Was the Mizzou poop swastika a fake?

Sean Davis at The Federalist asks a worthwhile question, given the hundreds of documented fake hate crimes, usually perpetrated for the purpose of launching political reactions.  The reason why the purported swastika drawn with feces at Mizzou is suspicious is:

… no evidence of the alleged incident, in which a poop swastika on the wall of a dormitory restroom was reported, has ever been made publicly available. Did this incident occur as reported, or was it an immaculate defecation that formed the foundation of an unimaginable deception?

According to Billy Donley, the president of Mizzou’s Residence Halls Association (RHA), the poop swastika was reported at approximately 2:00 a.m. on October 24, 2015.

“On Saturday, October 24th, at 2:00am an individual came into one of the restrooms in Gateway Hall and drew a swastika on the wall with their own feces,” Donley wrote in a letter several days after the alleged incident. “This event happened while many students, including myself, were already asleep.”

Later in his letter, Donley noted that he only found out about the alleged vandalism incident “via a flyer posted on the walls” of the dorm.

Although Donley did not respond to repeated requests for comment prior to publication, The Federalist spoke with two RHA staffers while trying to get in touch with Donley. Neither had personally witnessed the poop swastika. When asked if there was any photographic evidence of the alleged incident, one staffer replied, “Not to my knowledge.”

No on-the-record eyewitnesses and no photographic evidence.  That is suspicious.

The Federalist has attempted to get comments from authorities involved, but so far nothing has been offered in response.  So there is only one alterative:

Under the provisions of Missouri’s broad public records laws, The Federalist has requested from the University of Missouri copies of any and all records relating to the alleged vandalism, including any police or incident reports describing the investigation of the poop swastika by law enforcement authorities, as well as any photographic records of the alleged swastika, and will make that information available if and when it is received from university officials.

Stay tuned.  We’ll know more when the stalling stops.

Update. The MU Police have released the incident report on the swastika, and an officer saw it. But no DNA testing was done to determine the origin of the feces. Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller:

TheDC was able to obtain an incident report through a Freedom of Information Act request filed with the school’s custodian of records.

It shows that a university police officer responded to a call at 2:12 a.m. from members of the residential services staff. The staffers’ names and identifying information is redacted. A third person who name is redacted is listed as a victim on the report.

The officer reported that he entered a co-ed bathroom on the third floor of the residential hall and observed a small swastika drawn with feces.

A majority of the police narrative is redacted, thus shielding any information that may help determine who drew the swastika and why they did so.



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