Because being rude to the vice president-elect has consequences

Ever since the Vietnam War, leftist artists and writers have been hailed for “bravery” when being rude – and worse – to conservatives.  It has been cost-free, and often a career enhancement, to be boorish, insensitive, rude, and otherwise violating the Golden Rule.

So the certifiably casting-called "non white actors" (hey there, U.S. Civil Rights Commission, where were you when that notice appeared?) culturally appropriating the white Founding Fathers of the USA in the play Hamilton in New York (hey there, protesters, why aren't you protesting this daily cultural insensitivity?) pompously and rudely and also inaccurately pleaded to Vice President-Elect Mike Pence (R), sitting in the audience, to be nice to certifiably non-whites after the performance, but didn't castigate the audience which had booed Pence and his entourage upon his arrival.

Good-natured Pence, from Indiana, otherwise known as flyover country to New Yorkers, dismissed the whole episode, realizing that it was just another example of rude, narrow-minded liberalism.  (OK, he didn't say that, but he must have understood what was happening.)

The following day, an audience member at the Chicago production of the play taught the Hamilton people that rudeness has consequences.

 According to audience social media reports:

… an audience member seated in the front of the balcony shouted profanities and election-related political statements after the cast sang the line, "Immigrants / We get the job done," which is part of the show's "Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)" number.

That lyric is among the most overtly political references in the show and generally gets a big reaction from the audience. 

Tribune reporter Jodi Cohen, who was seated in the dress circle at the performance, said that the disruption from the man above lasted for two songs. Cohen also said that the "Hamilton" actors seemed strikingly somber during the bows at the end of the show.

"Strikingly somber."  Well, good.  Take that, New York!

Yes, presumably the Chicago production had nothing to do with the New York episode.  But it did.  Certainly they knew about the incidents in New York.  The New York producers presumably knew about the pre-performance audience behavior and did not silence it and were aware of plans for the post-play addendum spectacle but did not forbid it.  Didn't either producers of either production anticipate consequences?

So unless Hamilton producers of both the New York and touring companies order their casts to just perform while strictly enforcing proper audience behavior, more disruptions might happen.  Or the "bitter clinging" Trump voters might boycott the play, ruining a financial and artistic gold mine.  (Yes, Trump voters attend plays.)

And those "non-white" cast members wouldn't want that to happen.  

Because actions have consequences.  Even for self-righteous melting liberals.

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