John Locke and Today's Christian

Christians are in a tough spot, but when were we not?

In America, and our modern age, where truth is exchanged for lies, our place in the political realm is particularly tricky.

Our faith offers a better way for the apostate. Tragically, when we make our case in the political sphere, we are perceived as judges and legislators. When we call on our representatives to assist in making our case for a better way founded on a firm foundation, they ultimately don't have the heart for it.

Cultural decay becomes the logical conclusion, at least in the political realm. There comes a point, God willing, when those on top don't truly represent a faithful majority.

A few foundational Constitutional principles to remember:

*Social contract theory

*Classical republicanism and liberal theory as reflected in the United States Declaration of Independence

*Governmental separation of powers

*How “of all the men we meet with, nine parts of ten are what they are, good or evil, useful or not, by their education"

*The denial of God's existence undermines the social order and leads to chaos. This excludes all atheistic varieties of philosophy and all attempts to deduce ethics and natural law from purely secular premises, for example, man's "autonomy or dignity or human flourishing". At a minimum the cosmological argument is valid and proves God's existence.

*We as a people (which includes all of mankind) have been "sent into the world by God's order, and about his business, we are his property, whose workmanship we are, made to last during his, not one another's pleasure.

*Human rights are founded on the biblical belief in creation: "All men are created equal, they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

*Lastly and of Central importance, Government needs the consent of the governed. This is vital to the Declaration of Independence and a faithful upholding of our rule of law as stated in our U.S. Constitution.


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