Rigging the election – Fourth James O’Keefe Video Transcript

This is a transcript of the fourth video of James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Action (PVA), investigating the efforts by the Democrats and by the Hillary campaign in particular, to rig the election.

Given the nature of investigative journalism where the scene cannot be set, the video can be a bit abrupt and it can be a bit difficult to understand the audio although there are captions on a lot of the frames. This piece puts together the complete drama that James O’Keefe is telling in this fourth video.

Some early parts of the video reprise scenes of previous videos. They are all included here for completeness, so this transcript is the complete fourth video as produced by Project Veritas Action.

Note I: These used to be called “dirty tricks.” Woodward and Bernstein would have made this look like Seven Days in May (you youngsters look it up).

Note II: There is no perfect organizational method for a production that is broken up – inevitably, no criticism – like this one. I have broken it up into sections divided by commentary by James O’Keefe or Project Veritas Action. Where each piece appears on the video – the time – is in the Video column.

Note III: The border lines of the table are left in to help the eye.



Fourth Video

James O’Keefe

Project Veritas Action


Pre-introduction to the video

Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary


“A political consultant.”


[PVA journalist: “I just want to get the money from Point A to Point B.”]


“A shell company.”


Robert Creamer, Founder of Democracy Partners: “Your guy took care of business right away.”


[PVA journalist: “I just knew it got tripped up through Belize and I just wanted to make sure that it got to you. So, good, I’m glad.”]


[PVA journalist playing an eccentric West Coast millionaire: “Smaller checks to begin with, but I definitely could see myself being a larger contributor.”]


[PVA English money-man: “[garble] through BVI (British Virgin Islands) [garble] use for the first time with your transfer.”]


“Twenty thousand dollars sent from an offshore bank in Belize. “


Brad Woodhouse, President, Americans United For Change: “I think if we know that it’s coming, we need some upfront.”


“And then, mysteriously, returned.”


“All the ingredients of a spy thriller, but in fact were the elements we used for our undercover operation to investigate the Hillary Clinton campaign. The investigation ultimately led us to Robert Creamer, a Democratic power-broker who knows the White House like the back of his hand.”   



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Bob Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

“I’ve known the president since he was a community organizer in Chicago.”


“Every morning, I am on a call at 10:30 that goes over the message being driven by the campaign headquarters.”


“I do a lot of work with the White House.”




James O’Keefe:

“The Project Veritas Action investigation into the Clinton campaign took us more than a year. We had people working for the Clinton campaign full-time across the country.”


“We even had someone working for a time inside the Clinton campaign headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. We had people posing as donors, political consultants, interns, overseas financial advisors and activists.”




Introduction to the video







Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Robert Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

“I can’t stress with you guys enough how badly they need that money.”


Aaron Black


“So I’m basically the [equity?] guy who responds directly to the DNC for all things Trump on the ground.”


“Nobody is really supposed to know about me.”


Scott Foval

Americans United For Change (AUFC)

National Field Director

“So Brad, Bob, and Lux, and myself are all part of the old-school method, where it doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker.”


“So Bob [Creamer] is really the president and talked to him this afternoon and they’re all in if we can get 25 grand, they’re all in.”



James O’Keefe:

“In April, we started uncovering the aggressive birddogging that was secretly done by the Clinton campaign. It’s an underhanded nation-wide operation to foment violence at Trump rallies.”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Scott Foval

Americans United For Change (AUFC)

National Field Director

“Aggressive birddogging…What I call it is ‘conflict engagement.’”


[PVA journalist: “That’s, that’s your version of re-enfranchisement.”]


“Conflict engagement in the lines at Trump rallies…we’re starting anarchy here.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“We were also gathering growing evidence that the Clinton campaign was violating the Federal election campaign coordination laws.”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Robert Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

“In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground so, by God, we will get ducks on the ground.”


[PVA journalist: “Oh she….so it’s…wow.”]


“Don’t repeat that to anybody.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“Scott Foval gave us a primer on how to commit massive voter fraud.”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Scott Foval

Americans United For Change (AUFC)

National Field Director

“We did it to them when we were in charge too.”


