Soros gives last-minute $6-million donation to Hillary super-PAC

Hillary Clinton has been running against "big money" in politics and "billionaires" buying elections.

But her rage apparently doesn't extend to liberal billionaire George Soros, who gave a Clinton super-PAC a $6-million donation recently.  That brings the total donations to the Clinton campaign by Soros to $8 million over the last year.

Daily Caller:

The Soros donation was given to Priorities USA Action, a Clinton-alligned super PAC. The PAC reported $36 million in the bank at the beginning of 2016.

The $6 million check from the controversial billionaire follows a $1 million donation he previously gave the the group and another $1 million donation to another pro-Clinton super PAC American Bridge 21st Century, bringing the billionaire’s total to $8 million given to help elect Hillary Clinton.

Just under two weeks ago, Clinton condemned “big-money donors” in politics and pledged to overturn the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court. On January 21, 2016, she wrote:

It’s time to reclaim our democracy, reform our distorted campaign finance system and restore access to the ballot box in all 50 states.

That starts with reversing Citizens United. And that’s where my comprehensive plan to restore common sense to campaign finance begins. As president, I’ll appoint Supreme Court justices who recognize that Citizens United is bad for America. And if necessary, I’ll fight for a constitutional amendment that overturns it.

Clinton's hypocrisy extends to her vow to go after Wall Street bankers, even though she has amassed a fortune in speaking fees at functions sponsored by the big banks. 

There isn't much of a choice between Clinton and Sanders on most issues.  But Hillary's internationalism appeals to Soros, who considers himself a citizen of the world.  That Clinton gratefully accepts Soros's help – along with the help of other guilt-ridden billionaires – shouldn't surprise us.  She's a shameless hypocrite who has built her career on saying one thing and doing another.

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