrees with Trump that 'Dreamers' can stayDecember 9, 2016
Mayor of Oakland warns against ‘scapegoating’ lavishly paid city employees who failed to inspect deathtrap warehouse in 30 yearsDecember 9, 2016
So many reasons to love the designation of Andrew Puzder as head of the Department of LaborDecember 9, 2016
Is Yale on the verge of changing its name?December 9, 2016
A thoughtcriminal speaksDecember 9, 2016
Fake newser whines about fake newsDecember 9, 2016
Georgia’s secretary of state accuses Jeh Johnson’s DHS of attempting to breach cyber-security firewallDecember 9, 2016
Barbara Boxer’s long goodbyeDecember 9, 2016
We must not bully people as the left doesDecember 9, 2016
Obama: ISIL not on my radarDecember 9, 2016
Soldiers vs. shystersDecember 9, 2016
Restoring the real Democratic PartyDecember 9, 2016
The Electoral College: The last wall against voter fraudDecember 9, 2016
Michigan recount stoppedDecember 9, 2016
Is it happy #23 for NAFTA?December 8, 2016
Trump’s home run on EPA directorDecember 8, 2016
More Smelling Salts For Liz WarrenDecember 8, 2016
A fascinating peek into the mentality of the liberal bubbleDecember 8, 2016
One more example of Trump thinking two steps ahead of the Trump-hatersDecember 8, 2016
Wisconsin recount increasing Trump’s leadDecember 8, 2016
A town named Hershey in pre-Castro CubaDecember 8, 2016
Military vs. civilian leadership: The real recordDecember 8, 2016
Trump wants to legalize 'Dreamers,' admit huge number of new immigrantsDecember 8, 2016
Google falsely claims to be powered by windmillsDecember 8, 2016
Trump's EPA nominee makes eco-misanthropes and red-greens howlDecember 8, 2016
Trump's administration: Veterans need not apply?December 8, 2016
Which is more important: global warming or clean water?December 8, 2016
Financial CHOICE Act Will Reform Business-Killing Dodd-FrankDecember 7, 2016
Remember when we warned Democrats about executive powers and orders?December 7, 2016
A faithless electorDecember 7, 2016
Ed Secretary John King: Homeschooling deprives kidsDecember 7, 2016
Democrats afraid of 'military figures' in Trump administrationDecember 7, 2016
Pentagon wastes $125 billion; Obama missing in actionDecember 7, 2016
Obama praises Obama's policies for 'breaking the back' of terrorismDecember 7, 2016
New York Times foresees 'anti-Muslim Holocaust' under TrumpDecember 7, 2016
Another stunning Trump surprise: $50-billion investment in USA promised by Masayoshi SonDecember 7, 2016
Unions and their Democratic allies losing ‘bigly’ in the wake of Trump-led GOP sweepDecember 7, 2016
David Brock surrenders to Fox News and plans pathetic ploy to keep the billionaires funding his empireDecember 7, 2016
Bill de Blasio’s fate may rest with the Sessions Justice DepartmentDecember 6, 2016
An engine breakdown that said it allDecember 6, 2016
California dreamingDecember 6, 2016
Self-hating Jews ally with Muslims against TrumpDecember 6, 2016
Why Big Mining loves Big GreenDecember 6, 2016
GOP elector abandons Trump because of alleged Darth Vader connectionDecember 6, 2016
New technology better than fracking could vastly expand oil reservesDecember 6, 2016
Al Gore meets with Ivanka Trump and her fatherDecember 6, 2016
Joe Biden jokingly reveals the pathetic lack of talent in the Democratic PartyDecember 6, 2016
Anti-hate video banned as hate speechDecember 6, 2016
SEIU branch in Texas declares bankruptcyDecember 6, 2016
As Trump forms his cabinet, compare and contrast Obama’s approachDecember 6, 2016
Polling confirms Trump’s triumph with CarrierDecember 5, 2016
Tourist detained in Kazakhstan because immigration officials refuse to believe New Zealand is a countryDecember 5, 2016
The Democratic Party seems ready to throw Jews and Israel under the busDecember 5, 2016
Trump persuades Ben Carson to take the HUD Cabinet seatDecember 5, 2016
Trump’s Taiwan phone call generates stupid media tricksDecember 5, 2016
A fire in OaklandDecember 5, 2016
Louisiana, here we come!December 5, 2016
Scrap international opinion, build national consensus: The key to ending the Israeli settlement debateDecember 5, 2016