“What we did…we did the exact same thing. Only, we manipulated the vote with money and action, not with laws.”


“It’s a very easy thing for Republicans to say, ‘well, they’re busing people in.’ Well you know what? We’ve been busing people in to deal with you fuckin’ assholes for fifty years and we’re not going to stop now. We’re just going to find a different way to do it.”


“So Bob [Creamer] is really good friends with him and talked to him this afternoon and they are all in if we can get twenty-five grand, they’re all in to do their piece.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“Creamer, Foval, and Americans United For Change President Brad Woodhouse sent us numerous proposals for further their effort and they were asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars [$425,500 shown as the total on a proposal].”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Brad Woodhouse

Americans United For Change (AUFC)


[PVA journalist: “I need to know from you folks if I decide to do this, what is your drop-dead date for if I do it, at what level and when do you need a commitment from me?”]


“I mean, I think by the end of this month. Because we look at this as basically a September 15th-ish thing to be…or September 22nd, I’m thinking. So, we want to be on the road by the time most of the early voting has started and we want to go close to the end.”


[PVA journalist: “Okay, because I have to work with the trust. Do you need it upfront? Can we do it in installments? Or other…?”]


“I think if we know that it’s coming, we will need something upfront because we just, you know, we…we’re a C4 basically campaign organization,”


“We spend money that come in to try to get the job done. So, we’re not sitting on a reserve to do this type of thing.”


“So we raise and spend as it comes in so we would need something upfront and we’re…we’re looking at other, looking at other sources.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“We knew we were on to something important for the American people to know. However, our story was not complete. With the election moving, we were running out of time and the people inside the campaign’s dark effort were growing impatient with our cover story. It was all about the money.”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Scott Foval


Americans United For Change (AUFC)

National Field Director

“I can’t stress with you guys enough, how badly they need that money.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“Charles Roth III was an invention. He was the rich donor we invented who said he wanted to make a difference and stop Trump. This is a phone call he made to Robert Creamer in June.”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Robert Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

[PVA journalist: “I can tell you right off the bat, Bob, [garble] you know I see the rise of Donald Trump right now in the United States as an extremely scary thing”]


“Me too.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“To prove our credibility of our donor and keep our investigation going, we made the tough decision to donate $20,000 to Robert Creamer’s effort. We determined that the benefit for this investigation outweighed the cost.”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Robert Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

 [PVA journalist: “First thing is, like I said, thank you for the proposal, and I’d like to get the $20,000 across to you.”]


[PVA journalist: “I’m gonna have…I’m gonna…The second call I’m gonna make here is my money guy and he’s going to get in touch with you on how to wire the funds to you.”]


“Okay, we are running out of time, as you know, so we need to do it quick.”


[PVA journalist: “Also, there were some ideas that were relayed to me from Steve, that Scott mentioned to him about Trump events, that I would like to talk about those events as well.”]


“No, Trump events is fine. Frankly I spend most of my time overseeing the Trump events around the country. I mean, hey, that’s what I do, that’s what I do for the Clinton campaign…so that’s interesting as well.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“He told us to send the check to Americans United For Change.”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Robert Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner


Americans United For Change is one of our clients, right? They’re…it’s a C4 that is a…it was originally set up to do, to lead the battle and stop the privatization of Social Security.”


[PVA journalist: “Oh, yeah, yeah…”]


“They’ve been…they’re used to be located here but they now are mostly on Massachusetts Avenue but, I’m their general consultant.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“Bob Creamer was listed as AUFC’s (Americans United For Change) general consultant until our stories about their shady activities were released. Now, his name is nowhere to be found.”


“Roth’s English money-man sent an email to Creamer asking where to wire the funds. Creamer sent out guy AUFC’s bank information.”


James O’Keefe

“It was earlier this year that we purchased a shell company called Repulse Bay, Ltd. It was incorporated in Belize, Central America in 2005. It was nothing more than this piece of paper [holding up an engraved piece of paper with an official stamp on it].”


“Next, we opened a bank account in Belize so we could move money around the world anonymously. This is typically the actions of drug dealers and tax-dodging white collar criminals. We used it as a cover.”



  Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Robert Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

[PVA journalist [phone]: “Hello, Bob, it’s Charles.”]


[phone] “There you are. Hey, Charles…hey.”


[PVA journalist [phone]: “How are you doin’?”]


[phone] “Okay. I’m just checking in. Seeing how things are from your point of view and, uh, actually I was thinking we might want to set up a time to have a call, you and I and Scott, if you want Steve Packard on this line, too?”


[PVA journalist [phone]: “I would like to do that. Couple of logistical things beforehand. To be honest with you, I’m a little bit peeved that I haven’t heard back from you guys about the Carlson money transfer. Did that go through okay? I’m just getting back on this time zone myself and I want to make sure that came in okay.”]


[phone]: “Oh, yes, of course it did. And I’m sorry if I a…I thought I had gotten back, and thank you for that. I apologize. Yes, it came through.”


[PVA journalist [phone]: “No problem.”]


[phone]: “And it came through in a timely way. Your guy took care of business right away.”


[PVA journalist [phone]: “I just knew it got tripped up through Belize and I just wanted to make sure that it got to you. So good, I’m glad. I’m glad.”]




Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“The money definitely helped. Shortly after the funds were released, Charles Roth’s niece, a journalist, got offered an internship at Creamer’s firm, Democracy Partners.”



  Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Robert Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

[Creamer on screen, back to us]: “[garble] This is 3(?) grand. You’ll be working with me until the election.”


[PVA journalist (“niece”): “All right! Thank you!”]



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“We also arranged another meeting with Scott Foval, who was even more expansive about what he was willing to help Roth do.”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Scott Foval


Americans United For Change (AUFC)

National Field Director

[PVA journalist: “He really wants to get his hands dirty…”]


“If he wants to get dirty, we can get dirty.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“And Foval set us up to meet Cesar Vargas: ‘the guy who can get things done.’”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Cesar Vargas

Dream Action Coalition


[from caption] “What’s the goal of campaign, right? Yeah and for me I totally get it, this is illegal, this is something that can be done.


[PVA journalist: “And I assume you don’t go off and tell these conversations to anybody?”


“No, no, no.”


[PVA journalist [from caption]: “Because this is technically…you know…voter fraud.”]


“No, absolutely, absolutely. No.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“In an effort to see how far these guys would go with the promise of more money, Roth’s money man, Michael Carlson, requested a meeting with Creamer. Carlson said he was looking for an immigration lawyer with powerful connections for a wealthy client in Syria who wants to live in the U.S.”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



James O’Keefe as Michael Carlson


“[garble] phone call.”


Robert Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

[phone]: “I just need to…I will try and find a couple of good referrals to you and get back to you pretty quick then. Okay?”


[PVA journalist: “Fabulous.”]


[phone]: “And, uh…one of the…on the first…well, I’ll just talk to…the guy I’m going to talk to first, to see if this is up his alley, the first thing is up his alley. It’s, uh, the guy who ran the campaign for President Obama. He has a firm that’s pretty well connected.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“Creamer gave the recommendation to our journalist and made it clear the connections he could make if we delivered yet another donor.”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Robert Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

“Hang on for a second. I’ve got to send something to the Clinton campaign real quick.”


“Here’s what I do for the Clinton campaign, by the way, I’m a consultant to the Clinton campaign. Wherever Trump or Pence go in the country, we make sure that there are press events in the TV market or whatever… [garble]…whether they are big turnouts or little turnouts, whatever that drive our message wherever the candidate goes to drive his message. So that, any given day, they will be between them in probably six places. So, our team makes sure there are events in all those six places every day. So it’s a lot of events, and we try and help define the other candidate.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“Creamer was not shy about how much access he has to Clinton’s campaign staff on a daily basis.”


Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Robert Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

“Every morning, I am on a call at 10:30 that goes over the message that is being driven by the campaign headquarters.”


“I’m in this campaign mainly to deal with, what, you know, earned media, with the television, radio. With earned media and social media, not with paid media, not with advertising. There would be a whole different advertising administration…everybody is driven on the same tracks, though.”


“So, then there are a couple…a bunch of people in the Brooklyn office that are responsible for possible aspects of communication. Like, we do rapid response and there is a guy there I work with heavily, is the guy I was just communicating with on that kind of stuff.”


