Maybe the Democrats should start a Never Clinton movement

Polls are polls, and the latest ones are not good for Hillary Clinton, as we saw in David Lightman's new story:

Hillary Clinton’s lead over Donald Trump has withered to 3 percentage points, signaling their battle for the White House has become too close to call heading into the two major-party national conventions, according to a new McClatchy-Marist poll.

Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, now leads Trump by 42 to 39 percent in a head-to-head matchup. While Republicans and Democrats are solidly behind their candidates, independents are divided, 36 percent for Clinton, 33 percent for Trump – and 23 percent undecided.

Clinton does somewhat better in a four-way race, topping Trump 40 to 35 percent. Libertarian Gary Johnson has 10 percent support, while the Green Party’s Jill Stein has 5 percent.

Add to this another poll that large majorities disagree with the FBI's decision on email prosecution.  Put these polls together, and you have something every Democrat should be very worried about.   

First, this is happening on the heels of a major anti-Trump advertising campaign in swing states.  It does not appear that this investment has paid off well for the Clinton campaign.    

Second, Mrs. Clinton, the FBI, Attorney General Lynch, and President Clinton's grandchildren chat are not passing the smell test for many voters, especially those independents who decide elections.  It's fair to say a lot of Americans have concluded that Mrs. Clinton got special treatment, or the kind of treatment that the average person working in the federal government would never get.  

So what happens now?  Clinton will continue to sink because her integrity is now on the front burner.   

We've heard a lot about GOP delegates concerned with Mr. Trump.  It may be time for Democrats to look at their options, because Mrs. Clinton is in trouble, especially with so many Sanders supporters angry that their man dumped them for the woman they detest so much.

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