A lifetime Republican no more

It started in the second Eisenhower administration, so that makes it a fairly long stretch of working for, supporting, and voting for the Republican nominees.  No more!

There are not that many political figures that I truly admired.  Eisenhower, a soldier and a statesman, incorruptible.  Senator Everett Dirksen, a conservative pillar.  Barry Goldwater, a clear conservative choice, a patriot.  There was Secretary Kemp, who kept Bush One from wimping out on independence for the Baltics.  Ronald Reagan, one of a kind, who truly understood the essence of this country and its God-inspired founding.

All those times, I pulled the straight national Republican lever.  In some years I did it holding my nose, but the GOP was always closer to my values of a less intrusive government at home and a clearer comprehension of our enemies abroad.

There is a large list of conservative columnists, opinion writers, and pundits whom I follow in print, on the internet, and on radio who give me much pleasure and additional insight into the political world.  Quite often, they confirm my own opinions.  The first was William Buckley, whom I first saw on a small black and white TV covering the conventions.  A giant!  I will not name them all, but among those who stand out today and in no particular order are Jonah Goldberg,  Paul Greenberg, Mark Steyn, Kevin Williamson, Charles Krauthammer, George Will (I don't always understand him), Thomas Sowell (I never miss reading his column), and Walter Williams (the most informative substitute host for Rush).

Naming these people is my way of whistling past the graveyard, hoping that they remain true to their conservative beliefs.  I lost a few whom I liked and respected.  My list of favorites has been shortened; some men and women have gone over to the dark side.  I will not name them...but how on Earth can anyone with a quark of intelligence support a draft-dodging egomaniac, a lifetime Democrat donor, who cannot even spell "conservative"?

Now Priebus is asking us to unite behind The Donald.  I have three words for you, Reince.  And the same goes in spades to the Republican Party leaders like Boehner; my senator, Kirk; and many others who traded their principles for their continuous access at the public trough.  Enough!

So what now?  Options are few, none very promising.  The choice between the two presumed nominees is no choice at all.  "Never Trump, never Hillary" could be carved on my tombstone, and yet the Donks are not stupid, and I cannot believe that they would allow a congenital liar and a felon-in-waiting to carry the banner for Obama's third term.  Comrade Sanders?  Pazhalstva!

The whispers I now hear about resurrecting Biden for one term to hold the door open for the Cherokee woman make much sense, and if that is their choice...goodbye, Trump.

Can Biden-Warren win in November?  You know the one about the bear in the woods. 

The W in the D column would result in dimming the light in the Shining City on a Hill, but at least that light would not be extinguished as it would with Clinton or Trump.  No, I would not vote for them to keep Trump out.

It is my hope that during the next four to six years, a reborn conservative party, perhaps built on the Tea Party foundation, can scrub itself of the RINOs in the Senate, retain the House, and restore the conservative good name with leaders like Paul Ryan, Mike Lee, and Carly Fiorina, and let's not forget Ted Cruz.  Many will say the Republican Party can make a comeback from this train wreck.  Perhaps, but for me, its funeral will take place in Cleveland this July.

Even as I write this, naming conservatives working to restore the good name, their numbers get smaller as they dump their principles and jump on the Trump wagon.  Sheer insanity, because there is no way Trump can win.  The Donks could nominate their symbol and still beat Trump, and the turncoats like Rick Perry and Chris Christie will live the rest of their lives as former conservatives, no longer knowing which public toilet door to access.

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