“[garble] we just found…I just sent him a note beforehand when we came here that said, ‘My understanding is there might be another revelation of another woman talking about Trump this afternoon.’”


“And he just sent me back a note that says, ‘Is it this lawyer that is going to do that?’ I said, ‘I think maybe, it could be something else. I’ll try and find out.’”   



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“Creamer bragged that he talks to the campaign every day and can contact them at any time. And it’s not just the Clintons that he has access to, Creamer also makes it clear that he is well-connected to President Obama. Critics of our earlier stories have suggested that Creamer isn’t as well-connected as we reported, that he’s just the husband of Chicago Congresswoman Jan Schakowski. We beg to differ. According to White House visitor logs, Creamer visited the White House 342 times since 2009, 47 of those times with Obama. But it’s Creamer’s own words that confirm our reporting.”  



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Robert Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

“Barack Obama’s was the best campaign in the history of America politics. I mean the second one. The first one was good too. I was a consultant to both. The second one, everything hit on every level and every aspect.”


[PVA journalist: “How does he do it so well? I mean he never makes a mistake when he is giving a presentation, he is consistent as possible, I mean more consistent than a scientific experiment.”


“He’s a pro. I’ve known the president since he was a community organizer in Chicago.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“Creamer thinks our journalist is connected with large donors and is not shy about the access he can give. But for a price of course: money for access.”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Robert Creamer

Democracy Partners

Founder and Partner

[PVA journalist: “I need to meet him (Obama).”]


[laughs] “Okay, you may have a lot more opportunity once he is done in 99…98 days, something like that…97. I was just at an event with him in Chicago, actually, on Friday last. He is just as good as ever. I do a lot of work with the White House on their issue.”


“Helping to run issue campaigns that they have been involved in. I mean, for immigration reform, for the…health care bill…trying to make America more like Britain when it comes to gun violence issues.”


[PVA journalist: “I was talking to a lady who is here in the U.S., she is really very wealthy, lives in Atlanta, has plenty of money and is interested in making a donation to the inauguration.”]


“Okay. So your person would rather give to the inaugural than she would to the campaign?”


[PVA journalist: “That’s what she said. She likes parties, okay? [garble] really interested, she would love to meet Hillary at some point.”]


“Okay. I’m sure that can be arranged, and ..uh ..how do you want to proceed to…uh…how should I proceed here?”


[PVA journalist: “I’ll get back to her. I will tell her, and she will call you.”]




[PVA journalist: “...or I’ll call you back..”]


“That’s fine.”


[PVA journalist: “..and we will set up a meeting (garble - from caption: ‘and you are going to have to tell me how much she should be donating because we don’t know.’)”]


“I will talk to…talk to…uh…somebody in the campaign and find out if there’s a fundraising place to interface and…”


[PVA journalist: “And she is an American citizen so she can give if she wants.”]


“Oh yeah, I assumed that. I shouldn’t have, I suppose, but I did. Okay. Let me know as soon as you can and I will make it happen.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“Our investment had paid off. The story was solid. Creamer, Foval, Jenna Price from the DNC, Brad Woodhouse from AUFC, Cesar Vargas and others had opened the door to their smoke-filled rooms of illegal and dirty campaign dailies.”



Fourth Video


(the sections are our designation, not PVA’s)

The Players

Their Organizations



Brad Woodhouse

Americans United For Change (AUFC)


“This year is a particularly interesting year because it is the first year the DNC has had these big [gestures] additional limits.”



Project Veritas Action (PVA) Commentary

“And then we were stunned by a totally unexpected twist.” Brad Woodhouse, the president of AUFC, the folks we had sent the money to [money sent on September 9, 2016] heard that we were releasing undercover videos exposing their activities.”


James O’Keefe:

“Woodhouse told a journalist that AUFC was going to return the $20,000. ‘There’s concern it might have been an illegal foreign donation.’ We’re happy that the wire transfer showing the $20,000 was returned [money returned on October 20, 2016], but wondered why it wasn’t a problem for the previous month that Woodhouse had the money.”




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