American Thinker Blog
July 31, 2016
That weird Hillary laugh...July 31, 2016
Gender Political Correctness Causes Feminists at Michigan State to WhineJuly 31, 2016
Trump, RNC complain about the debate scheduleJuly 31, 2016
Wikileaks files reveal DNC disses unionsJuly 31, 2016
Once again, Koch brothers decline to meet with TrumpJuly 31, 2016
Chicago environmentalists hypocritically cheer Obama library site while opposing George Lucas museumJuly 31, 2016
US air base in Turkey surrounded by police as rumors of another coup swirlJuly 31, 2016
Children of MonstersJuly 31, 2016
Recovering from my DNC NauseaJuly 31, 2016
Striking Out at Fenway ParkJuly 31, 2016
Vigil protesting police shooting ends in a brawl (video)July 31, 2016
Why Trump Has No Investments in RussiaJuly 31, 2016
Automotive Inequality: The Dems’ Next Issue?July 31, 2016
News to mainstream media: Russia must relinquish emails by lawJuly 31, 2016
Olympics? Brazilians are busy with politics!July 30, 2016
One Flew Over DNC NestJuly 30, 2016
Here's why Europe is plagued by Islamic terrorJuly 30, 2016
Something very weird about Hillary’s face at the convention (updated and bumped))July 30, 2016
Chelsea and the sins of parentsJuly 30, 2016
Economy grew 1.2% in second quarter, far below expectationsJuly 30, 2016
New York Post nails it on Hillary convention speechJuly 30, 2016
Venezuelan decree could order citizens to work in the fieldsJuly 30, 2016
Want to know Hillary's only qualification to be president?July 30, 2016
What Hillary believesJuly 30, 2016
Either Way, Russia WinsJuly 30, 2016
Wise words to Evangelicals who won't vote for TrumpJuly 30, 2016
Warmist propaganda at the Democratic ConventionJuly 30, 2016
Mr Kaine: Those GDP 'numeros son muy malo'July 30, 2016
The 2016 Democratic Platform: Be HappyJuly 30, 2016
If the 33K emails still exist: the scenariosJuly 29, 2016
Fighting ISIS: Corsican independence group doing what Hollande refuses to doJuly 29, 2016
Hillary Clinton's speech with something for everyoneJuly 29, 2016
Second largest party in Denmark calls for a halt to Muslim immigrationJuly 29, 2016
The dog that didn’t bark at the Democrats’ conventionJuly 29, 2016
Trump's warming to Russia raises questions about 'America First' pledgeJuly 29, 2016
Trump’s mocking Hillary’s ‘missing’ emails proves media don’t get itJuly 29, 2016
Something even weirder about Hillary’s face at the conventionJuly 29, 2016
FBI's Comey warns of 'terrorist diaspora' out of Syria if ISIS defeatedJuly 29, 2016
Leaked DNC emails prove there’s nothing 'democratic' about the Democratic PartyJuly 29, 2016
The wench has a stenchJuly 29, 2016
Only a Democrat could believe HillaryJuly 29, 2016
Since when does the American left believe America is great?July 29, 2016
Kerry's hot air about cold airJuly 29, 2016
PC and 'taco bowl outreach'July 28, 2016
FBI's Director Comey wasn’t joking about Hillary playing with matchesJuly 28, 2016
How many times did Obama refer to himself while praising Hillary at the DNC?July 28, 2016
Dems cry 'treason' as Trump upstages Clinton at DNCJuly 28, 2016
Dissenters unfurl huge protest banner at DNC as Kaine takes the stageJuly 28, 2016
Five hundred years ago, the ghetto was bornJuly 28, 2016
More than 100 Turkish media outlets closed in continuing assault on free expressionJuly 28, 2016
IRS chief refers questions about Clinton Foundation to office of exempt organizationsJuly 28, 2016
Contempt: The currency of the leftJuly 28, 2016
Bill Clinton’s big convention lieJuly 28, 2016
Hillary’s Philly speech agendaJuly 28, 2016
The right call on Manson followerJuly 28, 2016
Will Obama sign the Conscience Protection Act?July 28, 2016
The Freddie Gray case: And then there were noneJuly 28, 2016
