Getting rid of Jews, taking in Muslims

A former French government minister, Patrick Devedjian, who served in the conservative governments of French presidents Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy is in trouble for stating a politically incorrect but politically uncomfortable truth.  

A former French minister stirred up controversy today after saying Germany 'took our Jews and gave us Arabs' as France began taking some of the thousands of refugees arriving in Germany.

Patrick Devedjian, a right-winger who served in the governments of presidents Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy, made the remark at a press conference, but quickly tried to backtrack on social media.

'My humorous jest was misplaced,' Devedjian wrote on his Twitter account, saying he regretted it all the more because he himself helps refugees in need.

Au contraire, former Minister Devedjian, your jest was not misplaced, it was true as far as it went and could have/should have gone further.   As a descendent of Armenian immigrants, certainly you know how the Muslim Ottoman Turks slaughtered their neighbors, the Armenian Christians and other Christians such as the Assyrians and Greeks, 100 years ago without protests from the so called international community.  Indeed this silence helped encourage Hitler, may his name and soul be permanently eliminated, a few decades later when he began his evil  plans.  And the French were very co-operative rounding up the Jews, pointing out their hiding places to the Nazi Germans and stealing their belongings.  The so called World War II French Resistance is an oxymoron, French Collaboration is/was notorious.  

The French Muslims originally entered France in large number from Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco which at one time were French colonies; France governed Lebanon and Syria after World War I under a League of Nations mandate. The French Muslims have not integrated well into France; many neighborhoods are "no go" zones where French police dare not enter.  And now more want to enter if they can't make it to the generous welfare country of Germany.  

Meanwhile the British reneged on their post World War I  Balfour Declaration of 1917 promises  which guaranteed Jews their homeland of Palestine which was also under the League of Nations British Mandate.  In deference to the Arabs however, the British would not allow Jews fleeing Nazi Europe to enter; millions died imprisoned in Europe. 

Later, post World War II, when the British colonies finally gained their freedom and the British were forced to with draw from Palestine as Israel was re-established,  many citizens of the former colonies emigrated to England, including Muslims from Pakistan.  Not as troublesome as their co religionists in France, England is still suffering from diversity problems and does not want more of these so called refugees.  

And so former Minister Devedjian, you are correct; don't apologize.  England, France and Germany--and much of Europe--are paying the consequences of their ancestors' sins.  And their own. 

And on the eve of the Jewish near year of 5776, reading about the troubles of Europe and the intra Muslim slaughter, I am reminded of the Biblical prophecy from Bereshit (English: Genesis) that God gave to Abraham,

"I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves" (Genesis 12:2-3).



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