Pence wins despite another 'Candy' debate moderator

Elaine Quijano continued the Candy Crowley debate tradition of favoring the Democrat.  She constantly interrupted Mike Pence while he was attempting to answer questions but never interrupted Kaine to have him focus on what had been asked of him.  She failed to control the debate by allowing Kaine to constantly interrupt Pence.

Despite this, Pence clearly won the debate both in style and in content.

Quijano allowed Kaine to constantly interrupt Pence, but when Pence tried to correct Kaine, then Quijano jumped in to tell Pence to let Kaine finish.  When Kaine interrupted Pence, she also interrupted Pence, so both Kaine and Quijano were talking over Pence's answer.

Her attitude was evident during the discussion on illegal immigration, when she referred to illegal immigrants as "undocumented immigrants."  It is basic law that if you do not have proper immigration documents to be in our country, then you are an illegal alien.

Kaine came out trying to get under Pence's skin as Hillary did with Trump.  Pence ignored his barbs and outrageous statements, such as that Hillary and Obama stopped the Iran nuclear program. 

Pence responded in a calm, measured tone to the questions despite Kaine's clear attempts to disrupt his answers.  Pence looked and acted presidential.  Kaine looked like and acted like a Hillary attack ad.

I do not know why the Republicans agree to these "moderators" like Crowley, Holt, and Quijano.  They clearly are not neutral, nor do they act that way.

I can see why Hillary picked Kaine.  He lies just as she does with a straight face.  Kaine said Hillary went toe to toe with Putin, that Obama and Hillary stopped the Iran nuclear program, and that the world is more safe now with Obama and Hillary.  He has worse manners than Hillary.

Pence did better as the debate went on because he ignored Kaine's childish behavior and answered the questions.  At one point, Quijano stopped asking questions and let Pence and Kaine go at it.  Pence pointed out that Putin has no respect for Obama and Hillary because they are weak, that the Middle East is a mess, and that Hillary endangered our security with her private email system.

Pence pointed out that the Clinton Foundation has paid out only 10% of contributions to charity, and we do not know how the rest is spent.

The bottom line is that Pence can step in to be president if necessary and that Kaine can step in to do the Hillary attack ads.

Kaine, like Hillary, has no shame.  He touted his Catholic education and Catholic faith, yet he supports abortion.  He tried to show his faith by saying he is against the death penalty, yet he enforced it as governor.  But abortion is not the same as the death penalty.  Abortion is the killing of innocents, and the Catholic Church condemns abortion as incompatible with Catholic theology.  Kaine tried the tired and phony Mario Cuomo excuse of being personally against abortion but supporting it because the Supreme Court said abortion is a constitutional right. 

Kaine had a few rehearsed attack lines but no content.  Pence kept his cool and answered in a clear, substantive manner.

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