Why are we blaming Putin for being Putin?July 27, 2016
Bernie Sanders and the Art of the Sell-OutJuly 27, 2016
Remember when Ted Kennedy asked the Soviets for help defeating Reagan?July 27, 2016
Police killings spike 78% compared to last yearJuly 27, 2016
Emails show DNC's 'pay to play' donor scheme with White HouseJuly 27, 2016
DNC sought to hide details of Clinton funding deal with state partiesJuly 27, 2016
How big was the walkout from the DNC when Hillary nominated?July 27, 2016
Charges dropped against pro-life reporters behind Planned Parenthood videosJuly 27, 2016
Thirty reasons not to vote for HillaryJuly 27, 2016
Excerpt from Hillary’s address to the Democratic National ConventionJuly 27, 2016
The angry white voter: Who is he?July 27, 2016
Help John Kerry get rid of his carbon-emitting polluting air conditionersJuly 27, 2016
Hillary the honest change makerJuly 27, 2016
Did anyone say ISIS?July 26, 2016
Obama's pledge to take in refugees stands despite German terror attacksJuly 26, 2016
No American flags visible at DNC on Day 1July 26, 2016
Most embarrassing political convention celebrity appearance ever?July 26, 2016
Senator Booker derides the notion of 'rugged individualism'July 26, 2016
Is Russia responsible for the DNC email hack?July 26, 2016
What, me watch the Dem Convention?July 26, 2016
Dem Congressman: Israeli settlers like 'termites'July 26, 2016
Sanders supporters claim signs being ripped from their hands on DNC floorJuly 26, 2016
This Democrat Convention's gonna cost me…July 26, 2016
Democratic Party endorses child molestationJuly 26, 2016
Visions of good and evil on Joanie's porchJuly 26, 2016
It's not just illegal immigration that's the problem. It's immigration in general.July 26, 2016
President Trump: Get used to it (as some of us have)July 26, 2016
And how about America, Mr. President?July 26, 2016
Sanders has 19,252 reasons to take back his endorsementJuly 25, 2016
Clinton campaign so desperate that it implies treasonous TrumpJuly 25, 2016
Should Cruz endorse Trump for the ‘good of the country’?July 25, 2016
Hillary: Benghazi security 'not my ball to carry'July 25, 2016
Wikileaks reveals apparent sale of presidential appointments by DNCJuly 25, 2016
Nutter alert: Former Dem rep blames Israel for terror attacks in Nice, MunichJuly 25, 2016
Attack of the killer refrigeratorsJuly 25, 2016
Wonder what emails Wikileaks will release next...July 25, 2016
Memo shows Bernie Sanders wanted private plane as part of his terms of surrender to endorse HillaryJuly 25, 2016
Too conservative to vote for Trump?July 25, 2016
New CNN poll shows Trump in lead over Clinton with a 6-point convention bounceJuly 25, 2016
Debbie Wasserman Schultz fired as DNC chair on eve of Philly conventionJuly 25, 2016
Mere Islam – not ISIS, refugees, or extremism – terrorized MunichJuly 25, 2016
A novel excuse for Islamic terrorism in MunichJuly 25, 2016
All aboard Lloyd's Trump train!July 24, 2016
Germany proposes stricter gun laws in wake of Munich shootingJuly 24, 2016
Turkish crackdown continues as Erdogan closes 2250 schools and charitiesJuly 24, 2016
#DNCLeaks is pulled by Twitter from trending topicsJuly 24, 2016
Wikileaks emails reveal DNC conspiracy in anti-Trump protestsJuly 24, 2016
VA Gov. McAuliffe evades court order on felons votingJuly 24, 2016
New info on TWA 800 disasterJuly 24, 2016
Ugly racial conflict looms among California Dem rivalsJuly 24, 2016
Entire Russian olympic team will be banned from competing in RioJuly 24, 2016
Debbie Dumped by Dems!July 24, 2016
Media shielding Islam from connection to terrorJuly 24, 2016
DNC Wikileaks hack reveals CNN in bed with DemsJuly 24, 2016
Can someone tell Mr. Trump that the media is with Mrs. Clinton?July 24, 2016
Catholic Tim Kaine insane on abortionJuly 24, 2016
