Trump Being Targeted for not Repudiating a Non-endorsement
Sunday, Donald Trump, who has always dismissed David Duke and his ilk, was asked a question about Duke's endorsement of him and he said he needed to check on that. "I have to look at the group. I don't know what group you're talking about," he told CNN. He claims a bad earpiece made him mishear the question and the result sounded as though he had to check on Duke himself.
David Duke denies ever endorsing Trump. So in effect Trump's being smeared for not repudiating a non-endorsement. Let me know when Hillary is asked to repudiate black lives matter as she tootles around the country with Trayvon Martin's mother, or the Moslem Brotherhood with which she's so intimately tied. For those who care, Spengler makes crystal clear that Trump is a better supporter of Israel than is Hillary. Note to Conspiracy Theorists: The Neo-Conservatives aren’t Zionists