'Bang bang...oink oink': Armed New Black Panthers protest Bland death

This must have been an interesting sight outside the Waller County, Texas sheriff's office as several armed New Black Panther Party members protested the death of Sandra Bland.


A group of armed members of the New Black Panther Party marched on the Waller County Jail Wednesday afternoon chanting “The revolution is on… Off the pigs,” and “Oink Oink… Bang Bang!” The group of about fifteen Black Panthers exercised their First and Second Amendment rights. The group was met in Waller County by a large contingent of Harris County (Houston) Sheriff’s Office deputies.

In order to avoid a repeat of last weekend’s disturbance where protesters invaded the Sheriff’s Office foyer and engaged in disruptive behavior, Waller County Sheriff R. Glenn Smith called the Harris County Sheriff’s Office to request assistance under a regional assistance agreement. Harris County sent in about seventy-five deputies including about ten horse mounted crowd-control deputies and approximately thirty crowd-control deputies in riot gear.

The Black Panthers marched into the street in front of the jail chanting “Whose streets?… Our streets!” Many of the members of the group were armed with shotguns, hunting rifles and AR-15 style assault rifles. Most looked like they were simply holding the weapon they were carrying. One of the “soldiers” took a more aggressive grip on his weapon, holding his rifle with his finger “indexed” slightly above the trigger. This can be considered a “ready” position in a shooting situation.

During one of the chants the group shouted in a back and forth marching style cadence song:

The revolution is on, said the chant leader. Off the pigs, the group chanted back. The chant continues, Time to pick up the gun… Off the pigs. No more pigs in my community… Off the pigs. No more brothers in jail… Off the pigs. No more sisters in jail… Off the pigs. The pigs are gonna get scared… Off the pigs. The pigs are gonna get dead… Off the pigs.

There was no violence, and no arrests were made.

I guess threatening death to police is perfectly acceptable in this new "post-racial" paradise we live in.  Of course, if a bunch of Kluxers had screamed about killing black policemen, they would have gotten 10 years in prison.

The fact that the Panthers were armed is of no consequence.  As Breitbart points out, they have a perfect right to carry arms – just as the police have a perfect right to outgun them 6-1.  But the calls to kill police have been rising since the Ferguson riots, which gives more radical and unstable people the idea that they'd be doing blacks a favor by gunning down a few white policemen.

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