Liberalism's identity politics is destroying the countryJuly 24, 2016
Tim Kaine: Abortion is murder, and that's totally fineJuly 23, 2016
Don’t believe MSM trying to sell Kaine as a centristJuly 23, 2016
DoJ busts largest Medicare fraud in historyJuly 23, 2016
EPA report contradicts its stated reason for Gold King mine cleanupJuly 23, 2016
Trump gets Mike Pence a great plane for campaigningJuly 23, 2016
Wikileaks spoils DNC’s Philadelphia convention planJuly 23, 2016
Wikileaks reveals Debbie Wasserman Schultz intrigue with MSNBCJuly 23, 2016
DNC Wikileaks hack reveals Politico in bed with DemsJuly 23, 2016
Munich shooter's confused, contradictory motivesJuly 23, 2016
Virginia Supreme Court squashes Clinton-McAuliffe plan to win with felons’ votesJuly 23, 2016
Peggy Noonan on the Republican Convention: Swing and a missJuly 23, 2016
Trump doubles down on anti-Cruz JFK assassination slanderJuly 23, 2016
What was missing from Trump's speechJuly 23, 2016
A gold nugget pulled from the rubble of Orlando and NiceJuly 23, 2016
Black lives and the policeJuly 23, 2016
Hillary's America isn't just about HillaryJuly 22, 2016
Judge Napolitano lays out The Big Fix in Hillary’s email investigationJuly 22, 2016
The three messages that hit me from Trump’s acceptance speechJuly 22, 2016
Obama's Mr. TerrificJuly 22, 2016
NBA to move 2017 All Star game from Charlotte due to bathroom billJuly 22, 2016
Iran plans to reopen closed nuclear sites in violation of nuclear agreementJuly 22, 2016
Another Obamacare insurer jumps shipJuly 22, 2016
Don’t you love it when elitist ‘experts’ get egg on their faces?July 22, 2016
Philly police union livid at Clinton for inviting families of slain blacks to speak at Dem conventionJuly 22, 2016
A theory of NeverTrumpersJuly 22, 2016
Leftist icon predicts Trump will winJuly 22, 2016
Not your usual conventionJuly 22, 2016
The RNC speech that made Texas proudJuly 22, 2016
Is there a Democrat willing to do a 'Cruz' next week?July 22, 2016
Ted Cruz as Omarosa in 'The Apprentice'July 22, 2016
Public-sector unions: Killed by their own handsJuly 21, 2016
Once again, it was all about Ted CruzJuly 21, 2016
Anonymous source in Cruz camp sees set-up by Trump in Cruz speechJuly 21, 2016
Cruz played his role in Trump’s script for the GOP Convention TV showJuly 21, 2016
Pride before the fall: Too many Republican candidates do not honor their pledgeJuly 21, 2016
After 30 years, New Zealand to welcome US warshipJuly 21, 2016
Trump's commitment to NATO once again called into questionJuly 21, 2016
Draft Dem platform doesn't even mention nuclear powerJuly 21, 2016
Two thirds of Obamacare insurers losing moneyJuly 21, 2016
The massive student loan debt 'boosts the economy' says White HouseJuly 21, 2016
Job title: Official Scapegoat?July 21, 2016
Jews loyal to Democrat disloyaltyJuly 21, 2016
Bullied and harassed...poor thingJuly 21, 2016
ISIS and the missing Gitmo guy targeting Rio Olympics for terror?July 20, 2016
Obama refuses to punish Julian Castro for violating the Hatch ActJuly 20, 2016
UN condemns Iran for violating the 'spirit' of the nuclear dealJuly 20, 2016
Trump looking to purge Obama political appointees if he winsJuly 20, 2016
Did Melania go rogue?July 20, 2016
Trump nomination proves ‘political experts’ are now obsoleteJuly 20, 2016
Did Melania Trump plagiarize Barack Obama?July 20, 2016
Hillary’s cough is backJuly 20, 2016
Sources: Roger Ailes negotiating exit as Fox News chiefJuly 20, 2016
#NotYetTrump (but getting there)July 20, 2016
Was Melania intentionally rickrolled?July 20, 2016
Lloyd Marcus versus Black Lives MatterJuly 20, 2016
Turn ISIS into losersJuly 20, 2016
Melania Trump's plagiarismJuly 20, 2016
