American Thinker Blog
June 30, 2016
Why didn't President Obama meet Cuban dissident Dr. Biscet?June 30, 2016
Where does Britain Brexit to?June 30, 2016
If it's good enough for Benghazi, then it's good enough for slaveryJune 30, 2016
Saluting Senator Ted CruzJune 30, 2016
Huma Abedin lawsuit testimony shows Clinton wanting no access to private emailsJune 30, 2016
Kerry: Brexit can be 'walked back'June 30, 2016
Dems on FEC vote to punish Fox News for debate sponsorshipJune 30, 2016
Virgin Island AG pulls climate change prosecution subpoena of ExxonJune 30, 2016
New docs show IRS's Lois Lerner broke the lawJune 30, 2016
Shocker: Gun used in Paris terrorist attack part of Fast and Furious gun walking opJune 30, 2016
Turkish airport terrorists were from Russia, Uzbekistan and KyrgyzstanJune 29, 2016
Istanbul airport attack is part of Islamist war on Turkey’s modernist populationJune 29, 2016
Warmist guru Michael Mann tells DNC platform committee to use scary propaganda, not science, to panic voters into accepting flawed theoryJune 29, 2016
College counselor: Being pro-life an 'assault'June 29, 2016
Has Richard Posner committed an impeachable offence?June 29, 2016
Legal backbone strengthens science and societyJune 29, 2016
Benghazi Committee’s Event HorizonJune 29, 2016
In the Face of Zika, What Population Should Be Controlled?June 29, 2016
Dems and BenghaziJune 29, 2016
The Obama/Clinton Jihad Against The Global LGBT CommunityJune 29, 2016
The Governor of Rio fears that Olympics could be a big failureJune 29, 2016
The Artlessness of War: Don’t Name Thy EnemyJune 29, 2016
Turning the BureaucraciesJune 28, 2016
Supreme Court hearts Kermit GosnellJune 28, 2016
The McDonnell case: Another study in criminal law as Democrat partisan warfareJune 28, 2016
Democrats enshrine prosecution of climate change skeptics in platformJune 28, 2016
Another EU tantrum: No more English!June 28, 2016
Dem lawmaker who voted against welfare anti-fraud protections indicted for felony food stamp fraudJune 28, 2016
New Clinton emails include dozens of documents she failed to turn over to State DepartmentJune 28, 2016
Select Committee releases Benghazi reportJune 28, 2016
Do state legislatures matter anymore?June 28, 2016
Supreme Court brings the 'War on Women' to TexasJune 28, 2016
No, the other polls are not goodJune 28, 2016
The summer of 1787 revisitedJune 27, 2016
Possible revolt in ISIS ranks in MosulJune 27, 2016
A tale of two first ladiesJune 27, 2016
Leftists violently attack (so-called) Neo-Nazi idiots peacefully demonstrating in SacramentoJune 27, 2016
Hezb’allah sneers at sanctionsJune 27, 2016
Brexit might not be the final word for Great Britain's EU membershipJune 27, 2016
Weapons shipped to US-backed Syrian rebels stolen, used to kill two AmericansJune 27, 2016
Trump's campaign enters dangerous territoryJune 27, 2016
Most prominent Republicans refusing speaking slots at conventionJune 27, 2016
Britain’s Parliament and British independenceJune 27, 2016
Federal Government, Inc.June 27, 2016
Cuba open to all Americans except for...June 27, 2016
A boy’s cry for helpJune 26, 2016
Obama left a lot of DREAMers with nightmares outside the Supreme CourtJune 26, 2016
Germany: You need to learn how to spend your surplusJune 26, 2016
'We reserve the right...'June 26, 2016
E.E. Cummings understood liberalismJune 26, 2016
Closing the potential loopholes on the Muslim immigration banJune 26, 2016
Betrayal and Contempt; Lessons from the 'Free State of Jones'June 26, 2016
George Will on GOP: 'This is not my party'June 26, 2016
Trump's evolving immigration policiesJune 26, 2016
In Obama';s world, naturalized citizens don't need to pledge to defend AmericaJune 26, 2016
