Politicizing the Holy War
There are no accidents, just slumber or complicity.
The current state of affairs tell us all we need to know as our ever expanding social state proceeds to consume the values and liberties of a reasonably moral majority.
In reality, we've always been on shaky ground. We are an indoctrinated nation ripe for manipulation. Cultural change is susceptible to slick marketing campaigns that appeal to our natural depravities. Ultimately, the battles for the hearts and minds of men are spawned from origins that run much deeper. An appeal to Biblical Christianity is the undervalued antidote and blessed blueprint for what ails a divided and spiritually misguided people.
You may blame it on Finneyism, Modernism, or the Social Gospel -- to name just a few possible culprits -- but somewhere along the way our Holy Bibles were traded for scripted, shallow declarations of faith. After decades of rapid revivals and “easy believism”, it appears that the dams are ready to break. The culture war is finally exposed for what it truly is - a holy war. (Spiritually speaking, not a ‘war’ in the physical sense. Matthew 5:39.)
A true Biblical hermeneutic puts all things in a proper perspective, however. Jesus was not anti-women nor was he against the natural order of things. All things are but a mere manifestation of greater spiritual realities. But ‘first things’ must come first and be well understood for all else to ever be right.
Civil order will not come in the form of social justice or as part of an open society found on the soft bigotry of low expectations. Practical atheism lies at the heart of a religiously human-centered movement that operates under the guise of Christianity. Acts of mercy void of sound doctrine are as useless as words of truth void of tangible fruit meaningless. Neither can ever deliver true sustenance.
Jesus' message is one of promise for things to come -- a spiritual regeneration and final restoration. He is that living message for all that truly believe. His humble death and glorious resurrection are the vital and essential starting foundation. A deep understanding of these two points places our emphasis, praise, and eternal glory where it truly belongs.