Mr. Trump: Stop fighting Melania's critics and move onJuly 20, 2016
Isaiah Crowell and the NFL’s valuesJuly 19, 2016
Get Melania! Plagiarism charges thrown at Trump’s first lady in waitingJuly 19, 2016
Cleveland Black Lives Matter boycotts anti-Trump protest at RNCJuly 19, 2016
The most startling development coming from the Rio OlympicsJuly 19, 2016
About those Republicans who are skipping the convention...July 19, 2016
John Kerry expands his repertoire for looking ridiculousJuly 19, 2016
Secret document allows Iran to accelerate nuke program years earlier than disclosedJuly 19, 2016
All aboard the Trump TrainJuly 19, 2016
The long and the short of presidential candidates’ websitesJuly 19, 2016
The scourge of IslamJuly 19, 2016
Weakness arouses evilJuly 19, 2016
The coup at the University of California rolls alongJuly 19, 2016
The pernicious idea of white privilegeJuly 19, 2016
The chickens of identity politics come home to roostJuly 19, 2016
Pro-Trump forces steamroll #NeverTrumpers in rules fightJuly 19, 2016
There can be no citizenship by fraudJuly 18, 2016
Shepard Smith attacks Bobby Jindal on air for saying ‘all lives matter’July 18, 2016
SecState Kerry reduced to near incoherence when Jake Tapper challenges his claim ‘ISIS is on the run’July 18, 2016
It's official: Budget deficit nearly doubles during Obama's tenureJuly 18, 2016
Let us weep for Glenn BeckJuly 18, 2016
GOP convention opens today amid heightened tension about securityJuly 18, 2016
Only federal lives matterJuly 18, 2016
Former French president calls for expulsion of radicalized Muslims and electronic tagging of those ‘at risk’July 18, 2016
'Shakedown Sharpton' up to his old tricksJuly 18, 2016
Hell no, we won’t go: Thousands of Muslim ‘migrants’ in Germany evading deportationJuly 18, 2016
Calls for open carry restrictions during GOP conventionJuly 18, 2016
Did someone in the Turkish government have a purge list ready to go?July 18, 2016
How to politicize a White House documentaryJuly 18, 2016
Iraq and race relations dominate in year eight of ObamaJuly 17, 2016
Spengler explains Nice attack’s real significanceJuly 17, 2016
Thought reform in AmericaJuly 17, 2016
Hillary Clinton prioritizes outlawing criticism of Hillary ClintonJuly 17, 2016
The moment the military coup in Turkey collapsedJuly 17, 2016
Did Erdogan stage the coup to crack down on opponents?July 17, 2016
Vital US airbase in Turkey shut down, power cutJuly 17, 2016
Blah, Blah, Blah…Hillary SpeaksJuly 17, 2016
The presidential election now hinges on the veepsJuly 17, 2016
Gingrich is right: Sharia is incompatible with US valuesJuly 17, 2016
Meet Hugo's daughter (‘La chica rica’)July 17, 2016
Answering racial conflict with love and truthJuly 17, 2016
Nietzsche was rightJuly 16, 2016
This could be the most interesting speech of the GOP ConventionJuly 16, 2016
French government suppressing torture evidence of victims in Paris attacksJuly 16, 2016
Spengler on TurkeyJuly 16, 2016
FBI says no evidence that Orlando shooter targeted club because it was a gay hangoutJuly 16, 2016
RNC organizers apologize to Adelson for misrepresenting donor infoJuly 16, 2016
Tantalizing hints of Saudi involvement in 9/11 found in redacted documentsJuly 16, 2016
Why the coup in Turkey failed and what comes nextJuly 16, 2016
A startling conclusion on police brutalityJuly 16, 2016
Have we muddled up the definition of Islamic radical terrorism?July 16, 2016
Understanding why jihadists fightJuly 16, 2016
Perhaps radical Islam...isn'tJuly 16, 2016
In support of truck controlJuly 16, 2016
Remember the one about fighting them over there?July 15, 2016
What really happened at Comey's press conference?July 15, 2016
Britain closes down global warming bureaucracyJuly 15, 2016