Brexit fallout to hit Spanish parliamentary electionJune 26, 2016
Some LGBT's skipping San Francisco gay pride parade because it's too tameJune 26, 2016
At UNC, 'Christmas vacation' is now a microaggressionJune 25, 2016
Rule, Britannia!June 25, 2016
Will Spain be next?June 25, 2016
The IRS and the politics of delayJune 25, 2016
‘Racism' as a bugaboo swordJune 25, 2016
Why do Democrats hate the 'Dreamers' so much?June 25, 2016
Brexit: Yet another example of biased pollingJune 25, 2016
Escape from a clay-footed kingJune 25, 2016
Brexit, Obama, and HillaryJune 25, 2016
Bank of England governor was a major reason the UK voted for BrexitJune 25, 2016
The EU needed Britain more than Britain needed the EUJune 25, 2016
Give Hawaii backJune 25, 2016
EU leaders say they want Britain to leave immediatelyJune 25, 2016
Dozens of donor meetings missing from Clinton's official calendarJune 25, 2016
Senator Mark Kirk says Trump 'unfit' to serve as commander in chiefJune 25, 2016
'Dump Trump' will die an ignoble death in the convention rules committeeJune 24, 2016
Worldwide popular revolt confirmed by Brexit voteJune 24, 2016
Brexit causes massive crash in global marketsJune 24, 2016
Sanders says he will vote for ClintonJune 24, 2016
The rout of the globalistsJune 24, 2016
Trump makes statement from Scotland on Brexit, turns it into advertorial for his golf course, and then goes full statesmanJune 24, 2016
Maybe it's time to change the nameJune 24, 2016
Tombstones and a footraceJune 24, 2016
Chuck Schumer, world-class hypocriteJune 24, 2016
Executive action and Roe v. WadeJune 24, 2016
House Democrats behaving like Latin American leftiesJune 24, 2016
Trump's Statue of Liberty playJune 24, 2016
Sovereignty in AmericaJune 24, 2016
Neo-fascist Grillo wins in ItalyJune 24, 2016
Reuters polling shows overwhelming support for a Muslim entry ban in United StatesJune 24, 2016
Seventy-five years after BarbarossaJune 23, 2016
'Gun nuts' arrested outside Holland Tunnel were on a mission to rescue girl from heroin denJune 23, 2016
Guccifer 2.0 hack reveals DNC collaboration with foreign billionaire to ‘alter the electorate’June 23, 2016
Seven ‘public servants’ indicted for Food Stamp fraudJune 23, 2016
Networks' anti-gun stories outnumber gun rights stories 8-1June 23, 2016
Planned Parenthood spending millions to elect DemocratsJune 23, 2016
Torrential rains in Great Britain don't dampen Brexit voter turnoutJune 23, 2016
Democrat sit-in: Aged hippies violate House rules, perform gun-control PR stuntJune 23, 2016
No, Mr. President: You are not who we areJune 23, 2016
Corrected polls show Trump had large lead over Clinton just before Lewandowski was firedJune 23, 2016
Why didn't President Obama and Democrat majorities pass gun control laws?June 23, 2016
Connecticut and gun controlJune 23, 2016
Black Lives Matter IDs the real culprits in Orlando attackJune 23, 2016
The infamous wind farms of UdumalpetJune 23, 2016
Minimum-wage Bernie Sanders interns wantedJune 23, 2016
Is it worth 0.001 percent?June 22, 2016
Unbelievable! AG Lynch admits she has lost track of Orlando shooter’s wifeJune 22, 2016
Hacker dumps thousands of documents from DNC oppo research of ClintonJune 22, 2016
AG Lynch: Most effective weapon against terrorism 'is love'June 22, 2016
Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-Penn.) convicted of multiple counts of racketeering and briberyJune 22, 2016
Documents reveal Obama administration 'misrepresented' released illegal alien crime statsJune 22, 2016
Jaguar, symbol of Rio Olympics, shot dead after torch relay ceremonyJune 22, 2016
FBI to Islamic terrorists: We've got your backJune 22, 2016
Obama-appointed federal judge slaps down fracking regulations on federal landJune 22, 2016
