Here's how green activists affect poverty

Desperately poor people focus on feeding their families and have no spare energy to support secondary concerns such as the environment.

Destitute societies also see large families as free labor and old-age insurance.  Thus, poverty inevitably produces growing populations and environmental degradation.

The industrial revolution, powered by abundant reliable energy from coal, oil, and gas, provided rural laborers with better-paying jobs in industry and government.  With kerosene tractors, iron ploughs, and no draft horses to feed, farmers had more food to sell.  Food prices fell, cities grew, and society supported more culture, conservation, and welfare.

With increasing prosperity, Western families became smaller, reducing birth rates below replacement levels, thus moderating population pressure on the environment.

Today's green policies are reversing these centuries of progress.  They are restricting mining, farming, forestry, fishing, and heavy industry by delaying approvals, denying access to land, increasing taxes and the dole, and making electricity more costly and unreliable.

These policies destroy industry, savings, and jobs.  Chronic unemployment undermines the ability to support arts, the environment, welfare, and overseas aid.  Green charities like the climate industry will also suffer.

Western recession and U.N. promotion of green energy will also increase poverty in the Third World, where swelling populations will further degrade their environment.

Societies are becoming angry.

Today's Green Shirts will produce tomorrow's Dark Age.

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