Shock and horror

Shock and horror is the reaction of the German people to the victory of Donald Trump.  In the U.K. also, with some people even going so far as to say, in private, that they felt physically sick at the result.

Well, I am one Englishman who wishes to salute Donald Trump.  What he accomplished last night was simply phenomenal.  I did kip for two hours between 3 AM and 5 AM.  Before I retired, Florida was still in the balance, and so was Iowa.  When I put my TV on again shortly after 5 AM, Florida and Iowa had been won, and Pennsylvania was to follow.  At about 7.30 A.M., the followers of Hillary Clinton were advised to go home, but the battle was not finished.

Some 10 minutes later, news filtered through that Hillary Clinton had phoned Donald Trump and conceded victory.  At that time, Donald Trump had still not cleared the finishing line, but not soon after, he did.

Shock and horror!  Well, it may have been shock and horror for some, but for me it was double Brexit.  On June 23, Britain achieved independence from the EU.  On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump brought off a political coup d’état the likes of which we are never likely to see again.

He brought it off against overwhelming odds.  A billionaire, with no previous political experience, had first to battle with his own party of Republicans.  He had to continue without the support of many bigwigs in his own party, who sort of held their noses in disdain, and then he battled against the odds with an experienced politician, a lady who was still married to a former president, President Clinton.

The odds against his winning were enormously high, added to which the American system itself was stacked against him.

I have heard some of my fellow countrymen suggest that Americans must have been uneducated to have voted for such a brash fellow.  Even now, in the U.K., I hear the same argument employed.  “We have Brexit only because of a few uneducated Northerners, Labour supporters, who did not even know their own party’s manifesto.”

Such a disdainful argument, such affected superiority, is an insult to our Brexiteers and equally an insult to the American people.  It suggests that all those on the right are somewhat more dim-witted than those on the left.  Glory be!

Not only has Donald Trump become president-elect, but he has also ushered in a Republican majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Hopefully he will stop spending millions of U.S. dollars in trying to prevent the natural evolution of the planet – which is called, by some, fighting “climate change.”  If ever there was a stupid waste of money and resources, that one takes the biscuit.  If this is an English expression, I am confident that readers of American Thinker will get the meaning.  At this very moment, some 20,000 climate fanatics are camped out in Marrakech, North Africa, intent on ruining world economies.  Donald Trump will not be hoaxed!  What a relief!

He has more or less singlehandedly taken on a great nation and won.  That is some achievement.  If I were alone, let this one Englishman applaud him.  I believe he will grow in stature – I believe that he will become a great president of the United States of America.

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