Kris Kobach: The only choice for Homeland SecurityDecember 5, 2016
The search for a secretary of state continuesDecember 5, 2016
Trump’s artful callDecember 5, 2016
Stein taking Pennsylvania recount to federal courtDecember 5, 2016
A case for eliminating the corporate income taxDecember 5, 2016
Brazilians feeling a little doomed these daysDecember 4, 2016
The new age of propagandaDecember 4, 2016
Veterans teach Hampshire College an Old Glory lessonDecember 4, 2016
Trump could help Republicans pick up two more Senate seatsDecember 4, 2016
Trump tweets carrots and sticks to keep factories in the United StatesDecember 4, 2016
Guess which Jews are jubilating on the Trump trainDecember 4, 2016
Ford CEO turns to Trump to help blunt EPA’s regulatory surgeDecember 4, 2016
Liberals outraged by Trump using a phoneDecember 4, 2016
Stein drops request for statewide recount in PennsylvaniaDecember 4, 2016
How do you say 'Brexit' in Italian?December 4, 2016
How does John Bolton stack up against other SecState contenders?December 4, 2016
RIP: Jim Delligatti, inventor of the Big MacDecember 4, 2016
Nakedness and necessityDecember 4, 2016
Trump and U.S. foreign policy vis-à-vis IranDecember 3, 2016
Senator Gillibrand, Mad Dog, and Dirty HarryDecember 3, 2016
Bowe Bergdahl asks Obama for pardon before Trump takes officeDecember 3, 2016
Recount silliness in Wisconsin nets Clinton exactly one voteDecember 3, 2016
Old Glory flies again as college that refused to fly American flag relentsDecember 3, 2016
Media hysterical over Trump call to Taiwan presidentDecember 3, 2016
Fort Hood Army sergeant first woman to become a cavalry scoutDecember 3, 2016
Obama to sign Iran sanctions extensionDecember 3, 2016
A ‘cold anomaly’ is comingDecember 3, 2016
The never-ending story of election recountsDecember 3, 2016
Once again media predict disasterDecember 3, 2016
Tackling the peddlers of climate changeDecember 3, 2016
Which Muslim refugees to accept?December 3, 2016
Take a hike, HuckDecember 3, 2016
Decades-old appeasement policy vis-à-vis Iran must endDecember 3, 2016
Let's have an open Obamacare debateDecember 2, 2016
Trump taps James 'Mad Dog' Mattis for defense secretaryDecember 2, 2016
Megyn Kelly: A perfect fit for CNN?December 2, 2016
Democrats’ donors dump the losersDecember 2, 2016
Clinton, Trump aides in shouting match at HarvardDecember 2, 2016
Trump actually has had a bigger triumph than Carrier prior to taking officeDecember 2, 2016
The key to Trump’s Carrier deal: Next-generation manufacturingDecember 2, 2016
Grim milestone: Chicago tops 700 homicides for the yearDecember 2, 2016
Neal Gabler proclaims America deadDecember 2, 2016
Hillary's new recordDecember 2, 2016
Mitt Romney should run the VADecember 2, 2016
Who has a bigger conflict of interest: Donald Trump or the New York Times?December 2, 2016
Popular TV show features hijabi FBI agents, zero Muslim terroristsDecember 2, 2016
Dr. Stein is not a serious personDecember 1, 2016
The climate scam corruption metastasizesDecember 1, 2016
The ultimate symbol of Trump Derangement Syndrome?December 1, 2016
McDonald's will install self-serve kiosks at locations nationwideDecember 1, 2016
The cowardice of Tony the TigerDecember 1, 2016
House Dems re-elect Pelosi as leader; rearrange deck chairs on TitanicDecember 1, 2016
Attacks on border agents up 200% this yearDecember 1, 2016
How to get 'higher education' without getting a college degreeDecember 1, 2016
Muslims in State Department, Defense Department, and CIA debate quittingDecember 1, 2016
We (still) need the Electoral CollegeDecember 1, 2016
Desecrating our flag should not be protected speechDecember 1, 2016
Radical Islamic gay porn star spy caught in the actDecember 1, 2016
Refuting government happy talk on Medicare fraudDecember 1, 2016
Trump’s dangerous game with CarrierDecember 1, 2016
The real winner of the 2016 election: The working classDecember 1, 2016
Cuba's future and President Trump
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