Is Trump ‘conservative’?June 22, 2016
Due process in the age of Obama’s IRSJune 22, 2016
A situation where Obama is comfortable publishing gun holders' namesJune 22, 2016
The hidden relationship between progressivism and capitialismJune 22, 2016
Campaign launched to free the delegatesJune 22, 2016
The Trump campaign and the Trump OrganizationJune 22, 2016
From 'expletive deleted' to 'ISIS deleted'June 21, 2016
Why does President Obama humiliate women of color?June 21, 2016
Did the Trump 'intervention' come too late?June 21, 2016
Loretta Lynch: White guilt forever; Muslim guilt neverJune 21, 2016
US and Russian jets in confrontation over SyriaJune 21, 2016
Heather Mac Donald’s The War on CopsJune 21, 2016
Can the Trump campaign reboot and win?June 21, 2016
Bad blood: Britain, Brexit, and BarackJune 21, 2016
When it comes to illegal immigrants, Paul Ryan sides with DemocratsJune 21, 2016
Liberal self-hating Jews find a standard-bearer in Bernie SandersJune 21, 2016
Thank Ailes for Trump?June 21, 2016
Obama’s Middle East machinations gone awryJune 21, 2016
Hey, Bernie voters: Check out VenezuelaJune 21, 2016
Obama Administration's Terror DelusionsJune 21, 2016
The nonplussed gay AmericanJune 20, 2016
House committee at war with state AG's prosecuting climate change dissentersJune 20, 2016
California to try charging drivers by the mileJune 20, 2016
Justice Thomas's wife scotches rumors of her husband's retirementJune 20, 2016
New York Times reports on desperate hunger and starvation in Venezuela, but omits mention of ‘socialism’June 20, 2016
Corrected Gravis poll has Trump well out in front of Clinton at national levelJune 20, 2016
Obama’s Yosemite trip causes Father’s Day weekend chaosJune 20, 2016
Kenya to close world's largest refugee camp due to terrorismJune 20, 2016
David Brooks @NYT: We must let the terrorists in, or they will kill usJune 20, 2016
Deflector generalJune 20, 2016
Israeli opposition leader Herzog made secret deal with Palestinians before electionJune 20, 2016
Not just Orlando: 3 other Islamist domestic terror news stories last week the MSM ignoredJune 20, 2016
AG Lynch: Orlando shooting 911 transcripts will be purged of references to Islamic terrorJune 20, 2016
The American IntifadaJune 20, 2016
Brazil falling apart one politician at a timeJune 19, 2016
Down the Memory Hole: In 2008 Obama campaign booted 3 newspapers off his campaign planeJune 19, 2016
Obama brings massive carbon footprint for his visit to Yosemite to hector us over global warmingJune 19, 2016
'State of America's Fathers' a study in changing attitudes and responsibilitiesJune 19, 2016
SCOTUS has unequivocally held that any grounds may be used for immigration bansJune 19, 2016
Obama has yet to read archived letters from his fatherJune 19, 2016
Report: Private pension plans in danger of becoming insolvent in less than a decadeJune 19, 2016
The Immigration Compassion TrapJune 19, 2016
Labor union declares newspaper downsizing due to 'right wing plot'June 19, 2016
Trump accuses Jeb Bush of plotting convention coupJune 19, 2016
How to identify terroristsJune 19, 2016
12 arrests in Belgian terror sweepJune 19, 2016
Canadian journalist suggests Christianity treats women as poorly as IslamJune 19, 2016
Ryan, McConnell far less popular than Trump among RepublicansJune 19, 2016
My first Father's Day without my fatherJune 18, 2016
Already this year, more illegal alien families have crossed the border than last yearJune 18, 2016
Hillary’s health: the issue the media refuse to coverJune 18, 2016
Why should anyone need or want an AR-15?June 18, 2016
Muslim politician threatens to rape women’s rights activist on live TV talk showJune 18, 2016
