CNN panel laughs at Hillary --even the Dems

The public already associates words like “liar” and “dishonest” with Hillary Clinton more than other terms. It has reached the point where on serious political cable news programs she has become the object of outright derision for her prevarications, not on Fox News but CNN.

David Ritz of the Free Beacon spotted CNN’s Sunday morning show, State of the Union, showing back-to-back clips of her pandering to separate audiences by claiming first to be a “progressive” and then a “moderate”:


Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has reached the level of laughingstock.  Recovery will be difficult. In 2008, she did not start falling apart until the Iowa caucuses. This cycle she is months ahead of that pace, and falling faster. She is behind Sanders in New Hampshire by a shocking 22 points and in Iowa by 10 points among likely Democrat voters, according to a YouGov poll:

She remains ahead in South Carolina, where blacks comprise a huge share of the Democrats. Sanders’s unpopularity among black Democrats is a huge problem for the part, with nobody willing to point out the levels of anti-Semitism among blacks, whose enthusiastic turnout efforts are essential to Democrat electoral success.

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