The Clinton Global Initiative scam is crashing

According to Sarah Westwood, the great investigative reporter at the Washington Examiner, fewer than half of the projects undertaken by the Clinton Global Initiative since 2005 have been completed.  A CGI report

... showed fewer than half of those commitments have been completed since 2005, with roughly a third underway and more than 200 others "stalled" or "unfulfilled."

Further detail on the already failed (as opposed to merely incomplete) commitments comes from Adva Saldinger of Devex:

Between 2005 and 2015 there were 3,452 commitments made through CGI. Of those, according to the newly disclosed report, six percent were “unfulfilled,” or failed.

But that number might not tell the whole story. An additional 11 percent of commitments in the report — and excluded from the analysis — are labeled “unresponsive,” which means that no progress has been reported in more than two years. It’s likely that some, or perhaps most, of those commitments also didn’t succeed, though impossible to determine due to a lack of information. A further 2 percent of commitments are stalled.

One thing the CGI always succeeds at is the glittery gatherings of elites at its meetings, such as the current gala underway in Atlanta, June 12-14.

For all the glitz, the CGI’s trajectory is downward.  Westwood notes:

According to the report, the Clinton Global Initiative received an all-time low number of commitments in 2015, the year Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign and drew a deluge of negative attention to the Clinton Foundation's work.

I have no information on any Clinton political operatives who have worked in off years for the CGI, but we know that the Clinton Foundation has served to keep the machine apparatchiks funded while not actively engaged in campaigning.  I’d also be interested in knowing what percentage of the moneys raised has gone to lavish meetings and first-class travel.

Sunlight, as the saying goes, is the best disinfectant.  I suspect that the list of corporations willing to be identified as funders of the CGI is declining with every revelation of Clinton malfeasance.

Incidentally, in reading up in the CGI’s web presence, I note that it employs the term “CGI University.”

But we have been instructed that using the term “Trump University” constitutes fraud, because it isn’t really a licensed university.

[New York] State Education Department officials had told Trump to change the name of his enterprise years ago, saying it lacked a license and didn't meet the legal definitions of a university. 

I await New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman bringing an action against “CGI University.”

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