Customers request sheriff's deputies stay away from restaurantJuly 15, 2016
Finally: Administration to release 28 missing pages from 9/11 reportJuly 15, 2016
#NeverTrump movement died in Cleveland last nightJuly 15, 2016
Nice attack a blow to HillaryJuly 15, 2016
Hillary’s sophisticated staffJuly 15, 2016
Despite progress, France still the number one terrorist target in EuropeJuly 15, 2016
Bill O’Reilly’s coupJuly 15, 2016
What money can’t buy for HillaryJuly 15, 2016
Ginsburg vs. Trump?July 15, 2016
Liberal Logic: Free press applies only to quill pens and hand presses!July 15, 2016
Castro's Cuban version of 'perestroika' is not working, eitherJuly 14, 2016
BLM leader lives in home owned by Soros Open Society Institute board memberJuly 14, 2016
Obama never met with his director of the Defense Intelligence AgencyJuly 14, 2016
The last ride of the #NeverTrump immortals (updated)July 14, 2016
State Department says former Gitmo detainee confirmed a terroristJuly 14, 2016
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a BIG problem for the left Updated: She apologizes!July 14, 2016
CBO: Debt to GDP ratio will double in 30 yearsJuly 14, 2016
House committee subpoenas state AGs trying to burn climate skepticsJuly 14, 2016
The left’s problem in fighting ‘all lives matter’July 14, 2016
Federal agents working email case forced to sign non-disclosure agreementJuly 14, 2016
‘Hillary Defense’ invoked by cop accused of trading favors for sexJuly 14, 2016
A tarred admiral for Hillary’s VP?July 14, 2016
Hillary Clinton and the erosion of legitimacyJuly 14, 2016
The attorney general impeachment quinellaJuly 14, 2016
Vital questions FBI's Director Comey failed to answerJuly 14, 2016
Maybe the Democrats should start a Never Clinton movementJuly 13, 2016
The slick and the sleazy handmaidens of ObamaJuly 13, 2016
Rejecting the counsel of surrenderJuly 13, 2016
State Department deleted emails showing taxpayer support for anti-Netanyahu groupJuly 13, 2016
Obama hijacks Dallas Police memorial serviceJuly 13, 2016
Even liberals are criticizing Justice Ginsburg for her outrageous anti-Trump commentsJuly 13, 2016
The key question for ComeyJuly 13, 2016
AG Lynch stonewalls Congress on Clinton email prosecution decisionJuly 13, 2016
Looks as if Pence will be Trump’s VPJuly 13, 2016
Trump vs. Clinton: How did we get here?July 13, 2016
Milo Yiannapoulos is Breitbart's superego lacuna for misogynyJuly 13, 2016
You think Google may be biased?July 13, 2016
Congressional hearing: Attorney general refuses to admit speeding illegalJuly 13, 2016
Brexit means exitJuly 13, 2016
Going shopping in Venezuela is a border-crosserJuly 13, 2016
Were Bernie’s supporters any more than useful idiots?July 12, 2016
The next time someone complains about the ‘epidemic’ of gun violence…July 12, 2016
Ruth Bader Ginsburg facing blowback for anti-Trump commentsJuly 12, 2016
Hillary's FBI interviewJuly 12, 2016
Virginia delegate wins court case to become 'unbound'July 12, 2016
Obama calls for Obamacare public optionJuly 12, 2016
Detroit police detective demoted over Facebook post critical of BLMJuly 12, 2016
DNI Clapper won't exclude Clinton from classified briefingsJuly 12, 2016
Cops stage walkout over BLM protest at basketball gameJuly 12, 2016
Indicted Dem Rep: Orlando victims would be alive today if FBI had investigated shooter instead of meJuly 12, 2016
Nordic countries debate mandatory adult education for seniorsJuly 12, 2016
Kerry sneaks out of NATO summit to fly home and attend Broadway showJuly 12, 2016
Demographics and 2016July 12, 2016
New poll shows Hillary losing respect and support as Trump gainsJuly 12, 2016
Obamacare ready for last rites?July 12, 2016
Code of Federal Regulations makes Kafka, Carroll, Orwell blushJuly 11, 2016
