The American progressive left: the greatest threat to American Moslems

Everyone knows that the American left is Islam’s friend, right?  Whether it is the lawsuits filed or threatened by the ACLU or the Diversity Day celebrations at American universities or the pious preaching coming from 95% of the American media, everybody knows that the left is Islam’s friend. 

And any American Moslem with two functioning brain cells would want to vote Democratic, right?  Because the Democratic Party is Islam’s true protector, ranging from Turban Durbin in Congress all the way to Obama in the White House, who has never once seen evidence of Islamic terrorism, anywhere. 

There is just one problem – the age-old problem that the left always has with things like gravity and truth.  It persists!  Truth is really stubborn that way.  We all know the analogy of the coiled spring, or the spring wound too tight.  Well, guess what: America is in the final windings of a spring being coiled beyond its breaking point.  It tightens every single time the media or the politicians or boards of directors or technology magnates or the ACLU speak lies to truth.  Every time the truth is ignored in any single incident like Orlando or Fort Hood, that spring gets wound one turn tighter. 

Americans have been traditionally a very tolerant people, so the spring has taken much more tightening over the last six decades than one would have thought possible.  But just as one can’t decree or intone against gravity (or the sea level) because one finds elements of it offensive, so with any reality or truth, one can assault it for only so long.  And then comes the unwinding.

The unwinding won’t be measured or phased in.  It will be sudden, and it will be ugly.

If I were an American Muslim, I would be very concerned about that tightening coiled spring, and all of the help the American left has given in its compression.  I would run as fast as I possibly could from media hacks, from university charlatans and of course the Democratic Party.  Because trust me: they won’t be anywhere you can find them when that spring goes.

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