Choosing wisely in the 2016 presidential election

This election will determine the fate of our nation.  With Donald Trump we have a chance, and it is only that.

Over the past few years, we have learned to our shock and dismay just how corrupt and out of touch our elected officials really are.  They have an agenda, and it does not include the American people, except in extracting as much of our resources as possible.  They are a powerful force.  I don't know if Donald Trump can overcome it, but I do know that no one else can.

Hillary Clinton personifies everything that is worst in Washington.  In addition to being bottomlessly corrupt, she is an extreme leftist.  She has worked and socialized with D.C.'s biggest extremists  for example, her former boss, Robert Borosage, founder of the anti-American Center for National Security Studies and former director of the subversive Institute for Policy Studies, and John Podesta, a calculating, committed hardcore leftist, who, like Hillary, is also serially corrupt.  Her good friend Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe has just pardoned 60,000 criminals so they can vote (for Hillary, of course).  This is vote fraud.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for an entrenched criminal class that must be rooted out if our nation is to survive.

Despite his sometimes uncouth nature, Donald Trump's message has resonated with everyday Americans because it is everyday Americans whose lives are being destroyed by the D.C. progressives.  No other candidate in recent history including Reagan has so clearly spoken to our widespread angst about our country's future.  There are few if any politicians that actually grasp the reality.  Trump does, and he has articulated a comprehensive response that misses nothing.

He has issued a Contract with the American Voter to clean up Washington, D.C.  His first day in office, Trump pledges to rescind all of Obama's destructive executive orders, including those on guns and especially the border.  He promises to repeal and replace Obamacare.  He promises to abolish Common Core.  His policy positions are clearly articulated, detailed, and honest.

On the other hand, if you can convince yourself that Hillary's mind-boggling corruption is not disqualifying, then perhaps her insane, misplaced policy prescriptions are.  While our military sinks to the lowest level of readiness since WWI, our borders overflow with illegal aliens and terrorists, our individual rights are stripped right and left, Hillary promises to expand upon those Obama policies that got us here in the first place.

There is a great chart linked here that compares some of Trump's positions with Clinton's.  It doesn't pretend to be unbiased.

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