Prosecuting free speech
The U.S. attorney general and the Democrat attorneys general in several states are indicating that they are considering legal action against people who believe that current climate change is natural and cyclical, as it has been throughout billions of years, instead of caused by humans. Is it any wonder that scientists who are skeptics won’t come forward when their livelihood is threatened?
I can’t imagine the outrage by the media, Democrats, professors, and scientists if the government were threatening legal action against anyone who disagreed with the statement that human life begins at conception.
The founding fathers considered free speech and a free press so important that both was put in the First Amendment to the Constitution. They did not want the government to control the message.
It is a very slippery slope when the government says not only that people who disagree with them should not be listened to, but that they should be forced to shut up.
Lois Lerner at the IRS intentionally blocked applications from political opponents of the president to stifle their ability to raise funds and voice opposition to Obama’s policies prior to the 2012 election. Lerner was found in contempt of Congress, which legally requires the Justice Department to take the case to a grand jury. The Justice Department ignored the law and dismissed the case without taking it to a grand jury.
Recently, President Obama was speaking to schoolchildren in Argentina and said there is not much difference between communism and capitalism – just choose what works. Communism does not allow freedom of speech.
Everyone should wake up, especially the media, to the fact that our freedoms are being rapidly diminished, especially freedom of speech.