Hillary Clinton may have been an unsuspecting asset for American intelligenceJuly 11, 2016
The croupier dealt the cards, and the players all see what’s on the tableJuly 11, 2016
Dallas's Police Chief Brown made us proudJuly 11, 2016
The racial agitator-in-chiefJuly 11, 2016
Paris rally showcases global unity for change in IranJuly 11, 2016
Because I was black?July 11, 2016
Crazed #BlackLivesMatter supporter shot dead attacking cop’s homeJuly 11, 2016
Former Philly police chief predicts violence at conventionsJuly 11, 2016
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s indomitable spiritJuly 11, 2016
Andrew Malcolm: What if Trump wants to help elect Hillary?July 11, 2016
Obama administration ignoring intel that points to Iran buying nuke and missile materialsJuly 11, 2016
Washington Times: There's a 95% chance Trump will tap Gov. Pence for VP slotJuly 11, 2016
How a Justice Department unit functioned as agitator following the death of Michael Brown in FergusonJuly 11, 2016
Dallas cop murderer may have been encouraged online to killJuly 11, 2016
At last we know: 1,200 New Year’s Eve sexual assaults in GermanyJuly 10, 2016
Racism: Real and PresumedJuly 10, 2016
Double standard: 'I hate white people'July 10, 2016
Solving the crisis is within usJuly 10, 2016
Obama's America: Bahamas issues travel warning for citizens visiting USJuly 10, 2016
New York Times star columnist Maureen Dowd trashes HillaryJuly 10, 2016
Clinton lurching left on platform to woo Sanders supportersJuly 10, 2016
Iowa state government looks to silence churches preaching biblical interpretation of sexual identityJuly 10, 2016
The House that Liberalism BuiltJuly 10, 2016
Neil Peart needs to read John AdamsJuly 10, 2016
My guess is Gingrich for Trump’s VP pickJuly 10, 2016
Trump’s logical VP choice is Jeff SessionsJuly 10, 2016
The bar for POTUS is set low indeedJuly 10, 2016
What about my right to go on an expressway without people blocking my way?July 10, 2016
Dallas shooter linked to leftist revolution groups, nation of Islam?July 9, 2016
Narrative starts to fall apart in Minnesota police shootingJuly 9, 2016
UPDATED: Dallas copycat ambushes of police in 3 states yesterdayJuly 9, 2016
Race relations will be Obama's biggest failureJuly 9, 2016
Police killings up 44% this year compared to last yearJuly 9, 2016
Clinton email interviews held day after Dallas guarantees little coverageJuly 9, 2016
Hillary plays the race card on Dallas police massacreJuly 9, 2016
Green Party presumptive nominee offers to step aside and let Bernie Sanders be the candidateJuly 9, 2016
A 40-year Hawaii resident on Obama and 'understanding Hawaii'July 9, 2016
New Clinton email meme: GOP stupid to question Hillary's stupidityJuly 9, 2016
The coming winter: Dropping temperatures and economic freezeJuly 9, 2016
The Democrats and demographicsJuly 9, 2016
An exciting opportunity for Mexican nationals to return homeJuly 9, 2016
Graduation speeches and realityJuly 9, 2016
Four ways academia, elected officials, and activist judges protected the abortion industry in JuneJuly 8, 2016
Chaffetz’s FBI referral on Hillary perjury a time bomb?July 8, 2016
BLM supporters: Dancing on the dead bodies of copsJuly 8, 2016
The Hillary Affair and its Repercussions to the American Taxation SystemJuly 8, 2016
Did the false narrative about police killing blacks lead to the Dallas cop killings?July 8, 2016
Dallas police chief: Suspect 'hates white people' and 'wants to kill them'July 8, 2016
Top scholar on American Indians accused of faking Indian heritageJuly 8, 2016
Hillary and the supermarket checkout lineJuly 8, 2016
FBI director Comey gets 'Hillaried' at congressional hearingJuly 8, 2016
Dallas police massacre: BLM demonstrators got what they called forJuly 8, 2016
