Armed Forces officers punished while commanders in chief rewarded

While a commander in chief wannabe lies about her use of classified emails (among other vital national issues) that undoubtedly have compromised the safety of the United States but will nevertheless be rewarded professionally, financially, and personally, a Marine who sent a classified email through unclassified channels to warn a fellow Marine about danger is about to be forced from the Marines.  Although during his hearing he requested to be treated the same way as Hillary R. Clinton (D), the request was denied.  


Meanwhile, an officer in charge of the ship captured by our present commander in chief's best nation friend, Iran, has been punished:

The officer in charge of a detachment of ten sailors who were captured by Iranians in January has been issued a punitive letter of reprimand for his role in the capture of the crews of the two boats, two defense officials confirmed to USNI News on Thursday.

Lt. David Nartker was accused of violating Article 92 – failure to obey an order or regulation — of the Uniformed Code Military Justice and was issued a punishment by then Naval Expeditionary Combat Command commander Rear Adm. Frank Morneau last month but had appealed the decision to U.S. Pacific Fleet commander Adm. Scott Swift, one defense official told USNI News.

Nartker's appeal was denied. (snip)

Nartker said he was trying to prevent an international incident when he and his sailors were captured.

"We might have all been dead at that point in time. I didn't want to start a war with Iran either. That was also on my mind. I didn't want to start a war that would get people killed. My thought at the end of the day was that no one had to die for a misunderstanding," Nartker told investigators.

Adm. Swift was unmoved, and as a result Nartker could be fired, or, in Navyese, "separated from the Navy," receiving an other than honorable discharge, meaning:

An OTH discharge can jeopardize valuable VA benefits, including certain disability compensation, education benefits and VA home loans[.]"

And what about the other sailors on that ill fated ship?

"[F]our Navy officers went to admiral's mast, two have been awarded a punitive letter of reprimand for violating Articles 90 (disobedience of a superior commissioned officer) and 92 (dereliction in the performance of duties) of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice; one Navy officer was found not guilty of violating Article 92 (dereliction in the performance of duties) of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice; and accountability actions for the fourth Navy officer have not yet been completed," Lt. Cmdr Jennifer Cragg told USNI News last month.

"Two enlisted have been awarded a punitive letter of reprimand for violating Article 92 (dereliction in the performance of duties) of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice."

In May the service relieved the riverine squadron commander, Cmdr. Eric Rasch.

Capt. Kyle Moses, commander of Task Force 56, was removed from his position in June. An enlisted member of one of the two RCBs faced an administrative hearing but was not punished.

Meanwhile, our present commander in chief, President Barack Hussein Obama (D), who will leave office in several months, will receive numerous valuable government benefits plus capitalize big time, big money on his eight years in office, which have left our nation more vulnerable internationally and poorer nationally.  Oh, and he also secretly transferred over $1.4 billion in untraceable cash to Iran, which, as Rick Moran notes:

... is going to kill a lot of innocent people.  It's expected that Iran will spread that cash among its surrogates like the Houthi rebels in Yemen and Hezb'allah, the Lebanese terrorist group fighting with Russia in Syria to bolster the Assad regime.

The Iranians, already the world's #1 supporter of terrorism, just got a financial shot in the arm that will truly make them the bankers of choice for terrorists.

Why can't Lt. Nartker receive the same fine treatment as Obama?  Racism?

H/T: Eli Lake

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