Can Trump orchestrate a paradigm shift?

The human brain because is good at recognizing patterns that foster survival.  However, it is poor at predicting the future.  This election season is indicative of this flaw.  The accepted paradigm between left and right, continued antagonism between the USA and other nations, and money and media advertisements is essential for electoral  success.                                                  

We are in the midst of a major restructuring of the world because of the digital revolution.  The advantages are obvious: unlimited information at our fingertips and the ability to communicate with anyone anywhere any time.  However, the dark underbelly of this technology is that a small, rich, educated  elite has unlimited influence throughout the world.

For them now is the time to fulfill the 100-year-old dream of a small group of enlightened individuals to humanely and efficiently manage the world to create Utopia.  The United Nations , the EU, and multilayered trade deals  are steps along this  path.  The major issues of our time are nationalism versus internationalism, elites versus individuals, and freedom versus tyranny .

The elite, no matter their residence, have more in common among themselves than with their countries of origin.  They can avoid the consequences of their policies – e.g., unfettered immigration and bloated bureaucracies.

The genius of Donald Trump, who has set all the parameters of this campaign, has recognized this shift and is trying to stem the tide.  Predictably, he is suffering from all sides unprecedented opposition.  Nonetheless, he still is in the race because of his message, political instincts, and ability to command all forms of media.

He takes a boxer's instincts to the race: be fit, be persistent, be punishing, and always be on offense.  People forget that when the Soviet Union fell, it was totally unexpected by the so-called  experts.  Reagan's massive electoral  victories were also missed.

Trump is waging a continuous and accelerated offensive: two to three rallies to large crowds, often unrehearsed, compared to Hillary's less frequent, poorly attended, staged events.  He presents a 30-year history of achievement while she presents a résumé of positions without positive consequences – some would say with disastrous results.  He presents proposals that should help  our economy, while she is promising much what we already have.  This is beginning to have an effect.  She is looking ever more frail.  Questions about her health are becoming more common.

In the digital age, a bloated control-and-command country and campaign loses badly to a lean and mean machine.  Think Ali defeating Foreman.

Trump presents a message he deeply believes.  He doesn't need someone to modify his message for a particular audience.  He wants to punch through the media, and possibly, with the help of further damaging emails, he will get Hillary and the media to say "no más."

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