Milwaukee police officers rescue American flag being burned by protesters

We've all seen demonstrations over the years where protesters burn the American flag while police stand helplessly by.  I know a couple of cops who have told me they wept in frustration at being unable to rescue the flag being desecrated.

On Tuesday night outside the venue in Milwaukee where the GOP debate was being held, several hundred demontrators engaged in a partisan protest against Republicans.  A few of the demonstrators set fire to the American flag, at which point Milwaukee police officers moved in, extinguished the fire consuming the flag, and then did something quite unexpected: they reverently folded the flag, showing the proper respect for the damaged standard.


Milwaukee's police chief says he's proud of officers who were seen on video extinguishing an American flag set on fire by a protester and respectfully folding it outside the Republican presidential debate.

Photos and video of Tuesday night's incident quickly spread on social media. They show officers extinguishing the burning flag near the Milwaukee Theatre and then ceremonially folding the slightly burned flag.

Police Chief Edward Flynn said Wednesday that his officers are responsible for protecting the protesters' rights, but also "to take a treasured symbol of our national unity and freedom and treat it respectfully."

Flynn says the protester has been identified but hasn't been cited. He says prosecutors will decide if charges are merited.

The GOP debate drew hundreds of protesters in an otherwise peaceful rally and march.

The officers move in to save the flag:

Here's a video of the proper way to treat a damaged flag:

An inspiring example from the Milwaukee police, who made a far more powerful statement by rescuing the flag and treating it with the reverence it deserves than did the protesters who tried to burn it.

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