New liberal agenda on full display at Trump-less Miss USA pageant

Yes, I watched the Miss U.S.A. pageant with my daughters. I’m man enough to admit it -- I hope without coming off as metro-sexual although my kids did buy me pajamas identical to Pajama Boy’s.

Not unexpectedly, given the new ownership, the Liberal agenda was on full display. Inconvenient for the pageant organizers though, a proud soldier from a family of soldiers walked away with the crown. I’m certain Obama will take credit for her win somehow.

It was, as usual, incredibly boring for any adult male watching, but I enjoy the banter among my wife and kids throughout especially after the excitement of prom dresses and hairdos the day before. It did get interesting during the final 5 questions though. Keep in mind the contestants have only 30 seconds to complete their answers:

The first question was basically, what is Muhammad Ali’s greatest legacy. Now the young girl’s parents were likely in grade school when Cassias Clay was commenting, "Thank God my granddaddy got on that boat!” So it’s quite possible from her answer that she had no idea who this guy was. She did move on to the final three but it was probably based on her grace under pressure and not her response.

Second question was a potentially loaded question about whether women should serve in combat roles in the armed services. Thing is, the question was addressed to a 26 year old Army commander in the reserves. Talk about a set up. Miss District of Columbia marched into the finals on the back of this question – ultimately winning. From the beginning, she was my pick, but I have a big place in my heart for military women and what they do. I was disappointed that they didn’t use any weapons drills in her background videos, just a lot of standing around in uniform stuff. Last year they had a firearms expert as a contestant who made the final three. Plenty of hunting photos of her which probably generated a lot of negative feedback from the anti-2nd Amendment folks.

Third question to Miss Georgia, a beautiful young black woman. It should have been a punt for her but she stumbled on the question of whether I.D. laws passed in 17 states were designed to make it too difficult for some (black?) people to vote. They should have walked her off the stage right there, she was so clueless. The thing is that even if you’re black and from Georgia, you probably don’t care much about this topic. About 80% of Americans, including a lot of blacks, think it’s okay to have to show I.D. Miss U.S.A. pageant took it on the chin with this one. Their attempt at a Liberal social statement fell flat.

Fourth, continuing the Liberal fishing trip, the next question had a British judge asking how she would solve the “biggest challenge” in America today – social and economic inequality. I wasn’t a fan of Miss California from the moment that she was on mic and yelled, “Viva Ecuador!” Hello, this is Miss U.S.A.! Anyway, she had no idea what they were talking about either. She did mumble that poor people should work harder. An honest but not PC answer. She likely comes from a hard working immigrant family that stressed hard work and the American dream but that’s not the Liberal meme. I felt that something was up because she kept getting through each round even though her performances were lackluster. I imagined the back story that never happened was probably that she is a DREAM Act child and was supposed to win and show what DREAMers can do if just given a chance. Unfortunately for the Lefties, real or imagined, she tripped up so badly that they might have given her a one way ticket back to Ecuador on her way out the door.

The Fifth and final contestant from Hawaii got the zinger of all zingers. This one was totally inappropriate and was met with a long round of boos from the audience. There were still boos resonating when they came back from commercial requiring a follow up by the host explaining that the judges asking the questions did not make up the questions, they were just reading them. What was the question? Basically, “Who will you vote for, Hillary or Trump?” I was in Vegas last month while the Nevada Democratic Convention was in town and witnessed firsthand just how pro-Bernie Vegas is, so I’m sure the loudest jeers were from his contingency in the audience. The young lady from Hawaii didn’t flinch but she also didn’t answer the question, which was the correct thing to do. Her non-response won her Miss Runner Up.

I’m not saying that this Liberal grandstanding would not have happened if Trump were still in charge of the event, but it was certainly front and center under the new regime’s first run.

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