News flash from Comey's testimonyJuly 8, 2016
BLM just met a police department that serves the university eliteJuly 8, 2016
Comey also shut the door on prosecution of Hillary by poisoning the jury poolJuly 8, 2016
National health survey uses political science, not medical science, to blame 'LGBT' health problems on discriminationJuly 8, 2016
The real reason RINOs don't support TrumpJuly 8, 2016
The Obamacare mess #45 will inheritJuly 7, 2016
Study: Cops kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more coverageJuly 7, 2016
Oh no! David Axelrod clues in Hillary to stop that annoying ‘bobblehead’ nodding of her headJuly 7, 2016
Lefties rejoice as Gretchen Carlson sues Roger Ailes, alleging sexual harassmentJuly 7, 2016
Trump running out of viable Veep options on Capitol HillJuly 7, 2016
Palestinian Authority spends $140 million a year to pay terrorists and their familiesJuly 7, 2016
Comey has created a new defense for national security defendantsJuly 7, 2016
Speaker Ryan calls on White House to deny Clinton classified briefingsJuly 7, 2016
Uh-oh! DC Circuit Court of Appeals issues ruling that could force more Hillary email disclosuresJuly 7, 2016
Trump campaign raises $51 million in JuneJuly 7, 2016
Rasmussen poll: majority wanted Comey to recommend Hillary indictmentJuly 7, 2016
YouTube banned video on Islamic terrorism as ‘hate speech’July 7, 2016
Hillary’s missing emailsJuly 7, 2016
Film review: Captain FantasticJuly 7, 2016
Trump is struggling with social conservativesJuly 7, 2016
It was a heck of an indictment until he got to the indictment partJuly 6, 2016
Comey’s gameJuly 6, 2016
Our government is officially a crime syndicateJuly 6, 2016
Matt Damon wants gun confiscation in 'one fell swoop'July 6, 2016
Comey delivered a body blow to #NeverTrump faction of GOPJuly 6, 2016
FBI director Comey gives dire warning about a Hillary White HouseJuly 6, 2016
Ottawa bureaucrats shut down children's lemonade standJuly 6, 2016
At least one democracy does not hesitate to try, convict, and imprison its most prominent and powerfulJuly 6, 2016
German activist lied about ethnicity of men who raped her to avoid 'racism'July 6, 2016
US oil reserves now top Saudi Arabia'sJuly 6, 2016
The sweet lemons Comey handed the GOPJuly 6, 2016
Le Pen must avoid the LGBT trapJuly 6, 2016
Behind the smileJuly 6, 2016
Director Comey has to goJuly 6, 2016
Don't forget the rest of the worldJuly 6, 2016
The Russians are Cuba?July 5, 2016
Comey speaks: Hillary skates! [further updated]July 5, 2016
The end of the rule of law?July 5, 2016
New food stamp rules will kill many convenience storesJuly 5, 2016
35 young girls molested by 'foreign youths' at Swedish music festivalJuly 5, 2016
Philly-area campgrounds overflowing with reservations by ‘Occupy DNC’ Bernie supporters planning demonstrations at Democrats’ conventionJuly 5, 2016
Brazil can't seem to find former Gitmo terroristJuly 5, 2016
Queue forming as nations lining up to sign trade pacts with post-Brexit BritainJuly 5, 2016
The real meaning of BrexitJuly 5, 2016
Wikileaks releases 1,200 Clinton emails from Iraq warJuly 5, 2016
Still no respect for LBJJuly 5, 2016
Delusional Al Gore calls himself the ‘Jackie Robinson’ of global warmingJuly 5, 2016
College bias unit says Trump slogan a 'racialized, targeted attack'July 5, 2016
Airport shariaJuly 5, 2016
The JV team is on a brutal streakJuly 5, 2016
Two worthy documentariesJuly 5, 2016
Stanford graduation speech: Environmentalist filmmaker rips Trump, ignores actual threats to national parksJuly 4, 2016
A transgender military is not funny and is not okayJuly 4, 2016
Huma admits under oath that Hillary burned her daily scheduleJuly 4, 2016
Hillary’s server in WikiLeaks perspectiveJuly 4, 2016