The Democratic Party's civil war over Israel policyJune 18, 2016
Priebus chooses Romney ally to chair convention rules committeeJune 18, 2016
The polls were not biased before the 2012 election, but they are nowJune 18, 2016
How bad can 'politically correct' get?June 18, 2016
London mayor Focuses on bikinis, not bombs, to shield his daughtersJune 18, 2016
Army generals for gun controlJune 18, 2016
The most amusing Trump video everJune 18, 2016
1972: We remember the Watergate break-inJune 18, 2016
DHS’s plan for countering violent extremismJune 18, 2016
The return of the Law of SuspectsJune 17, 2016
Republican state AG's threaten to prosecute climate change alarmistsJune 17, 2016
Israeli rabbi responds to Obama on Islamist threatJune 17, 2016
CIA Director Brennan contradicts Obama on ISIS threatJune 17, 2016
More than 50 State Department officials sign cable urging military action against AssadJune 17, 2016
Trump threatens to go it alone if GOP doesn't support his attacks on Muslims and the Hispanic judgeJune 17, 2016
Evidence for massive liberal bias in Ipsos polling of the Trump vs. Clinton match-upJune 17, 2016
Is It Worth Reading a Newspaper Anymore?June 17, 2016
Where have all the Tommys gone?June 17, 2016
What does 'getting weapons of war off our streets' really mean?June 17, 2016
Obama's penchant for half-staff may suggest his love for a US in defeatJune 17, 2016
Desperate to cover up Iran lie, Kerry shills for business with the mullahsJune 17, 2016
Desmond Tutu nominates mass murderer for Nobel Peace PrizeJune 17, 2016
The Mexican cartels are making 'mucho dinero'June 17, 2016
What's the Narrative Going to Be?June 16, 2016
Desperate White House looking to block double digit Obamacare rate increasesJune 16, 2016
Boston Globe entire front page pushing gun banJune 16, 2016
Hacker leaks DNC oppo research on Trump to mediaJune 16, 2016
After correcting for bias, Clinton's national lead in CBS News poll evaporatesJune 16, 2016
‘We are coming for your guns’: Liberals and the Orlando jihad murdersJune 16, 2016
Answers to some stupid questions from a Connecticut congressmanJune 16, 2016
Does it change anything if Omar Mateen was gay?June 16, 2016
Obama Democrats perpetuate 'assault weapon' falsehoodsJune 16, 2016
Donald Trump to meet with NRA, get schooled on the ConstitutionJune 16, 2016
Shocker: CBS News and ABC/WaPo find that liberal-biased polls disfavor TrumpJune 16, 2016
Obama, LBJ, and another meeting with a national security teamJune 16, 2016
The Homo economicus fallacyJune 16, 2016
'Reconquista' is the wrong termJune 16, 2016
Media/GOP treating Trump same as Romney post-BenghaziJune 15, 2016
A seriously sissified shooting storyJune 15, 2016
Total Clinton income from for-profit schools now set at $22 millionJune 15, 2016
Hillary’s terrorism-enabling surrogateJune 15, 2016
Don't look now, but we're at war again in AfghanistanJune 15, 2016
'Repeal the Second Amendment,' says law professorJune 15, 2016
DHS thinks 'right-wing extremists' pose as big a threat as Islamic terroristsJune 15, 2016
On Islamic terror, words do matterJune 15, 2016
People will talkJune 15, 2016
Failure to integrate: The most important question behind OrlandoJune 15, 2016
Naming terroristsJune 15, 2016
Obama confused about our civilizational struggle with IslamJune 15, 2016
The Tea Party, Trump, and the loss of a great patriotJune 15, 2016
Obama Democrats exploit Orlando shooting for political gainJune 15, 2016
Why did he do it?June 15, 2016
Many in the left don't want to see what is happening out the windowJune 14, 2016
Daniel Gilroy, the co-worker who warned of Omar Mateen’s deranged hatred, earlier was a victim of political correctnessJune 14, 2016
