Media starting to come together on Saudi 9-11 involvement

Under cover of 2016 election headlines, the liberal media have  finally confessed  that the Saudi ruling clan is directly responsible for the 9/11/01 mass terror attack on the Twin Towers in New  York City and on the  Pentagon fifteen years ago.  

These facts have been widely rumored, because the 17 attackers followed Saudi  (Wahhabi) war  theology, along with thousand-year-old suicide-murder tactics against infidels. 

That news has now been confirmed by the major media, which colluded in fifteen years of cover-up. 

Media sources confirming Saudi guilt include the New York PostCNN (reporting  Saudi threats of reprisals against the disclosures), the New York TimesThe Independent (U.K.), and numerous other media outlets (see here).  However, we have not seen the kind of organized, single-headline media campaign that we have seen so many times when all the liberal establishment media want to make a major splash.  The most likely reason is that the media will have to explain their own fifteen years of cover-up very soon.  Their mendacious answer will be but we already told you so.  That will be another lie, of course. 

Strategically, the electoral success of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz is likely to have  forced the disclosure of  the  massive U.S. and EU  establishment cover-up since 9/11/01.  A de facto Radical Left-Radical Jihad alliance is now faced with a choice of gradually revealing the truth to the public or staging a  public coup d'état both here and in Europe.  The political-media establishment has therefore been forced into a checkmate by the popular success of political candidates it  could not control, and who may be prepared to reveal Saudi criminal responsibility for the Jihad War that started with 9/11/01 and continues to this  day. 

The Saudis are not the only regimes involved, since the duty of making jihad against infidels is one of the Five Pillars of Muslim indoctrination around the world.  But the media finger is now pointing to the Saudi "royals" as the  major instigators of the initial act of war against the American homeland fifteen years ago.  There has been massive, culpable collusion between the Saudis and other  fundamentalist jihad regimes, like Iran, and among American and European political elites. 

This is a first step, but it is nothing but a first step on a journey of a thousand miles.  The coming election will plausibly pit a conservative Republican against a Democratic Party candidate who has been in close collusion with the 9/11/01 cover-up.  The Republican establishment has not been innocent in the last fifteen years.  But the Obama left shares the goal of jihad, a worldwide power elite aiming to eliminate free nations.  American voters are finally faced with a genuine choice – but voters must keep a close watch and challenge any politician in office, Republican or Democrat.  We cannot trust anyone with overwhelming power for four whole years, in a world of nuclear proliferation and instantaneous web communication. 

Winston Churchill in 1942: "Now this is not the end [of the world war].  It is not even the beginning of the end.  It may be the end of the beginning."

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