MSNBC host melts down over Hillary’s emails

Even by the standards of MSNBC, Sunday morning’s shout-down of a guest for daring to mention the blackmail potential in the 33,000 deleted emails was unusually embarrassing.  As Nicholas Fondacaro of Newsbusters reported:

AM Joy Sunday as host Joy Reid shouted down Amy Kremer, former Chair of Tea Party Express, for daring to mention there are roughly 30,000 missing e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s personal server. “You just invented it an entire thing,” Reid shouted, “There’s no 33,000 e-mails that are going to harm our national security.” From there Reid refused to let Kremer speak anymore. And when Kremer asked to finish her point, “Not if you’re going to invent things,” Reid reprimanded her.

Reid is an embarrassing ignoramus.  She was unable to distinguish between the DNC hack of about 20,000 emails and the 33,000 emails that Hiullary deleted from her home-brew server.

The segment started off with a discussion about how Donald Trump asked Russia to find Clinton’s missing e-mails. Reid claimed that Trump wanted them to hack her current e-mail account, but Kremer noted the request was to “find the e-mails.” A reference to the roughly 30,000 e-mails not turned over to the FBI. “That’s how they found them. They found them by hacking,” Reid shot back snarkily.

Kremer reminded Reid that it is not known who hacked Hillary’s private server. It is not definitively known if it was hacked at all, but FBI Director James Comey said in his press conference that, “Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account.” But Comey never indicated who those said “actors” could be.

But that didn’t stop Reid from misleading her viewers. “Hold on Amy. The U.S. Intelligence services have said — to a high degree of certainty — that they do believe it is the Russians,” she argued.

It is a sure sign that the left is panicked over Hillary’s national security exposure to blackmail. You can watch the entire segment:

A transcript is available here.

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