Gallup: Only 52% 'extremely proud' to be an AmericanJuly 4, 2016
Spoiler alert: Gary JohnsonJuly 4, 2016
Poll: Geert Wilders would lead Dutch Party for Freedom to 50% more seats than nearest rivalJuly 4, 2016
UK Study: All-white juries are biased, against whitesJuly 4, 2016
Clinton CashJuly 4, 2016
Hillary smashes thru the glass floor...and keeps on fallingJuly 4, 2016
Remembering the Entebbe raid 40 years agoJuly 4, 2016
The day Jesse James met the Second AmendmentJuly 4, 2016
Isn't it about time for America to grow up?July 4, 2016
Independence Day and IslamJuly 4, 2016
Entebbe: Another reason to celebrate July 4July 3, 2016
Has the U.S. Department of Justice violated the Hatch Act?July 3, 2016
Who has been manipulating data at a federal lab for two decades?July 3, 2016
Major coal company will cut workforce by up to 80%July 3, 2016
Justice Loretta Lynch? What was Bill offering?July 3, 2016
Elie Wiesel: A giant passes, and a well-connected leftist disgraces himselfJuly 3, 2016
Japan Supreme Court decision allows blanket surveillance of MuslimsJuly 3, 2016
Columnist: Time for baseball to get rid of 'God Bless America'July 3, 2016
Russia-Saudi Oil War UnderwayJuly 3, 2016
The moment that Rolling Stone realized the gang rape story was a hoaxJuly 3, 2016
Hillary, the Democrats and Stockholm SyndromeJuly 3, 2016
Lesson for the world: Quebexit is dead, and the ethnic vote killed itJuly 3, 2016
Michael Gove is not the leader the UK needsJuly 3, 2016
Oh, Canada: Whither the conservative movement in the Great White North?July 3, 2016
July 2, 1963: The day Marichal and Spahn took work ethic to a higher levelJuly 2, 2016
Report: Clinton ambushed Lynch at Phoenix AirportJuly 2, 2016
Disabled teenager beaten up by TSA agentsJuly 2, 2016
Report: FBI to interview Hillary todayJuly 2, 2016
Naval commander surrendered to Iran to protect nuclear dealJuly 2, 2016
Judge Jeanine Pirro on why Hillary won’t be indictedJuly 2, 2016
100 years ago, the worst day in the history of the British armyJuly 2, 2016
How rampant voter fraud in Minnesota likely changed the course of American politicsJuly 2, 2016
Nearly 1 million illegal aliens ignoring deportation ordersJuly 2, 2016
Stunning apparent conflict of interest as SecState Hillary Clinton sought information key to son-in-law’s hedge fundJuly 2, 2016
Killer of three in Oregon was deported six timesJuly 2, 2016
Warmist stronghold all but concedes the gameJuly 2, 2016
Incredible statement by New York Times in front-page article on House Benghazi reportJuly 2, 2016
State-sponsored discrimination against Bible-based ChristianityJuly 2, 2016
Polls? For now, ignore themJuly 2, 2016
Obama, the 'silly amigo' in OttawaJuly 1, 2016
Benghazi and HillaryJuly 1, 2016
Selling the Orlando murders as a gun/gay issueJuly 1, 2016
Third Way gets it wrong on US-South Korea trade deficitJuly 1, 2016
What law? Obama just goes around the laws he does not likeJuly 1, 2016
Hillary’s ad blitz and the defining of TrumpJuly 1, 2016
Made in our image: The appeal of 'moderate Muslims'July 1, 2016
Brexit, Trump, and immigrationJuly 1, 2016
Can we become wealthy by honest means in the 2010s?July 1, 2016
People, we are not in good handsJuly 1, 2016
A view from Ohio: Rob Portman vs. Ted StricklandJuly 1, 2016
Federal judge goes all in against rule of law, tosses stare decisisJuly 1, 2016
State Department to delay release of Clinton Foundation emails until late 2018July 1, 2016
Russia may be ready to release Clinton emailsJuly 1, 2016
Obama administration refuses release documents about $1.7 billion ransom payment to IranJuly 1, 2016
Report: FBI ordered journalists not to record Clinton-Lynch meeting
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