Hillary HilarityJune 14, 2016
The Clinton Global Initiative scam is crashingJune 14, 2016
Corrected national polling data shows Trump in the leadJune 14, 2016
Trump again plays by his own rulebook, revokes WaPo press credentialsJune 14, 2016
Baltics on 'war footing' as NATO looks to deter Russian aggressionJune 14, 2016
Great Britain edging toward BrexitJune 14, 2016
Chicago property owners to receive massive tax increaseJune 14, 2016
Orlando jihad massacre: Hillary Clinton makes a very important point that Trump missedJune 14, 2016
Six magic words for Donald TrumpJune 14, 2016
Insanity sitting on the benchJune 14, 2016
Exhibit Bush vs. Exhibit ObamaJune 14, 2016
The American progressive left: the greatest threat to American MoslemsJune 14, 2016
“First they came…”June 13, 2016
ACLU attorneys blame 'Christian right' for Orlando shootingJune 13, 2016
CAIR: We’re victims, tooJune 13, 2016
Protecting the Privacy of Nonprofit Donors from AbuseJune 13, 2016
Why Omar Mateen’s obvious danger signs were missed and he was allowed to purchase weaponsJune 13, 2016
The silliest academic papers that made it into printJune 13, 2016
Reuters: Obama gives up on using executive power to close GitmoJune 13, 2016
Hillary calls for more efforts to defend country as FBI diverts agents to investigate herJune 13, 2016
Trump will take Utah in NovemberJune 13, 2016
It's not about gunsJune 13, 2016
The Orlando shooter didn't complain about Gitmo before shooting peopleJune 13, 2016
What's a liberal to do?June 13, 2016
Orlando: An act of warJune 13, 2016
A tale of two valedictoriansJune 12, 2016
Obama blames 'hate’ not Islam or Jihad for Orlando nightclub massacreJune 12, 2016
Orlando gay nightclub shooter was a registered DemocratJune 12, 2016
Obama’s Orlando funeral dilemmaJune 12, 2016
Mass shooting and hostage taking at Orlando gay nightclub appears to be Islamic terrorismJune 12, 2016
Judicial madness: Judge rules a woman, born as a man is legally 'non-binary'June 12, 2016
English, Russian soccer fans clash in huge brawl before and after soccer matchJune 12, 2016
Hilarious: NPR and NYT talk about Venezuela’s economic catastrophe and avoid the obviousJune 12, 2016
Speaker Ryan to NeverTrumpers: He won 'fair and square'June 12, 2016
Dutch woman in Qatar charged with adultery after reporting she was rapedJune 12, 2016
Anti-Trump GOP hysteria over imaginary Trump ‘enemies list’June 12, 2016
GOP insider Meg Whitman likely to vote for ClintonJune 12, 2016
Alaska Obamacare market facing total collapseJune 12, 2016
Report: Romney appeared to ‘tear up’ talking to supporters about TrumpJune 12, 2016
Polling fantasies heavily biased against TrumpJune 12, 2016
June 1944: The summer when a 15-year-old played ballJune 11, 2016
How Trump plans an eventJune 11, 2016
New Clinton email released was 'classified'June 11, 2016
Vox's fantasies over how Canadians view immigration and multiculturalismJune 11, 2016
Will Obama pardon Hillary if the FBI refers to Justice?June 11, 2016
The House strikes a blow against political correctnessJune 11, 2016
Gotta love it! Rancher gets on his horse, lassos bike thief outside Walmart in OregonJune 11, 2016
More examples showing Google gaming its search engine to favor ClintonJune 11, 2016
How did a Clinton donor, a Chicago securities trader, end up on the intelligence board?June 11, 2016
Mitt Romney denounces Trump ‘trickle-down racism’ and emerges as leader of Stockholm syndrome wing of the GOPJune 11, 2016
Obama an unindicted co-conspirator in Clinton email felonies?June 11, 2016
The DNC wall to guard Hillary’s Armani jacket collectionJune 11, 2016
Obama's endorsement of Hillary has a downside for herJune 11, 2016
