Great Britain edging toward Brexit

With less than two weeks to go before the vote over Great Britain's exit from the European Union, there has been a large shift in sentiment toward leaving the EU.

A new poll shows a surprising 10% gap between those who want to "leave" and those who wish to "remain."  Even more worrying for Euro elites is that the depth of enthusiasm for voting is far stronger in the "leave" camp.

USA Today:

Prime Minister David Cameron and First MinisterNicola Sturgeon appealed to millions of voters to back "remain" during a series of televised showdowns as Brits head toward the June 23 vote. And a host of world leaders, including former U.S. President Bill Clinton, have urged the UK not to leave the EU.

Only 2% of the 2,052 respondents in the ORB International poll, conducted Wednesday and Thursday for the Independent newspaper, said they would not vote in the referendum. When the results are weighted for turnout, 55% said they will vote to leave the European Union; 45% will vote to stay.

The margin of error on the poll was not immediately clear, but even looking at results from all respondents, 53% want to leave and 47% want to stay. A previous poll in Aprilshowed an even split of opinions.

The value of the pound almost immediately fell against the dollar and the Euro as markets reacted to the result.

The numbers show a definite reversal from a June 2015 poll when 55% said Great Britain should remain a member of the European Union.

The most recent poll also suggested that turnout could decide whether the UK stays or leaves: 78% of leave supporters say they definitely will vote while just 66% of remain supporters said the same.

Support for EU membership is highest in Scotland where 60% back remain. But the findings increase fears that the remain option is failing to appeal to voters aligned with the Labour Party, which is heavily supporting staying.

Great Britain will take an economic hit if they leave the EU, but not the catastrophic collapse predicted by some in the "remain" camp.  In the long term, they will probably be better off.

As for the EU, they will soldier on, but the writing will be on the wall.  Anti-EU sentiment is at an all-time high across Europe, and there are likely to be more referendums in the near future. 

The ordinary European sees the EU as a creature of Germany and, to some extent, France.  They don't want their economies heavily influenced by German bankers, who have driven Greece to the precipice of collapse with their "bailouts."  In fact, the "Grexit" crisis opened a lot of citizens' eyes across Europe to the truth about who is running the EU. 

As for British prime minister David Cameron, a successful "leave" vote would put his head on the block.  He has staked his political career on Great Britain remaining in the EU, despite the opposition of most of his Tory party.  And a "leave" vote would strengthen the hand of the British National Party, who have been growing by leaps and bounds with the push for Brexit and the refugee crisis on the continent. 

The dream of a united Europe is about to receive a blow from which it may never recover.

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