Give Yourself a Great Gift for Christmas: Liberation From PC

The dictionary defines a phobia as “an abnormal or irrational fear of a specific thing...” Therefore, a phobia is a mental illness. I am fed up with the Left being allowed to decree that everyone repulsed by two men kissing on national TV is mentally ill; abnormal and irrational (homophobic).

In response to SCOTUS ruling in favor of same-sex marriage some Americans said, “What's the big deal? Who cares if homosexuals marry?” These naive Americans did not realize the ruling was only the latest example of government forcing Americans to condone homosexuality. Despite not having the authority to do so, in essence, SCOTUS made it a crime to choose not to actively participate in the normalization of homosexuality.

Regardless of religious or moral convictions, non-compliance with government mandated embrace of homosexuality has resulted in putting people out of business or even jailed; a Vermont pastor was sentenced to a year in jail for refusing to marry a homosexual couple. 

Yes, the Left uses the tactic of attaching the word “phobic”, telling us we are stupid, bigoted or crazy, whenever we reject them forcing its radical anti-God and anti-American agenda down our throats.

To the majority of Americans who realize that America and Christians are under attack by Islamists, the Left (Obama) says we are Islamophobic. In other words, we are mentally ill, irrational and abnormal – crazy. 

In 2016, to save the lives of Americans and restore our great nation, it is crucial that Americans have a Network moment. As instructed in the movie, Network, Americans must throw open their windows and yell, “I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.” 

Rush Limbaugh recently pointed out that not long ago political correctness demands were laughed at and thought too absurd to be implemented. Today, PC dictates are mainstream, are enforced with an iron fist, and are wreaking havoc across America; endangering and enslaving Americans.

When I was a black kid growing up in the projects of Baltimore, anyone who allowed a bully to push them around was called a “chump.” My fellow Americans, we have been allowing the Left to make chumps of us for far too long. Frankly, I am sick of it. In 2016, “Screw PC!” And I'm not crazy!

Just before Christmas, I made a deposit at my bank's drive-through. My favorite teller (a middle-age Hispanic woman) greeted me with, “Happy Holidays.” Then she asked, “Do you say the right (PC) thing, Happy Holidays?” I replied, “I say, Merry Christmas.” A huge smile of relief swept over her face. She responded with a hearty, “Merry Christmas, Mr. Marcus!”

Patriots, we have had a very challenging, heartbreaking and yet hopeful year. Atop my grown up Christmas list is that we who love freedom and America grasp the seriousness of what we are up against. I pray that we are gifted with the courage to liberate ourselves from the bullying of PC; enabling us to restore liberty and save our God-given freedoms which includes free speech.

Here's a link to me singing, “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.”

Enjoy and May God Bless Us Everyone!

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

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