Will it matter to American Jews who wins in November?June 11, 2016
Obamacare and 2016June 11, 2016
Paul Ryan reveals who he really isJune 10, 2016
Liberal Esquire writer visits the border, comes back supporting the wallJune 10, 2016
Is the Hillmailgate FIX in?June 10, 2016
Founder of Judge Curiel’s lawyers’ group: California whites ‘ought to go back to Europe’June 10, 2016
Market cap decline due to Target boycott reaches $11 billionJune 10, 2016
Our republic is slip-sliding awayJune 10, 2016
The topsy-turvy polls have Hillary leading againJune 10, 2016
Some Clinton emails dealt with Pakistan drone strikesJune 10, 2016
Obama's ransom for captured sailors funding Iran's military buildupJune 10, 2016
Missing the point on the ‘transgender’ bathroom warsJune 10, 2016
Senator Collins says she may support Hillary Clinton for presidentJune 10, 2016
Obama’s proposed oil tax would more than double federal gasoline taxJune 10, 2016
Donald Trump: DeadbeatJune 10, 2016
Trump is conservative, but not a conservativeJune 10, 2016
San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association appears to have a strong 'pro-Mexico' agendaJune 10, 2016
Green Bernie?June 9, 2016
The arrogance of one-party government in CaliforniaJune 9, 2016
Feds shield misbehaving bureaucrats from public exposure for their misdeedsJune 9, 2016
Another academic hit job on conservatives falls apartJune 9, 2016
Missing: New Hispanic citizens to vote against TrumpJune 9, 2016
Justice must be seen to be doneJune 9, 2016
Deepak Chopra says Trump is 'mentally retarded'June 9, 2016
White House says about a dozen freed Gitmo detainees attacking AmericansJune 9, 2016
Trump fundraisers walk back goal of raising $1 billion for campaignJune 9, 2016
Trump and the down-ballotJune 9, 2016
Hillary censors paperback version of Hard ChoicesJune 9, 2016
More unintended consequences of Hillary’s email serverJune 9, 2016
Islamic State kills dozens of its own in hunt for spiesJune 9, 2016
Stephanie Soechtig's anti-Second Amendment documentary: Fake or felony?June 9, 2016
Almost a tie in PeruJune 8, 2016
Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial page editor calls for murder of GOP legislatorsJune 8, 2016
How McConnell and Gingrich reacted to Judge Sotomayor’s 'wise Latina' commentsJune 8, 2016
Trump facing blowback from GOP pols terrified of his critique of judge as ‘Mexican’June 8, 2016
Are illegals kidnapping kids at the border to pass themselves off as a 'family'?June 8, 2016
Straight white males banned from university lecture union's 'equality conferences'June 8, 2016
Sufficient evidence exists to require Judge Curiel to recuse himself from any litigation involving TrumpJune 8, 2016
Wearing a Donald Trump hat violates school dress code; hijab or sombrero doesn'tJune 8, 2016
Report: Obamacare forcing hundreds of thousands into part time workJune 8, 2016
GOP luminaries bashing Trump thereby endorse La RazaJune 8, 2016
Actually, Mexico is very close to a failed stateJune 8, 2016
Donald Trump's recipe for victoryJune 8, 2016
Generous deeds, selfish motivesJune 8, 2016
Disneyland, the VA's wayJune 8, 2016
Regressive media applaud the San Jose violenceJune 8, 2016
El Chapo would rather be in Brooklyn watching his 'telenovela'June 7, 2016
Civil rights data from public school has some eye-opening conclusionsJune 7, 2016
New liberal agenda on full display at Trump-less Miss USA pageantJune 7, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s eyesJune 7, 2016
Hillary’s lack of self-awarenessJune 7, 2016
Laureate gave Bill Clinton $16.5 million, also gave student loans to non-citizensJune 7, 2016
House primaries today could determine control in NovemberJune 7, 2016
