Hillary's Heart of Darkness
Hillary Clinton now has proclaimed that "an unborn person has no Constitutional rights." She used the word "person," not the preferred-by-the-left "fetus." Oops! Big mistake. The pro-choice crowd always refers to unborn humans as embryos or fetuses. Never are they actual persons; an unborn fetus is, most importantly, not a "child." Perhaps Hillary never accompanied Chelsea to an ultrasound or an HD video of Chelsea's unborn daughter. If she did, then she is a colder, crueler woman than previously known. No one who has had the privilege to watch her own child move about in utero, or a grandparent who has been fortunate enough to be present at these glorious moments, can come away from the experience and say that what they saw was not a very human life. If a person is lucky enough to see several, subsequent ultrasounds or videos of the growing baby in utero, he or she will be astounded, awestruck, by the humanity of that tiny person.
While ultrasound has been around since the 1960s, it was not routine here in the US until the 1980s. It has steadily improved in quality. By the late '90s, people could learn the gender of their babies, if the pregnancy was one of multiples, if the baby needed help (and surgical help could and can be provided in utero), or if the baby had special needs that would have to bee addressed at birth. In short, the technology altered forever the debate about when life begins. Now a pregnant woman can capture a high definition video of her unborn child moving about. Unless one has seen one of these videos, one cannot imagine the take-your-breath-away humanity of that tiny human.
Legally, Hillary is correct (for the moment); the law has yet to catch up science. But the technology has progressed so far beyond the law that her statement on Meet the Press was shocking. Hillary apparently still believes a woman should have the right to abort a child at any time throughout her pregnancy, right up to moment before delivery. Like Obama, who fought hard to defeat the Infant Born Alive act in Illinois, Hillary clearly feels nothing whatever about an unborn "person." Nothing at all. This is hard to imagine given the fact that she had to have seen ultrasounds of her granddaughter and that Chelsea is again pregnant. But then, accompanying her daughter to the obstetrician may not be in her wheelhouse. That she could say what she did was as blatantly cold and lifeless as a sixty-eight year-old grandmother "person" could possibly be. She is the most tone-deaf person in politics.
There is a federal law on the books that makes it a crime to cause the death of an unborn child, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, 2004, which makes it a crime to kill, even accidently, an unborn child. If a drunk driver kills a pregnant woman and her unborn child dies, that driver is charged with a double homicide. But despite this law, the Obama administration has not charged Nidal Hasan with the murder of an unborn child amidst his slaughter of thirteen plus one. Like Obama, Hillary believes that unborn victims of violence are human detritus.
Hillary's contention that a developing human has no constitutional rights, given the technology we all have access to today, is depraved. She must not become the President of the United States, for this and countless other reasons.