Democrats insult their way to a loss
The wailing, the shrieking, the gnashing of teeth, the pitiful cries of liberals are a cacophony of outrage and disbelief. Their corrupt cesspool of a candidate, Hillary Clinton, was rejected by a public grown tired of the condescending contempt heaped on our heads by liberals who scream "racist," "sexist," or "Islamophobic" if we dare utter a peep of dissension from their warped view of America.
Large swathes of the media maintain that the Democratic loss arose from a horrific combination of racism and sexism inherent in the hearts and minds of Americans. President Obama admonished men that they are sexist if they wouldn't vote for Clinton. Spoiled, self-centered celebrities spewed curse-filled rants on Twitter lamenting that Clinton lost because Americans are racist and sexist. As one untalented actor stated, "rural is stupid."
The left fanned the flames of every grievance imaginable, told the members of every identity group that they were the victims of blatant, pervasive discrimination. They systemically shamed anyone who questioned that orthodoxy with the swift and brutal repression employed against heretics during the Spanish Inquisition. They created a victim culture that disparages all whites as racist by virtue of being born white and all men as sexist by being born male. Now they are distraught by what their histrionic accusations have wrought. It is beyond their comprehension why those they unabashedly stereotype as deplorable and irredeemable have voted down their tyranny of character assassination.
Democrats wonder why the polls didn't reveal the deep disgust of millions of Americans with both their corrupt candidate and their deformed ideology that impugns basic American values and maligns the majority of the nation as inherently racist. It was impossible to voice opposition to Hillary Clinton without being viciously attacked as sexist, racist, Islamophobic – every atrocious name they can think to hurl indiscriminately at you.
I wrote about Hillary Clinton's corruption and was insulted as a narrow-minded, sexist idiot. This brand of public shaming leads many people to avoid talking publicly about any remotely controversial issue because, if you don't enthusiastically acquiesce to leftists' version of the victim culture, you are vilified. Yet they can't understand why people didn't voice their disagreement with them.
The Democrats poured gasoline on the burning emotions among different groups of voters and denigrated objective standards of behavior. They insisted that any statement or action by the opposition that subjectively offended anyone, no matter how thin-skinned or irrational, constitutes an unacceptable affront and "hate language." Now they are shocked that millions of voters were offended by being labeled irreparable bigots and misogynists?
The left created and advocates a mistaken belief that America is a hateful, racist, sexist society. While discrimination exists and progress remains to be made, that blanket assertion is simply not true of the vast majority of American citizens.
I have news for the Democrats: rational, caring, thoughtful people resent unfounded accusations that assault their character. Rather than examining how their choice of Clinton, the only presidential nominee ever under FBI investigation, led to defeat, many Democrats continue to slander millions of hard-working Americans for voting against their flawed candidate. What happened to their claimed inclusive, tolerant philosophy? It certainly doesn't extend to those who vote against them.
Tammie S. Haynes is an attorney and mediator living in the Houston area. She may be reached at