Philadelphia tells Democratic convention demonstrators they won’t be arrestedJune 7, 2016
Male high schooler makes girls' finals at Alaska state track championshipsJune 7, 2016
Austria’s shift to the rightJune 7, 2016
Navy mass punishment: Unfair and ineffectiveJune 7, 2016
How long will citizens put up with riots at their peaceful political rallies?June 7, 2016
A dash of optimism regarding our armed forcesJune 7, 2016
Berning through other people's moneyJune 7, 2016
Memo to Mr Trump: Talk jobs, jobs, and more jobs!June 7, 2016
President Obama – Why are we over there?June 6, 2016
Hillary can't bring herself to say that personal gun possession is a constitutional rightJune 6, 2016
More bombshell revelations from new Clinton bookJune 6, 2016
Self-flagellating liberals beat the tom-toms for their boxerJune 6, 2016
San Jose police chief who allowed mob attacks on Trump supporters is affiliated with La RazaJune 6, 2016
California showdown is Bernie's Alamo and Hillary's WaterlooJune 6, 2016
Schooling Trump and entrepreneurs in nanny state lessonsJune 6, 2016
President-elect of the Philippines urges citizens to kill drug dealersJune 6, 2016
GAO says at least $136 billion in improper payments made by governmentJune 6, 2016
Government celebrates 50 years of transparencyJune 6, 2016
Kuczynski ahead of Fujimori in Peru, but it's still too close to callJune 6, 2016
IRS finally releases list of conservative groups it targetedJune 6, 2016
David French says no, thank you to Bill KristolJune 6, 2016
GHG emissions were climbing well before BC stopped raising its carbon taxJune 6, 2016
Canada's carbon tax Trojan Horses in the conservative movementJune 6, 2016
No 'kissin' cousins' in a Mexican election SundayJune 5, 2016
Coming Attractions: Former Secret Service Officer Spills the Beans on Hillary in the White HouseJune 5, 2016
Hillary’s uncontrollable cough is backJune 5, 2016
Is a ‘Red Summer’ coming to Chicago?June 5, 2016
California looks to criminalize undercover video of Planned ParenthoodJune 5, 2016
The return of tuberculosis to the United StatesJune 5, 2016
Former Marine fired for lowering flag on Memorial DayJune 5, 2016
Swiss voters reject 'money for nothing' scheme to replace welfareJune 5, 2016
Lefty NY Mayor de Blasio used a spreadsheet of campaign donors in making political appointmentsJune 5, 2016
Former Bush AG: Trump right to question judge's biasJune 5, 2016
The message of the San Jose violenceJune 5, 2016
Sanders: 'The Democratic National Convention will be a contested convention'June 5, 2016
The Judgment of ServitudeJune 5, 2016
Free trade not exactly helping the Rust BeltJune 5, 2016
Forget Trump -- Mexico should worry about our last jobs reportJune 4, 2016
Loretta Lynch sides with fired VA official on appeal issueJune 4, 2016
Hillary’s hacked emails probably revealed the names of hidden intelligence officialsJune 4, 2016
Clinton IT aide ordered to turn over immunity agreementJune 4, 2016
Dems on FEC want to investigate political jokesJune 4, 2016
Mother of NJ Zika baby flew to US to get treatment, will cost taxpayers $1 million for lifetime treatment of her citizen-babyJune 4, 2016
Who will be using opposite sex bathrooms under cover of being ‘transgender’?June 4, 2016
DHS 'catch and release' policy reaches a ludicrous highJune 4, 2016
Michelle Obama uses commencement speech to attack Trump, border wall, without naming namesJune 4, 2016
Muhammad Ali's death reignites 1960's debates on war and raceJune 4, 2016
New York City proclaims a man who thinks he's a woman is a 'real woman'June 4, 2016
Haul out the conspiracies for the lame-duck president!June 4, 2016
I'm a former rapper, and I don't mind being called a thugJune 4, 2016
