The US as dumping ground
Have a problem with a huge disaffected population in your country that has lost all opportunity to work for a decent life because of failed economic/domestic policy? Easy – just send them to the U.S.
In the long run, our open-borders birthright citizenship policy causes great harm in that it allows regimes from Venezuela to Mexico to Russia to persist in pursuing economic/social policies that have failed a huge portion of their own people. From right-wing dictatorships to socialist utopias, the ability to mask and jettison the result of failed policies and persist is enabled by shipping their problems to the USA. If they had no place to go, the failure would be there for all the world to see, and regimes would lose their spurious claims to legitimacy. Current policy hampers the “Darwinian” weeding out of failed socio-economic policies/theories/ideologies and harms future generations.
Currently, apart from Trump, only Jindal and Walker have come out in favor of abolishing birthright citizenship for illegals. Rubio is in favor of keeping birthright citizenship. Kasich is so far gone on the issue that he basically claims that illegals are law-abiding, hardworking Americans. It will be interesting to see where Cruz comes down on the issue. Curiously (incredibly?), at one point Harry Reid supported ending birthright citizenship – as, indeed, one would think most union men would.
There are two magnets to illegal immigration: jobs and birthright citizenship. There is no need for Trump’s ugly deportation scheme. Remove the magnets, and remove the problem. Employers of illegals need to pay the price. And yes, you might have to pay more for beef and strawberries. Meanwhile, make your voice heard.