The FBI reopens the can of worms

The FBI has reopened the Hillary email investigation, so it's interesting to briefly review what has already taken place:

This is the Reason Magazine five-minute video of Hillary's statements and Comey's  contradictions.  OK, so she lies.  We knew that before, and it doesn't make any difference, since every politician lies.  No big deal.

Here's FBI director Comey testifying before the congressional committee on why Hillary was not charged with a crime.  I wasn't aware this existed, and it's quite devastating.  Comey stays calm under pressure.

The following video is interesting too, but quite long:

Bryan Pagliano refused to appear before the committee and did not produce his subpoenaed immunity agreement.  He had installed the  larger email server requested by Huma Abedin.

Paul Combetta and William Thornton, Platt River Networks employees, both refused to answer any questions, including the question "Do you intend to assert your Fifth Amendment right to every question asked?"  They are excused.

Justin Cooper, an aide to Bill Clinton, set up the computers in several private residences and maintained the applications on them for many years.  He said the high-level tech support came from Pagliano.  Both of them were phased out in May 2013 when the server contract went to Platt River in Colorado.  Cooper said he didn't remember when the SCIF* rooms were constructed in the homes.  He had no security clearance and had administrative access to all servers.

Here's a detailed timeline

WikiLeaks has revealed how the Democrat nominating process was rigged.  Here's an audio tape of Hillary in 2006 discussing rigging an election in the Palestinian Authority.  No big deal.  She knows how to get things done.

* Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF, pronounced "skiff"), in United States military, security, and intelligence parlance, is an enclosed area within a building that is used to process Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) types of classified information.  SCI is usually briefed, discussed, and stored only in an accredited SCIF.

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