The murky politics of autism hysteriaJune 4, 2016
Self-esteem and self-respectJune 3, 2016
Anti-Trump rioters are electing Trump one riot at a timeJune 3, 2016
Smuggling network bringing Middle East illegals to our borderJune 3, 2016
Outrage compounded: San Jose mayor blames Trump for violence committed against his followersJune 3, 2016
Job growth in May worst in 5 yearsJune 3, 2016
Intelligence officers sabotaging Trump campaignJune 3, 2016
Gun doc creator not sorry about brazenly biased editJune 3, 2016
Outrageous violence against Trump rally attendees in San JoseJune 3, 2016
California Senate refuses to take up bill to prosecute climate change 'deniers'June 3, 2016
Alan Grayson’s unusual wedding present to his brideJune 3, 2016
Behold: The rare and elusive Hispanic racist!June 3, 2016
Speaker Ryan demands investigation into State Department censorship of press briefing videoJune 3, 2016
Congrats to Iran, our new best buddy, for being named #1 state sponsor of terrorismJune 3, 2016
Hillary Clinton lays out her foreign policy: Being not-TrumpJune 3, 2016
Ryan's Trump endorsement accelerates GOP unityJune 3, 2016
The danger of Bernie SandersJune 2, 2016
Uh-oh! Selective Service does not buy into ‘transgender’ theoryJune 2, 2016
Obama proposes expanding Social Security benefits while the program careens toward insolvencyJune 2, 2016
Withdrawal of Letter by climate change scientists urging prosecution of skeptics deemed a 'mistake'June 2, 2016
ACLU state leader quits after daughters ‘frightened’ by biological males in restroomJune 2, 2016
Betrayed by an America-hating pressJune 2, 2016
David French’s video supporting Trump will create problems if he runsJune 2, 2016
No, I’m not going to watch Roots againJune 2, 2016
Pro-Sanders protests set to roil Democratic conventionJune 2, 2016
Trigger warning: Hillary avoids pressJune 2, 2016
Clinton IT aide to take the fifth in Judicial Watch depositionJune 2, 2016
Despite being a no-gun zone, guns used on UCLA campusJune 2, 2016
Shock research finding: Mars has experienced massive climate changeJune 2, 2016
Leader of Ontario's Progressive Conservatives linked to controversial Islamic charityJune 2, 2016
Schoen is right that it won't be Mrs. ClintonJune 1, 2016
Michelle Obama shoots off her mouth in embarrassing tiradeJune 1, 2016
Where is the administration getting the money to fund these Obamacare programs?June 1, 2016
Sen. Sessions warns Ryan to adapt to Trump or leave officeJune 1, 2016
Former Canadian Prime Minister has epic Twitter meltdown over TrumpJune 1, 2016
Colorado prosecutor: Marijuana-related murders are skyrocketingJune 1, 2016
Administration criticizes judge who ordered DoJ lawyers to attend ethics classesJune 1, 2016
Los Angeles TV station discovers hundreds of dead people votingJune 1, 2016
Did Obama pay a ransom to Iran for our captured sailors?June 1, 2016
SCOTUS hands down a property rights victoryJune 1, 2016
Judge in Trump lawsuit ruled against sacred Indian burial ground in favor of wind project scamJune 1, 2016
Roger L. Simon’s new book on moral narcissismJune 1, 2016
NeverTrump Reconsidered: Never say neverJune 1, 2016
Austria's Freedom Party: 'The result of the election could change'June 1, 2016
Stupid Bill TricksJune 1, 2016
From ‘spaceman’ to socialist?
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- How Mississippi eliminated the income tax
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- The disturbing things that happen when you abandon Biblical principles
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- New report: NYPD officer accused of spying for the Chinese…from the same building as the FBI field office
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